Entries by Carolyn Cooper

Vibrational Energy Healing

Vibrational energy healing is based on the fact that at a quantum level we are all patterns of light and sound frequencies and as such we are constantly sending messages to the Universe. For thousands of years sages have taught that everything in our material world — animate and inanimate — is made of energy, […]

Train for a Triathlon

I’ve participated in triathlons, and not only does the training get you in fabulous shape, finishing gives you an unbelievable sense of accomplishment. So why not give it a try? Active.com recommends the following workout to train for a triathlon—or to train like a triathlete.

Summer Fitness Tips

Aaahhhh. Summer’s here and the living is easy…maybe a little too easy. Sometimes the lazy days of summer make us slack off on our fitness routines. It’s too hot to work out. That hammock looks mighty comfy. And how about some homemade ice cream? Summer is no time to let down.