Do you believe in Near Death Experiences?
June 27, 2022 /0 Comments/in Blog, Living in the Flow /by Carolyn CooperAhh, you saw the title and still clicked to open – I love that, thanks. I really hesitated to write this, but kept feeling a strong impression that for some reason it needs to go out. So even though this isn’t a topic I generally write about, I hope it touches you in a positive way. My intention is always to bring light and hope.
I’ve been listening to a certain YouTube channel a lot lately, not for any particular reason except that I find these stories so fascinating!
The channel is called “Heaven Awaits” and it features stories from people who have died (temporarily), gone to the other side, and come back. There are many similar near death experience channels on YouTube. I also really love the personal NDE stories told on Anthony Chene’s YouTube channel.
Personally, I’ve never had a near-death experience, but I know people who have, and they tell of the overwhelming love they felt there and how that changed the way they now want to love everyone around them.
Most of these stories tell of a life-review, where they not only see every thought, word, and action of their life, but they FEEL the emotions of others involved, and witness how each interaction created ripples for them and others.
For example, one man said he felt the pain of a girl he said unkind things to in school and then saw how that played out to change the trajectory of her life. He came back never wanting to be unkind again because of the pain it caused another (and him to watch and realize it).
Why am I telling you this today?
Well, I’m not sure except that someone must need it. I actually had another email written for this week, but my intuition kept pulling me back to write this one instead.
Perhaps you’ve recently lost a loved one and these stories will give you reassurance that they truly are in a safe and happy place. These stories tell of being thoroughly enveloped by unconditional love, being so happy and peaceful, met by loved ones, learning important lessons, even seeing colors that we don’t have here on earth, and so many other experiences.
And whether you believe in an after life or not, the invitation is to
live a life of love.
Hearing these stories inspires me to:
be more loving and less judgmental
soften my eyes and see what is really there
be kind -always
look closer for opportunities to help my fellow-beings
appreciate my own uniqueness
don’t look back – keep growing forward
forgive others
apologize and make amends where possible
make choices that create a clear conscience
and mostly, although these story tellers say they felt no
judgment other than their own…
I want to live so that I’ll be comfortable watching my life review
…not squirming.
(Eek, that felt super vulnerable to tell you)
I believe our knowledge, memories and love is all we take with us when we leave this life. Although it’s important to follow your dreams and live an expansive life (everyone has their own definition of that), these stories remind us that our time here isn’t about worldly success, but about: how much did you love?
Perhaps you’ll also want to listen to some stories from those channels, or maybe my simple reminder today to live a life of love is all that is needed.
Thanks for letting me share my heart with you today…
To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson