Entries by Carolyn Cooper

Lessons from a Puzzle

One of my favorite holiday traditions is piecing together jigsaw puzzles! From Thanksgiving until around the first week in Jan, my dad always had an extra table setup with a jigsaw puzzle on it. I have carried on this tradition in my own family. Although my “tidy” husband doesn’t like having my puzzle-table in the […]

Opportunities are Everywhere

You can find opportunities close at hand by paying attention to the positive things that are working for you and having gratitude for them, rather than finding reasons why things won’t work. They are lying dormant waiting for the observant eye to discover them.

Waves of Life

by guest writer Wendy Minks Have you ever stood at the beach and let the waves rush over you?  Not ready to jump right in to all the chaos, you timidly walk down to where water meets sand and inch your way in. As you stand there enjoying the cool flood over your hot feet, […]

Introducing the Certified SimplyHealed Practitioners

I’m excited to introduce these certified SimplyHealed practitioners! These practitioners have completed the four-day SimplyHealed course, along with some additional requirements for the SimplyHealed Master’s Program. Hailing from several U.S. states as well as Australia, each of these wonderful women bring their own special gifts to and are great at the work — they can […]