
Business and Marriage

Guess How Many Years in Business?
6 Lessons Learned

Guess How Many Years in Business?
6 Lessons Learned

August is a big milestone month over here at SimplyAlign – I’m celebrating my business anniversary! Can I get a virtual high five?

Two decades is how long I’ve been online, and that’s a lot! I started in 2003, with my “Living in the Flow” Newsletter, Tai Chi Flow videos, and energy sessions. And I recently stumbled upon an archive of my old newsletter/emails from 2010 going forward– talk about a blast from the past!

Wow, I was busy through those years. Guest spots on summits, podcasts, radio shows, speaking on stages big and small, teaching across the US and in Australia (7 times), hey I forgot that I even wrote a chapter in two best selling books – it’s been quite the ride and I’m still enjoying it…oh so much! And I’m excited about what’s coming up this fall -stay tuned more details coming in the next month.

In the meantime, I’ve been thinking of all the lessons I’ve learned along this 20-year entrepreneurial journey. I’d love to share a few of those nuggets with you because they relate to ALL areas of life, not just business. So here we go:

1. Use the 80/20 rule. Also known as the Pareto Principle: roughly 80% of outcomes come from 20% of effort. For example, 20% of a plant contains 80% of the fruit, 20% of a company’s customers bring in 80% of the profit, and I’d venture to guess – you wear 20% of the clothes in your closet 80% of the time. You get the point. I had to learn NOT to use 80% of my time for a 20% result. To instead, prioritize my highest impact tasks (20%) for the optimal, and easiest results (80%).

2. Honor the Struggle / Embrace the Suck. Running a business is fun…except when it’s not. There are parts of business that I don’t love: admin tasks, learning new technology, communication misunderstandings. But that’s like everything in life, you’ve got to take the unpleasant with the pleasant because those good parts are so worth it. I delegate what I can, and have learned to appreciate the unavoidable parts. I choose to see them as opportunities to rise and be bolder.

3. Time Blocking is my to-do list’s best friend. I started time-blocking to keep myself on task. It’s my daily to-do list put in certain blocks of time, so I never have to waste time mulling over what I should work on next, and getting distracted in the process. I prioritize that beforehand. It also helps me to totally focus on the task at hand during that block, even if another idea pops in my brain (which happens a lot). I just write myself a short note to remember it and keep on the task at hand.

4. You can’t grow what you don’t know. You can’t make a plant grow if you don’t know its soil, right? Same goes for business and life. You’ve gotta pay attention to those numbers, like that wise Peter Drucker said, ‘You can’t manage what you don’t measure.’ But here’s the kicker—once upon a time, I was hesitant about diving into my income figures. It felt like checking the scale every day when you’re trying to be healthy, ya know? Too much and it’s like getting overly focused on numbers. But fast forward to now, and I’m all about those digits. It’s one way of giving my business the respect it deserves.

5. Outdoors + Movement = Clarity. I love working and it seems there is always something to be done. That’s not a good combo…it means since there is always work to do and I like working…well, I’ve learned to get myself away from my office. Outside in nature is a great place to be – it “sharpens the saw” and can be pure gold for creativity. Some of my best ideas have come to me because of sneaking away from work to enjoy nature on a walk or high-speed bike ride.

6. Do Less Better. When overwhelmed, PRUNE. When I get too much on my plate for too long, I’ve learned the answer is to take a look at what’s feeling overwhelming and ask myself the 3-Ds: “What can I delegate, delay, or delete?” I find most tasks fit into one of those buckets. Pruning back the non-essentials makes it possible to do the essentials – to do less – better. It frees up more creative power for the most important things. Keeping it simple is always a good thing in my book!

Those are just a few of the lessons I’ve learned on this journey. I’ll probably share more in the future, but this is long enough for now.

Oh, and guess what?

August isn’t just about SimplyAlign’s birthday bash – it’s also my wedding anniversary month! Yup, Dean-the-dream and I are marking 42 years together! Holy cow, that’s a long time! Maybe next week I’ll have a list of what I’ve learned from marriage, but probably not because even 42 years does not an expert make, haha!

Business and Marriage

But have you ever noticed how business and marriage share a bunch of similarities? They both involve navigating tough times and celebrating victories. Both demand care, patience, teamwork, and a good sense of humor.

Just wanted to say thanks for being part of my journey. Your support means a lot!

Much Love,

Carolyn Cooper

PS – If you missed last week’s email and the downloadable PDF of “Time Affirmations,” it’s waiting for you below:

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

She believed she could so she did

She believed she could so she did

The statement on my t-shirt, “She believed she could so she did” is one of my favorites.

In 2001 at home with a newborn, I had the idea that if I could put my Tai Chi classes on video, I could still help people, while staying home with my kids, and also bring in a little income for my family.

I wanted to do something that could help others, give me the time at home to be mama, and do something that I really loved.

So…I did it! I created and filmed Tai Chi Flow – my video/dvd series.

I was often asked, “How did you know how to do that?”

The answer is…I didn’t know. But I believed I could, so I did.

A few years later, I began teaching my energy healing method, SimplyAlign (back then it was called Calyco Healing). I’d learned and created my own style of doing effective energy work five years prior to filming the videos, and my clientele was quickly growing.

And after many requests by clients to train them how to do it, I created a teachable program.

At that time most people didn’t know what energy healing was. There were very few people teaching about it at that time. I wasn’t sure how to do this as a mostly online business because I hadn’t seen it modeled. I had no examples to follow.

But again…I believed I could so I did.

Now, this makes a lovely story 20 years later. BUT…

like every road in life there were bumps and stresses, and a lot of clearing energy for myself to get past the inevitable insecurities that come up while building your own business -phew!

My point is…

You don’t have to be a genius

You don’t have to have all the answers

You can’t know all the outcomes of your efforts ahead of time

You don’t have to know for sure your idea will work

You just need to believe in yourself,
believe in your idea,
and take inspired action.

If you do that, I believe YOU can and I believe YOU will.


What’s your next idea?
(taking a course, running a marathon, starting a biz, baking a soufflé,?)

What’s your next best small step?
(write it down, make it real – yep go ahead, right now, let’s do this!)

And remember, “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill



SimplyAlign Refresher

Upcoming: The SimplyAlign Refresher – November 4-5th!

To see more details and register, click here.

April 28th is World Tai Chi Day!

Did you know every year there is a day set aside for celebrations, demonstrations, and classes all about a special form of exercise?  And that YOU can take part in these celebrations?  I’m talking about World Tai Chi & Qigong Day which is held on the last Saturday of the month every April.  This even begins at 10 am in every timezone, creating a healing wave around the world!

To see where the celebrations nearest you are taking place go to the official WTCQD website:

For more information from me about Tai Chi you can visit my site: where you find easy to follow DVDs and lots of articles about what Tai Chi is and what it can do for you!

Here’s a little more about this ancient art:

Health Benefits

Tai Chi and qigong’s health benefits have been studied for nearly 2,000 years in China and for only about 20 years in the west. However, western medical research is quickly discovering what Chinese medicine has long realized, that Tai Chi provides more benefits than any other single exercise. No wonder it is the most popular exercise in the world! Besides providing the lowest weight bearing exercise known, regular practice of Tai Chi can also:

  • Boost the immune system
  • Slow the aging process
  • Help ensure full range of mobility
  • Enhance body’s natural healing powers
  • Speed heart attack recovery
  • Increase breathing capacity
  • Reduce asthma and allergy reactions
  • Reduce risks of falls in elderly
  • Improve grip strength in elderly
  • Slow bone loss
  • Improve posture
  • Sharpen mental focus
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve coordination
  • Help with ADD and ADHD
  • Increase flexibility
  • Awaken energy
  • Improve balance TWICE as well as anything else known
  • Lower high blood pressure and heart rate
  • Help with gastric disturbances Reduce joint pain of arthritis, rheumatism, and fibromyalgia
  • Provide cardiorespiratory conditioning
  • Ease back pain
  • Stimulate circulation
  • Enhance muscle tone
  • Help with weight loss
  • Reduce amount of stress hormones
  • Calm central nervous system
  • May help with MS
  • Alleviate stress response
  • Promotes quiet mindfulness
  • Limber up joints


Tai Chi can change what the world looks like for us by changing our view of it. After all, our health and our lives are merely reflections of our state of mind. As the body and breath move, so does the mind, clearing energetic blocks that normally lock us into fixed emotional and psychological patterns. This empowering “meditation in motion” reminds us that change is always constant and that new beginnings always follow closures.

How Do You Spell R-E-L-I-E-F?

How Do You Spell R-E-L-I-E-F?

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Sleep Quality

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Five Ways to Open Your Heart


Start by giving yourself unconditional love. You can’t totally love and accept others when you have negative self-talk going on. After years of working with many clients in the field of Energy Healing, I am convinced that the #1 common denominator in every issue is the lack of self- worth, self-acceptance, self-love. Love is what we were born with; fear is what we have learned here. Our spiritual journey is to let go of the fear in order to accept the love back into our hearts. Recognize that we don’t make any mistakes we don’t need to in order to learn the lessons that are necessary for our growth. Listen to the lesson, forgive yourself, and move forward with love. Read more

Just Do it (NOW)

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Mind/Body Fitness

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Can Energy Healing Enhance Emotional Health?

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Happy Anniversary to Tai Chi Flow!

This month is Tai Chi Flow’s anniversary month. Join us in celebrating by purchasing a Tai Chi Flow for Kids or Tai Chi Flow for Pregnancy DVD for half price for a limited time. Read more