Your Energy Speaks Louder Than Your Words

Your Energy Speaks Louder Than Your WordsAre you as confident in all areas of work and life as you would like to be? Confidence is an energy or vibration that others can sense, sometimes before you even open your mouth.  Wherever you are on your journey, you have the power to improve your life by letting go of negative beliefs and self doubts on the inside, thereby changing the signal you emit on the outside.

Ideas to increase confidence, establish rapport and connect energetically with self and others:

1. Owning the fact that you have control over changing your energy level and can do something about your self-confidence level empowers you to take action.

2. Remember that energy follows thought. Use positive affirmations to boost your energy field.

3. Repeating to yourself that your personal energy field is vivid and powerful will naturally boost your confidence.

4. Picture yourself surrounded by a field of strong and vibrant light.

5. Don’t allow negative energy to overtake you through gossiping, complaining or self-pity. By speaking only well of others, you will appear more confident to other people, which will in turn increase your self-confidence.

6. Likewise, don’t dwell on your own negative attributes. When faced with a challenge, an unfamiliar situation or a stressful social occasion, don’t think about how awkward you are, how you have nothing to offer conversationally, how unattractive. Dwell specifically on your positives and on making others feel positive and appreciated.

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