Entries by Carolyn Cooper

This has never happened to me before…

So this is how it feels, eh? In all my life I have NEVER been ready for Christmas a full 10 days ahead! I mean, this is highly unusual…and I love it! Many of my gifts needed to be mailed, so I had a deadline to get them sent so they’ll arrive in time for […]

7 Simple Ways to Regain Calm

A lot has happened in our world since January 2020. We’ve all felt much more anxiety (ours, other’s, and the world’s) in this past 21 months. Even sweet Mother Nature has been responding in an eruptive and “fiery” way lately. With a calm mind we see things from a less frazzled state which helps us […]

Lessons from my dad

Since Father’s Day is this weekend, for this week’s email I wanted to share a few lessons I learned from my dad. What he taught me with his words, and what he taught me through example. My dad was a chiropractor and is the one who sparked and encouraged my interest in holistic healing from […]

So this happened at my Aerobic Competition…

A long time ago in (what now seems to be) a galaxy far, far away… I was a contestant in an “Aerobic Competition.” It was 1990 and I, along with three other fitness instructors from one of the gyms I worked at entered as a 4-person team in a regional competition. In fact, when I […]

Urge to Purge

For most of last year I had what I call “the urge to purge”. No, I don’t mean throwing up, I mean decluttering my home, purging each room, closet, cupboard, drawer. Throwing away, selling, or giving away so many, many items. I was shocked at how much STUFF we had! Our home is generally clean […]

Your Most Courageous Act

What is the most courageous thing you’ve ever done? I was recently asked this question. Hmm…I’ve walked over hot coals barefoot Rode for miles way up high in a hot air balloon Traveled the 18 hours to Australia to teach my training several times by myself Started a business doing something that was previously unknown […]