

Gratitude Made Simple: 3 Ways to Start Today

Gratitude Made Simple: 3 Ways to Start Today

Today, I want to share three simple steps to help you embrace gratitude not just this week, but every day. They’re easy, impactful, and best of all, they’ll leave you feeling lighter, happier, and more connected to the beauty of life.

Step 1: Open Your Eyes

This one’s all about seeing what’s already around you.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to overlook the little things—like the way the morning sun glows through your window or the comforting hum of laughter from loved ones? Our brains are wired to notice the unusual, which means we often miss the magic in the familiar.

But those who live in gratitude daily have a secret: they intentionally look.

Take a moment today to open your eyes to the wonders around you. Notice the vibrant colors of fall leaves, a picture on your wall you walk past every day, or the smile of someone you care about. These small things are gifts, and when we pause to see them, we unlock a life filled with wonder and appreciation.

Step 2: Open Your Heart

Gratitude isn’t just about noticing—it’s about feeling.

Sometimes, we let negative emotions like disappointment or irritation take up valuable space in our hearts. But as we all know, those feelings don’t serve us. They block joy, peace, and connection.

It’s time to let them go.

Start by choosing one small thing to release today. Maybe it’s a grudge you’ve been holding or a moment of self-doubt that’s been dragging you down. Replace it with love, forgiveness, and gratitude for what you do have.

When you clear your heart of negativity, you make space for gratitude to shine—and trust me, it feels so good!

Step 3: Open Your Arms

Gratitude grows when we share it with others.

Think about someone in your life who has impacted you—a friend who’s always there, a family member who’s made sacrifices for you, or even a mentor who’s cheered you on. When was the last time you told them how much they mean to you?

A kind word, a heartfelt note, or even a simple hug can go a long way. Not only does it brighten their day, but it fills your heart with a deeper sense of connection and joy.

Gratitude in action is one of the most powerful ways to feel more fulfilled and aligned with the life you want to live.


As Robert Louis Stevenson so beautifully said:
​”The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.”

Let’s wake up to the beauty around us. This week, start with these three steps: open your eyes, open your heart, and open your arms. I promise you’ll feel the shift.

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Three Super Simple Ways to Align Your Peace Today

Three Super Simple Ways to Align Your Peace Today

You know that feeling when you walk into a space and someone’s calm, grounded presence just makes everything feel… better? Like a pebble dropped in still water, your state of being creates ripples that touch everyone around you. And here’s the coolest part – this superpower belongs to every single one of us!

Three Super Simple Ways to Align Your Peace Today:

1. Morning Minutes
Before even rolling out of bed, try this: 3 deep breaths with your hand on your heart. Set a quick intention to carry peace with you today. Watch how this tiny ritual ripples through your entire day!

2. Energy Reset
Feeling frazzled between to-do lists and grocery runs? Quick fix: Feel those feet on the ground, straighten that spine, and imagine yourself as a clear channel of light. 30 seconds tops – but wow, what a difference!

3. The Peace Pause
If you ever feel yourself getting annoyed or impatient with others, try this little gem: “I choose peace, not just for myself, but as my gift to others.” Simple, yet powerful!

Here’s what I love most about personal mastery – it’s never just about us! Every time you choose to stay centered instead of getting pulled into the drama, you’re like a walking chill pill for everyone around you. How cool is that? Your zen moment in the grocery line might just be the reset someone else desperately needed.

Your calm is contagious, so spread it generously!

And if you want to amplify your personal peace superpowers with some one-on-one support let’s connect for a private session. I’ve opened a few more spots in Nov. before I take a little “holiday hibernation” time. Check availability and rates here.


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Monster Repellant – Just Add Light!

Monster Repellant – Just Add Light!

Halloween is over, but the imaginary monsters may still be lurking in our minds. We’ve all experienced that feeling of dread as a kid when we suspect some nightmarish creature is hiding just out of sight under the bed.

Our hearts race, palms sweat, minds conjure up the scary sounds and shadows. But what if we flip on the light switch or work up the courage to peer under? More often than not, the monster is actually a pile of dirty laundry, a forgotten toy, or a stuffed animal with a button eye we mistakenly took for a lurking beast.

Our minds can trick us in similar ways as adults. We anticipate the worst possible scenarios, exaggerate potential threats, and assume fearsome shapes in the darkness of uncertainty.

We magnify small concerns, letting them grow fangs and scales. Add a bit of overthinking and it’s easy for our imagination to blow things out of proportion and morph the mundane into the monstrous.

But just like checking for real monsters under the bed, we can shine the LIGHT of awareness on our worries.

Using tools like SimplyAlign can help dispel the imagined monsters, see things as they truly are, and clear the residual emotions holding us back from peace. Perhaps that metaphorical monster under your bed is just a pair of socks waiting to be tossed in the laundry.

If those pesky anxiety monsters keep creeping up, it may be time to implement more tools to tame them for good.

My upcoming SimplyAlign Training will equip you with energy techniques to get to the root of exaggerated worries. You’ll learn to clear unresolved emotions, rewrite limiting beliefs, and access a calm, focused state to quiet the imaginary, and the real monsters.

SimplyAlign makes energy healing practical for real life so you can overcome anxiety monsters and reclaim your sense of peace. And it’s here for you if you’re ready to shed old fears and start living boldly. I can’t wait to help you tame your monsters and thrive!

  • Been to a SimplyAlign 4-day course in the past? There are still some spots open at the in-person Refresher Course and we’d love to see you there- but hurry, doors close soon!

  • Are you spontaneous and just need a day to re-juvenate? Join us for the Align Your Shine Event! I’ll be speaking about finding, aligning, and shining your light, and I’m excited to share the stage with Mary O’Dwyer leading Breath Work and Heather Rigby playing Sound Bowls. It’s going to be epic! Learn More Here

  • Not ready for a training, but need some help with your monsters? We have a Certified SA Practitioner Directory if you need a personal session and want to see what SimplyAlign can do for you.

Keep Shining,

Carolyn Cooper
SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Love Yourself More - Energy Healing

5 Daily Strategies to Love Yourself More

5 Daily Strategies to Love Yourself More

I was recently asked an interesting question: “Can you help someone to love themself…and is that even possible through SimplyAlign or coaching?”

My answer to that (and what I’m sharing with you today) is -yes it’s possible, and yes, over the 25+ years that I’ve done energy work, and now coaching, I’ve worked with many clients who struggle with self-love and self-acceptance. It seems to be something that affects most of us to one degree or another at different times in our lives. Self love is a critical aspect of any healing process, because having it, or the lack of it, ripples out to all other areas of our lives.

So, whether I’m coaching, or clearing energy with SimplyAlign, here are some strategies I use to help my clients connect to themselves more deeply so they can live and love whole-heartedly. As you read through this list, check in with yourself that you are getting ‘enough’ of each of these, and I invite you to identify one loving thing that you can do for yourself in the next few days:

  1. Self-care: I know we hear it all the time, but one of the best ways to show love to yourself is through self-care. I encourage my clients to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or taking a relaxing bath. When we set aside time for ourselves, we are sending a message to the subconscious mind that we are deserving of that time, love, and care.
  2. Self-compassion: Often, clients who struggle with self-love have a harsh inner critic that constantly berates them, and most often this began in childhood. In addition to releasing any adverse energetic vibration of childhood experiences and/or generational issues, I also teach my clients self-compassion techniques, such as talking to themselves the way they would talk to a friend or visualizing themselves being held in a loving embrace. These techniques help clients cultivate a more compassionate inner dialogue.
  3. Explore limiting beliefs: In general, people who struggle with self-love have underlying limiting beliefs that are holding them back. With SimplyAlign, it’s easy to quickly get to the root causes and release the low-vibrations without having to re-live the entire story. But I also help my clients follow the thread to identify their beliefs and reframe them into a more positive and empowering story. It’s a step toward resilience in the process of connecting with your own heart.
  4. Use positive affirmations: It’s so true that the words we ‘declare’ matter. I find that when asked the right questions, my clients are really skillful at coming up with powerful, customized affirmations they can repeat to themselves daily. These personalized affirmations help to reprogram their subconscious mind with positive beliefs and thoughts, which can help to increase self-love and self-acceptance.
  5. Focus on strengths: I love helping my clients and students see their own light that they may not even be aware of, or have lost sight of. I encourage them to focus on their strengths and accomplishments rather than their perceived shortcomings. And of course by focusing on what they do well and what they have achieved, they can develop a greater sense of their own capacity and self-love.

These five strategies can be practiced everyday to develop a greater sense of self-compassion and self-acceptance.

At the beginning of this post (and since we can all use a stronger, consistent connection to our own heart), I invited you to identify one loving thing from the above list that you can do for yourself in the next few days, and, pro-tip: put a reminder on your calendar to increase accountability and follow through, yay!

As you add more loving thoughts and actions into your life, you’ll find it crowds out the self-limiting thoughts and behaviors, and aligns you with the peace that comes from giving yourself permission to love yourself.

These strategies above work well, AND…if you’re ready to learn how to clean up and revitalize your energy field in a way that is even more streamlined, join us for the next SimplyAlign Training – it’s all LIVE with me online, and includes access for a full year to a HUGE online course -with all the recordings, plus many additional videos and teachings.

You’ll learn how to do energy work for yourself, friends, family, clients (if you choose), and yes, of course your pets!

All in a way that is so simple, yet profoundly effective. Learning SimplyAlign isn’t hard, it’s an intuitive and graceful process that anyone can learn!

SimplyAlign Training:
April 25-28, 2023

If you’ve attended in the past (CalycoHealing, SimplyHealed, or SimplyAlign), don’t miss the REFRESHER Course: March 9/10th.

It’s all online so you can join from anywhere!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Living Above the Line

Are You Living Above The Line?

One of my favorite ways to explain about energy/emotions/frequency, whether I’m teaching a class or just explaining to one client in a private session, is to use the concept of living above or below the line.

This concept is used in a lot of different ways, but I talk about it referring to emotions.

We all get the “opportunity” to feel a broad range of emotions throughout our lives, throughout a week, or really it can be throughout one day!

Some emotions are heavy, and have a slower vibration. Emotions such as:

sadness / anger / fear / shame / doubt / anxiety / envy / disappointment / irritation / worry / impatience, and so many more.

Since these emotions are heavy and sluggish, they can literally make us feel heavy and sluggish when we are carrying them. These are what I call Below the Line.

On the flip side, emotions that make us feel light, lift us up, and feel so good are:

joy / peace / gratitude / hope / contentment / serenity / awe / relief / confidence / optimism / LOVE / enthusiasm, ETC. These I refer to as Above the Line.

Let’s say there’s an invisible line and all the negative emotions fall beneath it, and all the positive emotions float above it. With that visual it’s easy to see that we want to Live Above The Line. It feels so much better to live in the space of these higher vibrating emotions!

Living Above the Line

But let’s go back to what I said earlier, we all get the “opportunity” to experience all these emotions. So, yes our goal is to do what we can to live ABOVE the line, but it’s really ok if we occasionally sink below it while experiencing one or more of the heavy emotions.

After all…that’s part of this life’s experience. We’re not meant to only live above the line, but yes, life is much more pleasant when we pro-actively do what we can to live from the “up-side”.

Sometimes we carry heavy emotions temporarily while we’re going through some tough stuff, and sometimes those emotions get stuck in our tissues, in our energy, in our mind.

What SimplyAlign does is find the cause of the negative emotion and release it at its root.

You don’t have to remember the event or re-live what happened, often the energy just needs a witness…and a skilled practitioner.

The negative emotions we carry can be from situations we are currently experiencing, or can be stored and stagnating from years of layering these sluggish emotions without fully releasing and letting them go. Oh wow, that sounds heavy doesn’t it?

The good news is, we don’t have to carry them. There are ways to get to the root and clean it up, even if we don’t know the exact emotions, where they came from, or that they were even still lurking there.

Last week I worked with a new client and several times through the session she said, “I feel so light!” I told her, “Yes, that’s how SimplyAlign works.” That’s the statement I hear the most from clients, and it goes back to releasing the heavy vibrations.

So, here’s my invitation for you this week:

Pay attention to how you’re feeling. Check in with yourself during the day to notice what emotion you’re feeling at the time, and whether it’s ABOVE or BELOW the line. Of course the goal is to stay above the line, by keeping or shifting your thoughts to a positive state.

Just having this awareness will help raise your vibration. Yay You!

And if you’re ready to take it several steps further and learn how to use SimplyAlign to quickly and gracefully release heavy emotions (and oh so much more!) then click here to learn more about the upcoming SimplyAlign Training Oct 18-21st – all ONLINE

Having the desire to do this work is a gift, and being able to do it well is a skill.

I can’t give you the desire if it’s not there, but if it is, I can teach you the skills to help you live

ABOVE THE LINE more often and skills to help you help others live above the line too.

Shine On,

Peace of Mind

Try this sentence for peace of mind

Today’s Energy Shot is ONE sentence that could give you:
peace of mind,
relief from ego,
emotional and mental space, and
the ability to focus on what really matters.

It could change how you feel (or don’t feel) about any given situation.

As we go through each day, there are so many things that get our attention.
And many other things on the periphery that get parts of our attention.
Some of those things don’t need our personal attention, yet we give it.

Have you ever found yourself thinking too much about something that doesn’t really concern you, and after awhile, finally snapping out of it and asking yourself:
Why do I care?
Does this thing matter in my life?
Why am I getting involved in something that’s not mine?

Which leads me to the peace-giving sentence:

I don’t need to have an opinion about that.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to never have opinions.
I am saying, identify what’s worth your energy and what’s not.
The fact is, some of our opinions just burden us.

Leonardo da Vinci said: “The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.”


So this week I invite you to pay attention to how many times a day you have
a thought about something (or someone) and form an opinion about it.

And, in how many of those cases if you dropped your opinion,
nothing would happen…except inner peace for you.


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