
Operation Beautiful

Operation BeautifulHave you ever had one of those days where you just feel “out of sorts”?

Well, I was having one of those days…

There I was, looking in the mirror in the church bathroom. Checking to see if the left side of my face was still a bit swollen.  You see, I’d had a little sinus infection the day before (yes, even with energy work I do get run down occasionally-not often, but occasionally).  With the combination of that, and getting to bed late the night before I woke up Sunday with a bit of a “puff” on the left side of my face.  Not too noticeable, but enough to make me feel ‘off’.  I also realized I hadn’t put on a slip that day (luckily my skirt was dark), and I had forgotten some important papers I needed. Oh, and now as I looked in the mirror I realized I’d forgotten to fix my hair.  Hmm…

“Ugh, I thought to myself, I need to go back to bed and start this day over!”

But wait…from the corner of my eye, I noticed a pink post-it note on the mirror.

This is what it said:

You are beautiful just the way you are!

Ha! I giggled out loud- what perfect timing! I had no idea who put it there, but I thought it was a great idea!  I later found out who posted it there and learned about Operation Beautiful. It’s a fun website/blog started by a 26-year-old girl from North Carolina to help girls and women stop negative self talk.

The founder, Caitlin says: “I began Operation Beautiful by leaving positive messages on the mirrors of public restrooms — at work, at the gym, at the grocery store.  I scribble down whatever comes to mind — “You are beautiful!” or “You are amazing just the way you are!”  My personal goal is to leave as many Operation Beautiful notes as I can. Maybe some people read them and just smile, but I bet some people are truly touched by the effort of a random stranger”.

To learn more about this movement go to

I’ve begun doing this and it is so much fun! I hope you too, will begin posting your positive messages today.  You never know who’s day will be brightened by your thoughtful note, just like my day was!