
Green Drink Smoothie

Do you feel LUCKY? 6 practical ways to make your own luck!

Do you feel LUCKY? 6 practical ways to make your own luck!

Top O the Mornin’ to ya Lisa!

I hope you’re having a happy St. Patrick’s Day so far.

I’ve always loved this day, even though I don’t drink beer or eat corned beef, ha! But I do my GREEN each day in my smoothies…does that count?

Have you ever felt like some people just seem to have all the luck? They meet the perfect partner, get the beautiful home, have ‘easy kids’, or just seem to have everything fall into place for them. But what if I told you that luck isn’t just something that happens to you? It’s something you can actively create for yourself.

There’s a trend (popular with TikTokers) known as “lucky girl syndrome”. This actually isn’t a new concept. It’s positive affirmations, plus a little cognitive behavioral therapy that says your thoughts, emotions and behaviors are all connected and influence each other (basically, “The Secret” 2006).

Just yesterday I was sharing on a call with my SimplyAlign Practitioners that there are many ways to create your own luck. Hannah told us that her 12 year old daughter’s birthday is March 17th, so her entire life people have told her she’s a “lucky girl”. And since she believes she’s lucky (because that’s what she’s always been told), good things are always drawn to her. I love it, it’s what I’ve taught for years:

“What you think about, you bring about”

So whether it’s positive thinking, upbeat affirmations, the power of intention, or whatever you choose to call it, here are 6 ways to create your own luck:

  1. Set clear goals: When you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, you’re more likely to see and seize opportunities that align with your goals.

  2. Take calculated risks: Creating your own luck often means stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking calculated risks. Make sure to weigh the potential risks and benefits before making a decision.

  3. Discipline yourself to work AND to rest: Luck often comes to those who work hard and persevere through challenges. Put in the effort and stay focused on your goals, even when things get tough. And…when you need to rest, take a rest. Sometimes allowing yourself downtime takes discipline too.

  4. Stay open-minded: Sometimes, luck comes in unexpected forms. Be open to new experiences, people, and opportunities, even if they don’t fit neatly into your plans. If you’re willing to try new things, you might find opportunities that you never even knew existed.

  5. Meet more people: Luck is often the result of being in the right place at the right time and knowing the right connectors. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. A strong network can help you navigate challenges, connect you with opportunities, and open doors for you.

  6. Keep Learning: The more you know, the more opportunities you’ll have. Keep learning new skills and staying up-to-date on topics in your orbit to increase chances of success.

    And bonus #7 (Gratitude – it’s always a bonus we give ourselves, amiright?)

  7. Practice gratitude: When you appreciate the good things in your life, you attract more good things. Take time to reflect on what you’re grateful for, and celebrate your successes along the way.

Whether you believe it’s from being intentional, receiving blessings, keeping a high vibration, or simply being lucky, the truth is that you have the power to create your own luck.

So go out there and create!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

10 Reasons to Do a Detox in January

Happy New Year ~ I hope your holidays were delightful!

As you’re setting new goals for the year, on your goal list do you have anything about losing weight or getting healthy? If so you’re not alone, most people do include that in their goals!

If your health isn’t where you want it to be — or you want to do your best to protect it — it’s important to discover the truth about human detoxification. But, there are a lot of opinions and products out there. And not only could you lose money, but detoxing the wrong way can be harmful.

My colleague Robyn Openshaw, the GreenSmoothieGirl, has studied human detoxification for 10,000 hours (more time than she spent studying for her master’s and PhD combined), including time she spent studying with holistic doctors and clinicians around the world.

Hubby and I have been doing this detox twice a year for the past 3 years.

We love it, and that’s why I love to tell people about it!

It’s 26 days – but don’t worry, everything is all spelled out for you,
you will learn all sorts of new ways to help your body be it’s best,
the detox Facebook group is super helpful at answering any questions and supporting you along the way. And just think, by early February you’ll feel clean, clear, brain fog gone, several pounds gone, inflammation gone,
and you’ll be oh so proud of yourself!

Seriously, it’s a great way to start a New Year!

The GreenSmoothieGirl Detox has changed over 17,000 lives, over the past 10 years.

You can still watch her Detox Secrets Video Series, for only a short while longer. (You can watch instantly after you opt in!)

This is what actual participants of her program experienced:

  1. Average 12.5 pound weight loss (some as high as 27 pounds!)
  2. Higher ENERGY, all day
  3. Joint pain disappearing
  4. Better digestion (MORE coming out, which is good)
  5. Disappearing autoimmune symptoms
  6. Food cravings gone
  7. Mood stabilizing (calming anxiety and depression)
  8. Skin clearing
  9. Blood sugar stabilizing
  10. Brain fog clearing, mind is sharp again

She understands the SCIENCE of how proper detoxification works, and she developed a comprehensive, guided, whole-body Detox program that she only leads with a big group ONCE per year, in January.

And though the deadline for the Early Bird pricing has ended … she’s decided to extend the 40% off for one week, because she believes doing a dedicated detox is more important EVER this year, and she wants as many people as possible to do it!

The main group starts Tues. Jan. 11th, but really,
you can start whenever it works best with your schedule.
I was ready so I started today ~ woo hoo!

The Detox program systematically cleanses all the major body systems, in an order approved by detox experts, and with products that support and enhance the body’s natural immune function all the way.

What makes Robyn’s 26-Day Detox unique … and better than other detox programs?

  • It’s comprehensive, a WHOLE-body detox — rather than just focusing on detoxing one organ, or simply eating less or healthier food for a few days.
  • It’s based on SCIENCE — every step was created based on what is known about how the body detoxifies and how it can be aided and accelerated in that process.
  • You get to eat REAL food, and you won’t feel hungry — the foods required are real foods you can purchase at your grocery, and you eat plenty of food, and shouldn’t feel very hungry.
  • It’s GUIDED and supported — so you’ll know exactly what to do, and you’ll have support from health coaches and others doing the detox every step of the way.

You’ll hear more about the GreenSmoothieGirl Detox during Robyn’s Detox Video Series.

I hope you’ll join. I think you’ll learn information that will open your eyes to the possibility (and the truth) of detoxification done the right way.

Much love,

Carolyn Cooper

P.S. Check out what Kris K. of Payson, Utah, said after competing Robyn’s guided, comprehensive, science-backed GreenSmoothieGirl Detox:

“This program keeps you full, healthy, and happy! I have tried many other detox cleanses before and this one is by far the best. Although it took a lot of time to prepare the food, I made large quantities of Green Smoothies and learned to love them.

Overall, I haven’t felt this good in years! My energy increased every day I was on the program and I actually started running again. I’m happy to report that by keeping my energy high using Robyn’s recommendations, I easily kicked my caffeine & chocolate addiction. My husband lost 12 lbs. on the program and I lost 9. (We are both in our mid-50s.) Both of us LOVE the healthy education we have had over the past month and the support from our family and friends on this journey. We will continue this journey together and live to be 100 years old.”

Watch Robyn’s Detox Secrets Video Series— and then, consider joining her detoxification program (you can choose your start date and what works for you).