Q&A 1: Why Doesn’t Energy Therapy Work for Me?

Question: Why don’t I feel like the energy work that’s been done on me in the past isn’t working like it should? Read more

Do Crystals Really Heal?

Do Crystals Really Heal?People ask me all the time what I think about crystals. There seems to be some controversy about this subject, but I think crystals are fabulous.  Read more

SimplyHealed Down South!

Wow, I had such a fun time in Birmingham, Alabama last month! I taught my SimplyHealed Training to a great group of people. Many traveled to get there; one woman came all the

way from New Zealand and another came all the way from Scotland!

My fab assistant Melinda-we finally got to meet in real life!

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Introducing the Certified SimplyHealed Practitioners

Certified SimplyHealed PractitionersI’m excited to introduce these certified SimplyHealed practitioners!

These practitioners have completed the four-day SimplyHealed course, along with some additional requirements for the SimplyHealed Master’s Program.

Hailing from several U.S. states as well as Australia, each of these wonderful women bring their own special gifts to and are great at the work — they can help you with all types of issues!

Since I tend to be booked out about four months in advance, a great option is to have a session with one of them since they can get you in much sooner, usually within a week or two.

Many more amazing practitioners will be added to the certified SimplyHealed practitioners page in the coming months.

Ready to Start Your Own Healing Practice?

Ready to Start Your Own Healing Practice?If you’re ready to start your very own healing practice, this is the place to begin. Energy Healing Jumpstart is a 5-module online course for those who’ve had no training, or for those who may have a lot of training, and simply want to get more in touch with their gifts and more grounded in the field of energy work. Read more

Chakra Healing Part 2

In part one of Chakra Energy Healing I described what the chakras are. Now let’s talk about how to assess whether or not your chakras are working optimally. This list is certainly not meant to diagnose any physical problems; we are just checking the energetic vibrations of these energy centers. Read more

Chakra Healing Part 1

The purpose of chakra energy healing is to align and balance the Chakra system, which is one of our body’s electro-magnetic energy systems. It is comprised of seven spinning vortices of energy running from the root chakra at the base of the spine all the way up the midline of the body to the crown chakra on the top of the head. Read more

Vibrational Energy Healing

Vibrational Energy HealingVibrational energy healing is based on the fact that at a quantum level we are all patterns of light and sound frequencies and as such we are constantly sending messages to the Universe. For thousands of years sages have taught that everything in our material world — animate and inanimate — is made of energy, and everything radiates energy. Einstein used the laws of physics to demonstrate the same thing. Every object, every being, every color, every emotion has a vibration. Even our thoughts and words have a unique vibrational energy. Read more

De-Cluttering to Boost Your Energy

De-Cluttering to Boost Your EnergyI’ve written about Feng Shui in the past, but as summer comes on, it’s a good time to de-clutter your life to prepare for this slower season and enjoy it more than ever before. Read more

Join Me for a Free Teleseminar!

Join me on April 26 at 2 p.m. MDT for my guest appearance on the Living Energy Secrets teleseminar series. You’ll have the opportunity to listen to me answer some of the most common questions I receive about energy therapy, such as Read more