
Clarity Deficiency

Do you have a Clarity Deficiency?

Do you have a Clarity Deficiency?

Let’s face it, it’s so easy to get caught up in the everyday hustle and lose sight of the big picture. When we’re not clear on what we want, it’s like trying to hit a target blindfolded, right?

Not knowing our true north can really throw us into a loop of second-guessing, putting things off, and, let’s be honest, feeling a bit lost. You deserve to be living on purpose and reaching for what lights you up inside. So, watch out for these common traps that could sneak up when you’re not looking:

  • Confusion and Chaos — When you don’t have a clear understanding of what you want or need, it’s difficult to make decisions and feel confident in your choices. Life may feel disorganized and overwhelming, leading to increased stress and anxiety.
  • Conflict and Compromise — You may find yourself unsure of how to respond to situations or whether to compromise your values, leading to inner turmoil and strained relationships.
  • Lack of Satisfaction — Without a clear vision for your life, it’s challenging to feel content with your current circumstances or appreciate your accomplishments, as you may not see how they fit into your broader goals.
  • Indecision and Analysis Paralysis — Unclear goals and external influences can cloud your judgment, leaving you stuck in a state of uncertainty and unable to move forward.
  • Procrastination and Lack of Motivation — If you’re unsure of your “why” or the steps to take, you may find yourself constantly putting things off and struggling to stay motivated.
  • Self-Doubt and Undervaluing Your Abilities — Without a clear sense of your strengths and weaknesses, it’s easy to doubt yourself and your capabilities.
  • Wasted Time and Resources — You may end up spending your valuable time and energy on activities or pursuits that don’t align with your values or goals, leading to dissatisfaction.
  • Regret and Missed Opportunities — You may look back and realize that you spent significant time and resources on pursuits that didn’t bring you joy, causing feelings of remorse and a sense of missed opportunities.
  • Lack of Fulfillment — Without taking the time to identify and pursue the things that truly matter to you, you may find yourself living an unfulfilling or unsatisfying life.

The path to clarity involves patience, self-reflection and being willing to step outside your comfort zone. Get real with yourself about your core values and what ignites your passion. Don’t be afraid to lean on friends, family or professionals for a new perspective along the way.

Once you gain that beautiful clarity, you’ll be empowered to curate a life that feels authentic and fulfilling to the real you. No more going through the motions – just unapologetic living! Sound good?

If those pitfalls are hitting a little too close to home, let’s join forces this summer and get you back in the clarity zone.

Let’s Connect This Summer ~

May/June/July: Last week I announced that I’m offering a Summer Special: 3 months of Tune Up Tuesdays. And I’ve only got 3 spots still available for these 15-minute weekly sessions where we focus on clearing out the old vibes and bringing in fresh energy. Let’s align your energy and set the stage for a phenomenal summer.

June-September: Got a spark for something new? Join the beta for my Possibilities Rising Group Coaching! We’re kicking off in a few weeks. Reserve your spot on the waitlist here – no strings attached by signing up here, it just puts you first in line for all the exciting details I’ll be sharing next week.

Coming Soon: Ready to master energy healing? Keep an eye out for SimplyALIGN cerTrac Training. Whether you’re looking to heal, help, or hustle, this training will equip you to make a meaningful impact on yourself, your family, or your clients.

Anytime You’re Ready!: Fancy a VIP day with me in Washington, DC? Let’s talk possibilities! Schedule a time to chat with me here and we’ll plan a day full of coaching, healing and a lot of fun just for you!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Business and Marriage

Guess How Many Years in Business?
6 Lessons Learned

Guess How Many Years in Business?
6 Lessons Learned

August is a big milestone month over here at SimplyAlign – I’m celebrating my business anniversary! Can I get a virtual high five?

Two decades is how long I’ve been online, and that’s a lot! I started in 2003, with my “Living in the Flow” Newsletter, Tai Chi Flow videos, and energy sessions. And I recently stumbled upon an archive of my old newsletter/emails from 2010 going forward– talk about a blast from the past!

Wow, I was busy through those years. Guest spots on summits, podcasts, radio shows, speaking on stages big and small, teaching across the US and in Australia (7 times), hey I forgot that I even wrote a chapter in two best selling books – it’s been quite the ride and I’m still enjoying it…oh so much! And I’m excited about what’s coming up this fall -stay tuned more details coming in the next month.

In the meantime, I’ve been thinking of all the lessons I’ve learned along this 20-year entrepreneurial journey. I’d love to share a few of those nuggets with you because they relate to ALL areas of life, not just business. So here we go:

1. Use the 80/20 rule. Also known as the Pareto Principle: roughly 80% of outcomes come from 20% of effort. For example, 20% of a plant contains 80% of the fruit, 20% of a company’s customers bring in 80% of the profit, and I’d venture to guess – you wear 20% of the clothes in your closet 80% of the time. You get the point. I had to learn NOT to use 80% of my time for a 20% result. To instead, prioritize my highest impact tasks (20%) for the optimal, and easiest results (80%).

2. Honor the Struggle / Embrace the Suck. Running a business is fun…except when it’s not. There are parts of business that I don’t love: admin tasks, learning new technology, communication misunderstandings. But that’s like everything in life, you’ve got to take the unpleasant with the pleasant because those good parts are so worth it. I delegate what I can, and have learned to appreciate the unavoidable parts. I choose to see them as opportunities to rise and be bolder.

3. Time Blocking is my to-do list’s best friend. I started time-blocking to keep myself on task. It’s my daily to-do list put in certain blocks of time, so I never have to waste time mulling over what I should work on next, and getting distracted in the process. I prioritize that beforehand. It also helps me to totally focus on the task at hand during that block, even if another idea pops in my brain (which happens a lot). I just write myself a short note to remember it and keep on the task at hand.

4. You can’t grow what you don’t know. You can’t make a plant grow if you don’t know its soil, right? Same goes for business and life. You’ve gotta pay attention to those numbers, like that wise Peter Drucker said, ‘You can’t manage what you don’t measure.’ But here’s the kicker—once upon a time, I was hesitant about diving into my income figures. It felt like checking the scale every day when you’re trying to be healthy, ya know? Too much and it’s like getting overly focused on numbers. But fast forward to now, and I’m all about those digits. It’s one way of giving my business the respect it deserves.

5. Outdoors + Movement = Clarity. I love working and it seems there is always something to be done. That’s not a good combo…it means since there is always work to do and I like working…well, I’ve learned to get myself away from my office. Outside in nature is a great place to be – it “sharpens the saw” and can be pure gold for creativity. Some of my best ideas have come to me because of sneaking away from work to enjoy nature on a walk or high-speed bike ride.

6. Do Less Better. When overwhelmed, PRUNE. When I get too much on my plate for too long, I’ve learned the answer is to take a look at what’s feeling overwhelming and ask myself the 3-Ds: “What can I delegate, delay, or delete?” I find most tasks fit into one of those buckets. Pruning back the non-essentials makes it possible to do the essentials – to do less – better. It frees up more creative power for the most important things. Keeping it simple is always a good thing in my book!

Those are just a few of the lessons I’ve learned on this journey. I’ll probably share more in the future, but this is long enough for now.

Oh, and guess what?

August isn’t just about SimplyAlign’s birthday bash – it’s also my wedding anniversary month! Yup, Dean-the-dream and I are marking 42 years together! Holy cow, that’s a long time! Maybe next week I’ll have a list of what I’ve learned from marriage, but probably not because even 42 years does not an expert make, haha!

Business and Marriage

But have you ever noticed how business and marriage share a bunch of similarities? They both involve navigating tough times and celebrating victories. Both demand care, patience, teamwork, and a good sense of humor.

Just wanted to say thanks for being part of my journey. Your support means a lot!

Much Love,

Carolyn Cooper

PS – If you missed last week’s email and the downloadable PDF of “Time Affirmations,” it’s waiting for you below:

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Q&A 1: Why Doesn’t Energy Therapy Work for Me?

Question: Why don’t I feel like the energy work that’s been done on me in the past isn’t working like it should? Read more