
SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

I wrote this SimplyAlign Poem for you

I wrote this SimplyAlign Poem for you

I’m here with one final reminder that doors close for my SimplyAlign Training tomorrow night at midnight PT. (But you can join the Wait List at ANY time and we’ll let you know when registration opens again!)

And…just for fun (because life should be fun!) I put it in poetry form just for you (you’re welcome)…

The time is short, but don’t you worry,
You can still REGISTER HERE, if you hurry.

At midnight tomorrow, it will end,
Don’t miss this chance, my beautiful friend.

I’ll teach you things you’ve never seen,
Ways to get energy clear and clean.

And other things you’ve never known,
So that your power, you will own.

You can do it, you have the touch.
Learning these skills will help so much.

In our world with so much that’s scary,
Info like this is necessary.

But if you hesitate or stall,
You’ll miss the boat, you’ll miss it all.

So join us now, don’t be shy,
Click that link, don’t bat an eye.

Next time it’s taught I cannot say,
So sign up now and don’t delay.

The clock is ticking, don’t you see?
Come join us now, it’s meant to be!

Have a SIMPLY great day!

PS: Thanks for reading my silly verse.
It’s not perfect, but it could be worse!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)


The Question To Ask Yourself

The Question To Ask Yourself

I know life can be tough so I’m reminding you to CELEBRATE your little daily wins!

Let me show you what I mean…


1- We went to the Cherry Blossom Festival last week and just before I was about to ‘cave’ and get a sugary treat, I noticed amongst the food trucks, one called, Judy Makes Juices. And I got the best acai bowl ever! #judysavedtheday

2- I just got off the phone with my little mama. She is doing amazingly well -thanks to all of you who have asked about her. We’ll be flying back to Utah again next month for her big 90th birthday bash! (And we’re going to party like it’s 1933! haha.)

3- I’m looking forward to Easter Sunday. After church we’re going to dinner at a friend’s and I already have my “Jerusalem” food planned to take: pitas, hummus, and falafel, yum! (I’m usually a little behind, so I’m celebrating being prepared a few days early!)


1- I’m so grateful for such an amazing turn out on my Inner Glow Up group call last week. If you missed it, the replay is still available for purchase here.

2- I’m super excited about my next 4-day SimplyAlign Training coming up in 3 weeks! There are still some spots open if you want to rock your world in the best way this year!

Your turn.

The question to ask yourself is: What can I celebrate?

What’s something small that went well in the past few days? I’m serious, I’d love to hear about it. You can simply reply to this email and let me know. I feel certain whatever it is will make us both smile!

And one more share to celebrate:

Did you know you can make money by sharing SimplyAlign
with your friends?

It’s easy with our affiliate program for our SimplyAlign Training course!

If you’re not familiar with affiliate programs, they’re a way for you to earn money by sharing a product or service with your audience, friends, neighbors, family. As an affiliate for SimplyAlign, you’ll earn a $200 commission for every person who signs up for our course through your unique affiliate link. Who do you know that would be a great fit??

We’ve made it easy for you to get started by providing all the templates and resources you need to promote SimplyAlign to your friends or your audience. And don’t worry if you’re new to affiliate marketing – we’ll be here to support you every step of the way.

If you’re interested in becoming an affiliate for SimplyAlign, simply click the link below to sign up. We can’t wait to have you on board!


SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Transformation Invitation


Let me be honest…SimplyHealed is my baby. I’ve nurtured her and grown her for many years. This work has changed my life and thousands of student’s lives as well (not to mention their families and clients).

I’m usually not this bold to speak of my life’s work like this, but this email seems to be writing itself…

Because…do you feel it? Now is the time, our world needs light-workers. We need women and men of integrity who have tools that can cut the tethers of limiting beliefs, that can clean up negative emotions from the past (our own and our ancestors), that can help people be the best version of themselves.

After all, isn’t that what we are all doing? Trying to become the best version of ourselves?

SimplyHealed doesn’t just bring about transformation, it requires it. But don’t let that scare you. It happens in a subtle, elegant way, by empowering you, at your own pace, from the inside out.

I know this because for years I’ve had students return for SimplyHealed Refresher courses after they’ve been using the SimplyHealed method for awhile and, well, they are different. More positive and confident in their actions, their speech, their intentions…they often even look different!

Why am I telling you all this today?

Because my next SimplyHealed Certification Track is coming up this fall. (How appropriate, the time of beautiful change!)

September 17th – 20th, 2019
in sunny St George, UT

If you are new to my tribe, let me explain what SimplyHealed is:

It’s an Energy Healing method that is simple, graceful, thorough, effective. Tried and proven over many years by many people.

Simply put, SimplyHealed is a way to be happy. To feel light, unburdened, competent, capable.


You may attend the first 2 days only, which is the SimplyHealed for YOU Course. This gives you all the information you need to balance and release energy for yourself and your family.

If you want to delve deeper into the work, become a SimplyHealed Certified Practitioner, and set up your own healing practice (or add SH to your healing/coaching business), then the 4-day cerTrac is perfect for you!

4-days LIVE in classroom with me and new like-minded friends

PLUS online:

  • Group Training/Coaching Calls
  • Business Training (how to get started as a practitioner)
  • Personal Healing Session (to optimize your mindset)
  • Private Forum (connect with seasoned practitioners & archives of info)

AND SUPER EARLY BIRD BONUS for this class only:
Free Access to my November SH Convention: “ALIGN: Heal the Healer”

This is the only time this year I’ll be teaching these popular courses, so now’s the time to join this group and start living your truest life.

I want you to come for YOU, but I also want you to come for ALL the family members and clients you will be able to help. For the inspiring ripple effect you will create in our world.

How would that enhance your life?

As I mentioned before, attending a SimplyHealed course doesn’t just give you information, it brings transformation. Please don’t take only my word for it, learn more and check out the video testimonials from students here.

Now is the time, our world needs you to be your best self, and by doing so your light will help others rise.

Learn more, get your questions answered, and see more videos here:

OR, if you already know this is right for you, click here to register now.

(3-pay option ends July 16th)

I would love to teach you the effective healing art of SimplyHealed by having you attend the SimplyHealed for YOU (SH4U) 2-day training, so you can immediately begin to help yourself and your family.

OR, come for all 4-days and join this new cerTrac group beginning in September, and in 6 months from now you could have a life and a healing practice that you love!

Much love,


PS: Feel free to forward this email to friends/family who want to learn energy healing work.

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