

Making Wiser Decisions: How to Balance Intuition and Analysis

Making Wiser Decisions: How to Balance Intuition and Analysis

Last week I posted a short quiz about how you use intuition vs. analysis in your life. If you missed it you’ll find it here on my blog.

Let’s be real: with so much going on these days, making choices can sometimes feel overwhelming. The constant back-and-forth in your head, the overanalyzing and second-guessing can really slow the process, am I right?

Here’s the good news: there’s a simpler way that saves you time and stress. It’s called intuitive decision making.

At the core of intuitive decision making lies two crucial modes of thinking: intuitive and deliberative. While deliberative thinking involves deep analysis, often leading to a prolonged process of indecision and stress, intuitive thinking offers a swift, effortless path to decision-making.

Imagine being in a flow state, where your prefrontal cortex quiets down, and the brain’s lower regions take the lead, making rapid choices based on pattern recognition. Sounds liberating, right? You already have this, you just need to allow it to happen.

By blending your inner wisdom with practical facts, you can make clear-headed choices without all the agony. Trust yourself to tap into your gut instinct and then balance it with logic. Avoid getting hung up on every little detail—go with what feels aligned.

According to researchers at the Flow Research Collective, there are four simple steps to harness this effortless intuition in your everyday life. To make it even easier I’ve added some examples:

  1. Identify the True Problem: Often, we fixate on surface issues rather than the root cause. Take a moment to ask yourself, “What is the real problem here?” This isn’t just about treating symptoms; it’s about uncovering the underlying issue.
    • Example: You’re feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin. Instead of simply vowing to “do less,” ask yourself what’s truly driving your feelings. Is it the lack of meaningful activities, or perhaps the desire for more quality time with your family?
  2. Turn it into a Question: To engage your subconscious turn your problem into a question. Asking an open ended question taps into your rapid intuition, automatically leveraging patterns from your lifetime experience.
    • Example: If you’re deciding to quit your part time job to build an online business because you want more time at home with family. Ask your ‘inner advisor’ what are the potential benefits and challenges of starting my online business now, and how does this align with my long-term career and personal goals?
  3. Let Your Mind Incubate: Write down your question and then, let it be. Engage in relaxing activities, allowing your subconscious to work its magic in the background -and it will.
    • Example: Spend some time in your garden, take a walk through your neighborhood, drive to your errands with no radio or podcasts playing – just the quiet. These moments of calm give your intuition space to breathe and bring insights to the surface.
  4. Extract Insights: Aha moments often arrive when least expected. Make sure you capture them by writing them down right away. This affirms their value and also offers you a point of reflection and reassurance if you question your choices later on when doubt creeps in (as it likes to do).
    • Example: While preparing a family recipe, you’re inspired by the thought of hosting regular family dinners or potluck gatherings with close friends. This intuitive solution speaks directly to your desire for quality time with loved ones, fostering deeper connections and creating fulfilling moments together. Write down the insight and schedule it on your calendar.

By embracing this intuitive process, you’ll find that decisions come faster, and the path forward becomes clearer. You move from agonizing over every choice to trusting your inner guide to bring you the right answers right on cue.

With practice, your inner voice will fill you with calm direction. Its whisperings lead you to growth and contentment.

If you’re ready to dive deeper and truly embrace your intuitive potential, my online course, “Your Intuitive Gifts,” is designed just for you. It explores the different types of intuition and helps you discover your personal intuitive style. Click here to learn more.

Much Love,

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Intuition or Logic

QUIZ – Intuition or Logic: Which Guides You?

QUIZ – Intuition or Logic: Which Guides You?

Ever wonder how much your intuition plays a role in the decisions you make every day?

Here’s a quick, insightful quiz to get a glimpse into your intuitive decision-making process!

  1. When faced with a difficult decision, do you:
    • A) List pros and cons in a detailed analysis.
    • B) Feel the right choice in your gut and go with it.
  2. After making a decision that goes against the grain, do you feel:
    • A) Doubtful until you see proven results.
    • B) Confident in your choice, trusting your inner guidance.
  3. How do you approach problem-solving?
    • A) By immediately diving into logical solutions and research.
    • B) Allowing the problem to simmer in your subconscious, waiting for insights to bubble up.
  4. When you think back on your best decisions, were they more often based on:
    • A) Extensive research and advice from others.
    • B) A strong, inexplicable knowing that you were making the right choice.
  5. How do you feel when you go against your initial gut feeling?
    • A) Usually, it doesn’t bother me; I trust logic more.
    • B) Often regret it; my first instinct tends to be correct.

What Your Answers Say About You:

  • Mostly A’s: You lean towards analytical thinking. While thorough, giving your intuition more room could lead to faster, more satisfying decisions.
  • Mostly B’s: You’re intuitively driven, and trusting your gut serves you well. Fine-tuning this ability can make your decision-making even smoother.

Unlocking Your Decision-Making Power

Making decisions doesn’t have to be a stressful, drawn-out process. By balancing intuitive and analytical thinking, you can make quick, effective choices without the headache. The secret lies in harnessing your intuition—listening to that inner voice that often knows what’s best even before you’ve had time to think it through.

Stay tuned for PART TWO coming next week, where I’ll share specific tips on leveraging intuition for smooth, confident decisions!

In the meantime, to go deeper on harnessing intuition’s power, and to learn what YOUR most natural way of receiving intuition is, you might find my online course helpful: “Your Intuitive Gifts” – click here to learn more.

I’m bringing you more juicy info about intuitive vs analytical decision making next week.

Until then Shine On,


SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Gifts - Energy Healing

7 Gifts: Are you interested?

7 Gifts: Are you interested?

In 1996 when I began practicing energy work on friends, family, then clients, I used what I’d been taught through classes and whatever few books were published on it at the time.

But I also had to learn to rely on my own intuition, and trust God to give me inspiration as I did the work.

It was important to me to learn the cleanest, purest and least complicated way of doing this type of work.

When I started doing this work, I was so happy to be able to help clients with whatever challenges they faced in their lives.

As a bonus, over the years I’ve seen how much growth also comes to the students who train to be SimplyAlign Practitioners.

There are so many gifts that come with the learning, I may not be able to know them all, but here is a short list of 7 blessings that my students have shared with me that have come into their lives since going through the training:

NOTE: I’m not taking credit for this, it’s not from anything I’ve done, but through their own interest, study, practice, and positive energy.

1. An increased sense of fulfillment and purpose: being a SimplyAlign Practitioner can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose, as you help others to heal and transform their lives. This can give you a greater sense of satisfaction and meaning in your personal and professional life.

2. Ability to facilitate personal growth and healing: As a SimplyAlign practitioner, you’ll have the opportunity to facilitate personal growth and healing in yourself and others. This can be a transformative experience, helping you to heal old wounds and release negative patterns and beliefs.

3. Enhanced intuition and spiritual awareness: Energy work can help you to connect with your intuition and spiritual awareness, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom and guidance. This can enhance your decision-making and help you live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

4. A deeper sense of empathy, with ability to hold healthy boundaries: Being an energy practitioner requires you to tune in to the emotions and energy of others, which will help you develop a deeper sense of empathy and compassion. This can improve your relationships and increase your understanding of others.

5. Cleared family patterns that have been in the lineage for decades: As a SimplyAlign practitioner, you’ll have the tools to help clear your own family patterns as well as help your clients clear theirs. Breaking negative cycles encourages us to create new, more positive family narratives that involve reframing negative experiences and focusing on strengths and resilience.

6. Increased financial independence: As a SimplyAlign Practitioner, you have the potential to earn a great income doing meaningful work. This brings peace of mind, as well as more freedom and flexibility in your life to pursue additional passions and priorities.

7. Connection with a beautiful community of supportive souls: Our community of supportive practitioners is here to welcome you with open arms. Starting a healing business is a journey, and we’re all here to support each other.
If you feel inspired by any of these, I’d love to have you join us in my next

SimplyAlign Training:
April 25-28, 2023

Need a payment plan?
The 3-pay option ends Monday night at midnight, PST.

If you’ve attended in the past (CalycoHealing, SimplyHealed, or SimplyAlign), don’t miss the REFRESHER Course: March 9/10th.

It’s all online so you can join from anywhere!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Mount Vernon - Influencer

Did you know you’re an Influencer?

Happy May! With Mother’s Day coming up, I was reminded of a story about George Washington’s mother, Mary Ball Washington, and the influence she had on an entire country.

Did you know she married a widower who had four children? Yep, and then they had five more children together, George being the oldest of those five. When he was 11 years old his father died leaving his mother a single mom to nine children.

When George was 14 years old, his older brother Lawrence used the connections from his service in the British Navy to obtain George an appointment as a midshipman in the Royal Navy. George was ready to go, but his mother intervened and persuaded him to not join the British Navy.

Thank you Mrs. Washington!

She didn’t know the future, that her son would grow to be a political and military leader, or the key role he would play in the American Revolution, or that he would serve as the first President of this new nation.

But she was a mama who loved her son, did some research about these ships, talked to others (there’s a copy of a letter from her brother answering her inquiries), and I’m sure followed her intuition and the feelings in her heart telling her to not let her young son get on that ship.

Had he gone on the ship, who knows what would have become of him. Mary Washington’s influence had significant consequences for her son and the entire country (which also influences other countries -so many ripples!).

I tell you that story because I want to remind you
that you never know how huge of an influence you have on others,
or how far reaching that influence may be.

I’m throwing a little sunshine your way today to let you know that somebody is watching you, and listening to you, and learning from your example, and you may not realize the influence you have on them, or where that will ripple out. Be strong, be positive, trust your intuition like Mary Washington did. You got this!

Now I am off to enjoy the day visiting George Washington’s beloved home, Mount Vernon!

Since we now live in Washington, DC, Dean the Dream and I are taking advantage of all these amazing sights that are nearby. I’ve only seen Mount Vernon in photos, so I’m very excited to spend some time there!

Have a great weekend!