
Living Above the Line

Are You Living Above The Line?

One of my favorite ways to explain about energy/emotions/frequency, whether I’m teaching a class or just explaining to one client in a private session, is to use the concept of living above or below the line.

This concept is used in a lot of different ways, but I talk about it referring to emotions.

We all get the “opportunity” to feel a broad range of emotions throughout our lives, throughout a week, or really it can be throughout one day!

Some emotions are heavy, and have a slower vibration. Emotions such as:

sadness / anger / fear / shame / doubt / anxiety / envy / disappointment / irritation / worry / impatience, and so many more.

Since these emotions are heavy and sluggish, they can literally make us feel heavy and sluggish when we are carrying them. These are what I call Below the Line.

On the flip side, emotions that make us feel light, lift us up, and feel so good are:

joy / peace / gratitude / hope / contentment / serenity / awe / relief / confidence / optimism / LOVE / enthusiasm, ETC. These I refer to as Above the Line.

Let’s say there’s an invisible line and all the negative emotions fall beneath it, and all the positive emotions float above it. With that visual it’s easy to see that we want to Live Above The Line. It feels so much better to live in the space of these higher vibrating emotions!

Living Above the Line

But let’s go back to what I said earlier, we all get the “opportunity” to experience all these emotions. So, yes our goal is to do what we can to live ABOVE the line, but it’s really ok if we occasionally sink below it while experiencing one or more of the heavy emotions.

After all…that’s part of this life’s experience. We’re not meant to only live above the line, but yes, life is much more pleasant when we pro-actively do what we can to live from the “up-side”.

Sometimes we carry heavy emotions temporarily while we’re going through some tough stuff, and sometimes those emotions get stuck in our tissues, in our energy, in our mind.

What SimplyAlign does is find the cause of the negative emotion and release it at its root.

You don’t have to remember the event or re-live what happened, often the energy just needs a witness…and a skilled practitioner.

The negative emotions we carry can be from situations we are currently experiencing, or can be stored and stagnating from years of layering these sluggish emotions without fully releasing and letting them go. Oh wow, that sounds heavy doesn’t it?

The good news is, we don’t have to carry them. There are ways to get to the root and clean it up, even if we don’t know the exact emotions, where they came from, or that they were even still lurking there.

Last week I worked with a new client and several times through the session she said, “I feel so light!” I told her, “Yes, that’s how SimplyAlign works.” That’s the statement I hear the most from clients, and it goes back to releasing the heavy vibrations.

So, here’s my invitation for you this week:

Pay attention to how you’re feeling. Check in with yourself during the day to notice what emotion you’re feeling at the time, and whether it’s ABOVE or BELOW the line. Of course the goal is to stay above the line, by keeping or shifting your thoughts to a positive state.

Just having this awareness will help raise your vibration. Yay You!

And if you’re ready to take it several steps further and learn how to use SimplyAlign to quickly and gracefully release heavy emotions (and oh so much more!) then click here to learn more about the upcoming SimplyAlign Training Oct 18-21st – all ONLINE

Having the desire to do this work is a gift, and being able to do it well is a skill.

I can’t give you the desire if it’s not there, but if it is, I can teach you the skills to help you live

ABOVE THE LINE more often and skills to help you help others live above the line too.

Shine On,


Summer Goals: More Laughter!

Happy June! It’s summer here in the big city, and the humidity has begun!
Dean the dream and I had company most of the month of May and it’s been such a treat. Touring the monuments and museums here in DC never gets old for me, I love it!

I hope you have some fun summer plans, and I’m here to add one more thing to your summer agenda.

But don’t worry, it’s fun and free! I’m talking about making a conscious effort to laugh more.

We all love to laugh, right?

But every so often, I realize I haven’t had a big, fat, tear-streaming belly laugh for FAR TOO LONG.

Have you ever done that? Realized it’s been awhile since your last hearty belly laugh?

Laughter is a natural part of life. Infants begin smiling during the first weeks of life and laugh out loud within months of being born.
Sometimes we as adults get so busy with the ‘important’ things on our to do list, we neglect the LEVITY that is so much needed in our lives.
Laughter is vital because it triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

One minute of laughing burns the same number of calories as 6-10 minutes on a treadmill.

And did you know, a good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension, and leaves your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after?

Yep, it’s true. So I say…hey, it’s summer -what a great time to add more laughter to our lives!


So how do we go about doing that?

Here are some ways to start:

  • Bring humor into conversations. I love to ask people, “What’s the funniest thing that happened to you today? This week? In your life?” I’ve heard some really hilarious stories just by asking this. Try it, ask someone that question today.
  • Spend time with fun, playful people. These are people who laugh easily–both at themselves and at life’s absurdities–and who routinely find the humor in everyday events. Their playful point of view and laughter are contagious.
  • Smile. Smiling is the beginning of laughter and like laughter, it’s contagious. A fun way to remember to smile more is to set up for yourself ‘smiling cues’ during your day. For example,
    • smile as you step out of the shower
    • smile every time you walk past a mirror
    • smile every time you pour yourself a glass of water (hopefully that’s a lot)
  • Count your blessings. Literally make a list. The simple act of considering the good things in your life will distance you from negative thoughts that are a barrier to humor and laughter. When in a state of sadness, we have further to travel to get to humor and laughter.
  • Watch your favorite funny movie or search YouTube for Funny videos or Dry Bar comedy. And don’t forget funny cat videos, they’re great for a quick pick-me-up! (oh gosh, does that mean I’m an old cat lady now?)

Anyone can join the laughter movement. All it takes is a willingness to see the humor in things. And of course I’m talking about good, wholesome humor, not sarcasm that is funny to only some and hurtful to others. There’s more than enough negativity in our world. But laughter is contagious and something we want to catch and spread!

So this summer, keep it front of mind to look for opportunities to find humor instead of annoyance in daily situations because humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and even keeps you grounded, focused, and alert.

Shine on my friend,