Peace of Mind

Try this sentence for peace of mind

Today’s Energy Shot is ONE sentence that could give you:
peace of mind,
relief from ego,
emotional and mental space, and
the ability to focus on what really matters.

It could change how you feel (or don’t feel) about any given situation.

As we go through each day, there are so many things that get our attention.
And many other things on the periphery that get parts of our attention.
Some of those things don’t need our personal attention, yet we give it.

Have you ever found yourself thinking too much about something that doesn’t really concern you, and after awhile, finally snapping out of it and asking yourself:
Why do I care?
Does this thing matter in my life?
Why am I getting involved in something that’s not mine?

Which leads me to the peace-giving sentence:

I don’t need to have an opinion about that.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to never have opinions.
I am saying, identify what’s worth your energy and what’s not.
The fact is, some of our opinions just burden us.

Leonardo da Vinci said: “The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.”


So this week I invite you to pay attention to how many times a day you have
a thought about something (or someone) and form an opinion about it.

And, in how many of those cases if you dropped your opinion,
nothing would happen…except inner peace for you.


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Things I Learned From A Pro-Triathlete

One of my personal favorite things to do each May is to attend the IRONMAN held in beautiful St. George, Utah. My hubby, Dean-the-dream and I enjoy being volunteers and I also especially love to find a spot by the finish line and watch the triathletes run across it.

The dedication of the athletes is so motivating, as is the support of the crowd. Over 30,000 visitors flock here during the first week each May to cheer on friends and family who are racing. I love the excitement in the air, the weather, the music, all the sights and sounds, even the  smells—the whole energy of IRONMAN week is fantastic!

I think we all love to see people get rewarded for their hard work, no matter what arena it’s in. People who have paid their dues, put in the time and effort and sacrificed to complete a big goal are such an inspiration.

For the past three years we’ve had the honor of having a few of the professional athletes stay at our home the week of the race. This year “our guy” (as we refer to him), Jackson Laundry from Ontario, Canada and his girlfriend Montana stayed with us.

Two years ago Jackson and his dad Brian (also a triathlete) stayed with us, so we already had gotten to know Jackson. That was in 2017 and as only a 23 year old at that time he took 8th place, which was awesome. This year he came in 3rd place!

Being with Jackson for a few days taught me (or reminded me) of these things that are important for success in any area of life.

1) Internal discipline: Once you’ve made a commitment to yourself, keep it despite external forces. There are always challenges that crop up while moving toward a goal, so you need to remember your big WHY and make it a priority in your life. Direction and drive must come from within.

2) Schedules and Accountability: Have a great system and a plan and then stick to it for the long haul. I love that Jackson (& Brian, his dad) have their daily training schedules from their coach online, and their fancy wrist watches actually keep track of their workouts. I’ve learned from past experience if I set up a schedule with accountability (although mine isn’t this fancy), it makes staying on course for my goals so much easier.

3) Laser Focus: Later that evening after the race, Dean asked Jackson if he heard us cheering for him and shouting his name as he went past us at a few different places on the course. He said, “No, I was too focused. It’s as tough mentally as it is physically.” This helps me remember that determined, focused action will block out the “BSO” (bright, shiny objects) that try to get my attention while moving toward a bigger goal. Mindset plays such a big role in everything we want to accomplish in our lives.

4) Support System: Such intense training has ups and downs, and a pro-athlete needs coaches, friends, family they can depend on and who understand their drive, especially during tough times. In addition, there are so many volunteers along the race route to guide, hand out water, pick up pieces of clothing, park bikes, and so many other big and little things. In life, none of us get to the finish line alone. Watching those volunteers reminded me to pay attention and give gratitude for all those “helpers” in my own life.

5) Competition can be positive: I noticed anytime Jackson spoke of one of the other pros, it was always with respect and admiration. He honored their achievements in such an uplifting way. Even in competitive situations, or when tempted to compare to others, speaking well of others will always raise you up.

6) Pause to honor your achievement: After you’ve hit a goal, take time to celebrate before going right on to the next one. Both Jackson and Brian have their races planned out for the year, so they achieve one goal, have a few days to enjoy that (and learn from it), then keep moving onto the next goal. For sure, don’t miss the celebration, but also don’t rest on your laurels too long before moving on.

Have a SIMPLY great week ~
Shine On,

13 Things I’ve Learned Running a Successful Energy Healing Business

CalfCreekDCI love August, because I have 2 anniversaries!

Today is my 34th Wedding Anniversary – woot, woot!

Wow, that is so weird!  I look at my hubby, “Dean the dream” (the nickname my Australian students gave him for his awesomely helpful assistance in the classroom) and it feels strange that we’ve been together that long and that so many years have passed so quickly!

During those years we’ve raised (and are still) 5 kids ranging in age from 31 down to 14.  They are the loves of our life, and all very different, yet they get along

This past year we’ve added a daughter-in-law AND a son-in-law to our family AND next month we will be adding one more daughter-in-law – Yay!  We adore them all, and I consider myself very blessed to call these 9 amazing people my family!

The other anniversary I celebrate this month is my work anniversary. Thirteen years ago I started my first website and have been loving the online entrepreneur life ever since!  During these past 13 years, I have stretched, and grown and learned so very much!  

So in thinking back over the years, I’d like to share with you….(drum roll please…)

13 Things I’ve learned running a successful Energy Healing business

1. Everybody has a story. Really listen with your ears AND your heart

2. Set and maintain healthy boundaries: with clients AND with work hours.

3. Being confident in what you do helps others believe in it, even if it’s all new to them.

4. Be willing to look at situations from different angles. Inspiration can come from
random interactions –be open minded to what you see, hear, and feel.

5. Stay true to your values. Everyone has a different definition of success, take time early on to determine what it means for you and stick to it.

6. Believe in your abilities and get a great support system who believes in you too–spouse, family, friends, your team, mastermind group-any or all of these work, but don’t try to go it alone.

7. Taking time off is not a luxury it’s a necessity. It is very productive to charge your
batteries. Most often answers and insights come when you give your mind a break from

8. You must find your own balance between moving with the trends and avoiding BSOS
(bright shiny object syndrome). I admit, I still have to watch myself on this one!

9. Outsourcing is your friend. Know where you shine and hire others for the places you
don’t. When hiring someone to do work for you, be super clear on what you want and
when you need it.

10. Accept Change –believe you are always being led to something better. Several years
ago I had to change my company name (not my choice). Although it took me many
months to come up with it, the new name has served me much better!

11. New level, new devil. Trust your gut and be bold! As my friend’s husband, a successful entrepreneur says, “Owning your own business is basically just making decisions continually every day”. Yep, get used to it, and know the “new devil” will show up-at least until you are bold enough to push past him.

12. Don’t accept every invitation – for interviews, networking events, speaking gigs, etc.
Make sure the invitation is not a distraction, but that it’s really in alignment with who you
are and what your brand is. Saying no to one thing is also saying yes to something else.

13. And lastly, in all areas of life and business, a little kindness goes a long way!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on my blog…what valuable lessons have YOU learned in business and in life? Share with us below!

Top Ten Things to Say to Yourself

Top Ten Things to Say to YourselfOften the things we say to ourselves we wouldn’t even think of saying to another person. We blame, shame, call names of the meanest sort, nag, belittle and bully ourselves through self-talk.

What if, instead, we were more gentle with ourselves, asked ourselves questions and listened to the responses. What if we treated ourselves as we treat a best friend, someone we love dearly. Here’s a Top Ten list of loving things to say to yourself.

1. What do you feel? Asking ourselves what we feel can help put names to, and identify emotions. Listening for the response and being honest with ourselves is like taking our emotional temperature.

2. What do you need? A need is different from a want. Whereas a want states a desire, a need is usually a statement about nurturing. Pay attention to your needs, they’re about caring for yourself.

3. Good job Congratulate yourself on a job well done whether it’s mowing the lawn, writing a poem or cleaning the bathroom. Give yourself a verbal pat on the back.

4. I apologize Saying “I’m sorry” for all the wrongs we have done ourselves can be the first step in healing.

5. Let’s play Lighten up and be playful. Listen to what comes up when you suggest play.

6. Breathe Reminding ourselves to breathe helps relieve tension, gives us that moment we sometimes need to center and ground ourselves.

7. I forgive you Sometimes it’s easier to forgive others than to forgive ourselves. Yet, to have closure and to move on, often means we have to forgive ourselves.

8. Let go Releasing worries, resentments, anger, fears loosens the grip of resistance and makes room for growth.

9. Be present Staying present, being aware of the physical, acknowledging the moment, this is when we are truly alive. (In case you missed it, I shared with you the top 10 ways to stay present.)

10. I love you We say it to others, why not say it to ourselves. Say it again.

Have you noticed a difference in the way you talk to yourself? Have you made any changes? What have you see happen when you started talking positively to yourself? Share your thoughts with us  below!

Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications

Holiday Blitz or Holiday Bliss?

Holiday Blitz or Holiday Bliss Top Ten Tricks to Stay PresentTop 10 Ways to stay Present.

With the holidays upon us, life can get busier than usual and it’s easy to get overwhelmed, if we don’t stay present in the moment.

Paying attention and keeping the intention to fully ENJOY this week before Christmas makes all the difference between Holiday Blitz and Holiday Bliss.

Try these ten ways to enhance your enjoyment during the holidays.

1. Be present in the moment. Pay attention to the details: Notice the sound of children’s laughter, the meaning of the words in the Christmas carols, the texture and flavor of the food you eat, literally stop to smell the roses (or the gingerbread in this season).

2. Make a list of what you want to accomplish today. List only the portion of a major project that can be completed today. Include pleasures as well as tasks.

3. Concentrate on the task at hand. Give it your best, most often complete is better than “perfect”.

4. Journal first thing every morning to empty your mind of worry and chatter. Write three pages without stopping; it doesn’t need to be grammatically perfect, just let your thoughts flow.

5. Allow thoughts and feelings come and go without judging them. Neither cling to nor reject them. Just breathe.

6. If you feel yourself getting irritated in traffic, or long shopping lines, or with family members, remember you have the power to change your thoughts and responses in each moment. Find three good things about the situation.

7. Don’t try to juggle everything in your mind. During the day when you think of something you don’t want to forget, jot it down, or put it in a note in your smart phone.

8. Be where you are. When you find yourself drifting off elsewhere, a gentle reminder to “be present” can help.

9. Take a moment to transition yourself from place to place and task to task.

10. This time of year reminds us to let go of the past. Make amends, forgive, grieve. Ask for help if you’re unable to let go.

Do you have other ideas that have allowed you to BE more present in your life each day? Share it with us below!

Author’s content used under license, © 2008 Claire Communications

Are You Too Cautious?

Are you too cautiousHelen Keller, blind and deaf educator, said: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” Sometimes it’s wise to be cautious, particularly when physical safety is at stake. However, when we play it safe simply to protect our ego or heart, we may close off possibilities that could bring us greater joy and fulfillment. Life is what we make of it, shaped by our choices. What are you choosing? Answer “true” or “false” to the following statements to discover if you are too cautious.

Set 1

  1. Life doesn’t feel safe. I’m content with things as they are and prefer to stay in my “comfort zone.”
  2. I’m afraid something bad will happen if I veer off my usual course. I feel safer and more confident when I stick to what I already know.
  3. I frequently worry “what if…?” If I can’t be certain of the outcome, I won’t take the risk. Being rejected, looking stupid and failing are not options.
  4. I know there are business and romantic opportunities I’ve missed out on because of being so risk-averse.
  5. My fear of the unknown is paralyzing. When I look at my life, I have many regrets about things I didn’t do.
  6. I feel bad about myself for being so cautious. I think of myself as a coward and I expect that others see me that way, too.

Set 2

  1. I am committed to growing myself bigger than my fears. It’s not that I’m unafraid; it’s just that I am more committed to my goals and know the cost of playing it safe.
  2. Developing courage is like building a muscle. The more I practice taking risks, even small ones, the more empowered I feel.
  3. ­­­­When I have a goal or dream that feels big and scary, I minimize feeling overwhelmed by “chunking it down” into more manageable, short-term steps.
  4. I enlist the support of those who can help me move beyond my comfort zone to a more fulfilling life.
  5. When I take risks, I trust I can handle whatever comes. If I fall, I know that I can get up again. I don’t conclude that I shouldn’t have tried or that I’m a failure.
  6. My biggest successes have come when I’ve taken a big leap of faith.


If you answered True more often in Set 1 and False more often in Set 2,  it sounds like you are ready to move beyond your comfort zone to live a more fulfilled life. A great place to start is with my “Fear Busting” group call coming up in Dec. It will help eliminate the underlying reasons why you hold yourself back in many situations, so you can step into your courageous self and create a life that rocks!

Go here for more info and to register.

Top 10 Self-Help Mobile Apps

Top 10 Self Help Mobile AppsI thought we would try something fun this month. I don’t know about you, but I do keep my smartphone with me most of the time. The freedom of being able to keep up with my business while out of my office is so….well….freeeing! Why not make even better use of them!

Use of technology to enhance well-being is on the upswing. Here are some fun apps that you can use on a regular basis to help you take a healthy, refreshing break from the day-to-day.

1. Gratitude Journal Forgetting gratitude? You know that I am always recommending journal time. What an easy way to keep up with it wherever you are! This app offers daily reminders and iCloud syncing. Add photos, share what you’re grateful for.

2. The Habit Factor Yes, an app for breaking annoying habits. Set goals, create new positive behaviors, track your success.

3. iZen Garden 2 A virtual zen garden in your palm­—the tranquility that comes from being in a real one, without the messy sand!

4. myinstantCOACH Advice for big decisions in relationships, finance, career or well-being. Offers specific options and actions you can take.

5. Serenity One of the best relaxation tools. Especially lovely on an iPad. Listen, watch and reee-laaax!

6. Authentic Yoga Easy-to-follow app by Deepak Chopra. Choose your music, and follow the graceful yoga master Tara Stiles.

7. Niroga Manage Your Stress Manage stress with four simple techniques you can use anywhere.

8. Feel Good Tracker Track positive feeling with easy-to-use logs and iCal system; take photos and even tweet or email your entries.

9 . Sleep Machine – Binaural Beats Induce relaxation, creativity and other desirable states. Add to ambient music and produce a lifelike sound environment.

10. Mappiness An iPhone app that discerns how your environment influences your mood. Chart when, where and with whom you’re happiest.

Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications

Self-Responsibility Starts with an ‘I’

In the following three scenarios what do the people have in common?

Josie is a woman in her twenties. She still lives at home with her mother who makes all Josie’sresponsibilitiesw important decisions: how to spend her money, who to go out with, even what clothes to wear. Josie is anxious and depressed.

Matt ordered a new printer for his office. When it arrived he discovered it wasn’t compatible with his computer. “Those idiots,” he ranted, “why didn’t they tell me this was the wrong printer.”

Sally and Jerry had a big fight. Now Sally’s tossing and turning in the bedroom while Jerry beds down on the sofa. Neither one is getting any sleep and both think the other should make the first move to apologize.

If your answer was “Hey, no one is taking any personal responsibility here,” you’ve got a good eye for human behavior.

Because what Josie and Matt and Sally and Jerry all have in common is a lack of self-responsibility that leaves them dependent and victimized. They’re caught up in blaming others for their problems and waiting for somebody else to come along and make their life right. Unfortunately, they’re going to have a long wait because, in the words of self-esteem expert Nathaniel Branden, “No one is coming.”


This is the good news! Your life is in your hands. You get to make the choices, elect the options and take the actions that come with self-responsibility. It’s through the door of self-responsibility that personal power and independence enter, often hand-in-hand, bearing gifts of confidence and self-esteem.

Be clear though, self-responsibility is not the same as feeling responsible or accepting the blame for bad things that have happened or situations that are painful. We don’t all enter the world with the same trappings, and people, events or circumstances have wreaked trauma and caused wounds from which many are recovering. Self-responsibility means that when you have worked through your grief or anger or other issues, you can ask yourself: Now what am I going to do? What options do I have?

At the other end, self-responsibility doesn’t mean becoming so self-reliant you don’t ask for help when you need it or seek others’ opinions or points of view. And it certainly doesn’t mean you have to know everything, make every decision alone or take on the world single-handedly.

Rather than a heavy burden, self-responsibility can be a source of joy. Knowing you can create the life you want by accepting responsibility for yourself is a great freedom. Even saying the words aloud can produce a feeling of power and strength. Try it.

  • I am responsible for my choices and actions
  • I am responsible for how I use my time
  • I am responsible for my behavior and communication with others
  • I am responsible for achieving my desires, dreams and wishes
  • I am responsible for the work I do and the quality I bring to that work
  • I am responsible for the values I live by and standards I set

Granted, saying the words out loud can be a little scary and intimidating as well as empowering. Accepting and acting out of self-responsibility isn’t like falling off the proverbial log; it’s not that easy. It takes practice and working through and making mistakes and falling back and finding yourself in a place you didn’t want to be again. But that’s the thing about personal growth, the place to start is where you are.

It’s great to be able to muscle test how strong or weak you are on each of these to better know where to focus your changes. Don’t know how to muscle test? Visit my store for the Learning to Muscle Test DVD which teaches you how to muscle test on yourself and others.

What has helped you to overcome selfishness and become self-responsible? Join the conversation below…

Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications

Curiosity and Results – What’s the Connection?

Curiosity and Results - What's the Connection?Curiosity has been given a bad rap. Perhaps we grew up hearing that asking questions was rude or conveyed ignorance, or that we’d get into trouble if we were like Curious George. We might even have been warned that “Curiosity killed the cat!”

The truth is that curiosity is one of the most vital and life-affirming qualities you can bring to your life and your relationships.

Curiosity in Business

It is so easy to blame others when things go wrong. Consider being curious about your experience rather than critical. For example, instead of beating yourself up for not reaching sales goals—again—try asking yourself what was going on for you that you kept performing below your expectations? With an attitude of “how fascinating that I’ve created this” you are much more likely to help yourself find new solutions to attaining your goals.

Curiosity in Life

Helen Keller said, “Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all!” When you cultivate an attitude of curiosity, doors open and adventures begin; questions lead to new possibilities. For example, asking yourself, “What do I want to learn now and where might that lead me?” can set you on a journey of exciting exploration that moves you forward. If, instead, you come from the place of “I already know what I need to know,” you shut off the possibility of discovering something new that could rock your world.

Curiosity in Relationships

How often we assume we know what someone else is thinking or experiencing. What if we came from a place of not knowing and offered others an invitation to speak? According to Sharon Ellison, creator of Powerful Non-Defensive Communication, “A non-defensive question is innocently curious, reflecting the purity of the child who asks how a flower grows or what makes an airplane fly.” We invite others to share their true experience when we ask questions without hidden agendas and to clarify understanding.

Practice Cultivating Curiosity

Here are some ways to cultivate a more curious life:

Go outside. No matter the weather, the world is full of fascinating things waiting to be discovered. Go for a walk (especially barefoot in the grass!) or a bike ride. Bring someone with you and make discovery a game.

Ask questions. Did you hear something interesting on the radio that you’ve never heard before? Google it! See what else there is to know. Practice asking questions with openness and neutrality. Practice with strangers in stores and with people close to you. Stop thinking you know all the answers…be open to being surprised! An inquiry is an open-ended question designed to broaden your perspective. For example: “What would make life a daring adventure for me?” “Where in my life do I assume I already know?”

Look or listen closely. Rather than rush through your day take a moment to stop and “smell the roses.” What colors do you see? What expressions are people wearing? What sounds make up your environment? Can you identify them?

Challenge your assumptions. These impact how we treat strangers as well as loved ones. Start by asking, “What if that’s not true?” What other choices might you make then?

Play I Spy. Take on a new skill or learn something new from a friend. Be Curious!

If you truly want to expand your excitement, joy and fulfillment in life and relationship, sprinkle liberal doses of curiosity and watch your life become the fabulous adventure it can be!

Share with us how you have cultivated curiosity in your life! Join the conversation below…

Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications

Ten Ways to Simplify Your Life

Ten Ways to SImplify your lifeThese days a chorus of thousands has taken up Henry David Thoreau’s advice to “Simplify, simplify.” And for good reason. Few among us would deny our lives are too complicated and filled with too much stress.

Simplicity is about eliminating clutter – from your mind, your home, your relationships and your lifestyle. Following are ten ways to begin.

1. Get a clear idea of what you want your life to look like. This picture will help you discover what you must eliminate.

2. Let go of projects, roles or self-imposed obligations that take up time and keep you away from what you really want.

3. Say ‘No’ to what you don’t want in your life. Say Yes to what you do want.

4. Schedule “break” days for yourself where you don’t do anything but what you really want. Don’t cancel them.

5. Make a “to do” day and get all those chores and errands done in a single day.

6. Create space. File away or toss out; give away, sell or trade.

7. Make and return phone calls only during certain hours.

8. Shop only when you have to. Question your purchases. Consuming less is good for the planet, too.

9. Ask for and accept help. Delegate chores. Hire work done when possible.

10. Remember to breathe, to ground yourself and be physically present.

Simplifying means making choices that will improve the quality of your life.

*Bonus* A gratitude list will help you discover what really matters to you. Let’s start a list together! Join the conversation down below in the comments section! I’m looking forward to seeing what you are grateful for!


Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications