

Monster Repellant – Just Add Light!

Monster Repellant – Just Add Light!

Halloween is over, but the imaginary monsters may still be lurking in our minds. We’ve all experienced that feeling of dread as a kid when we suspect some nightmarish creature is hiding just out of sight under the bed.

Our hearts race, palms sweat, minds conjure up the scary sounds and shadows. But what if we flip on the light switch or work up the courage to peer under? More often than not, the monster is actually a pile of dirty laundry, a forgotten toy, or a stuffed animal with a button eye we mistakenly took for a lurking beast.

Our minds can trick us in similar ways as adults. We anticipate the worst possible scenarios, exaggerate potential threats, and assume fearsome shapes in the darkness of uncertainty.

We magnify small concerns, letting them grow fangs and scales. Add a bit of overthinking and it’s easy for our imagination to blow things out of proportion and morph the mundane into the monstrous.

But just like checking for real monsters under the bed, we can shine the LIGHT of awareness on our worries.

Using tools like SimplyAlign can help dispel the imagined monsters, see things as they truly are, and clear the residual emotions holding us back from peace. Perhaps that metaphorical monster under your bed is just a pair of socks waiting to be tossed in the laundry.

If those pesky anxiety monsters keep creeping up, it may be time to implement more tools to tame them for good.

My upcoming SimplyAlign Training will equip you with energy techniques to get to the root of exaggerated worries. You’ll learn to clear unresolved emotions, rewrite limiting beliefs, and access a calm, focused state to quiet the imaginary, and the real monsters.

SimplyAlign makes energy healing practical for real life so you can overcome anxiety monsters and reclaim your sense of peace. And it’s here for you if you’re ready to shed old fears and start living boldly. I can’t wait to help you tame your monsters and thrive!

  • Been to a SimplyAlign 4-day course in the past? There are still some spots open at the in-person Refresher Course and we’d love to see you there- but hurry, doors close soon!

  • Are you spontaneous and just need a day to re-juvenate? Join us for the Align Your Shine Event! I’ll be speaking about finding, aligning, and shining your light, and I’m excited to share the stage with Mary O’Dwyer leading Breath Work and Heather Rigby playing Sound Bowls. It’s going to be epic! Learn More Here

  • Not ready for a training, but need some help with your monsters? We have a Certified SA Practitioner Directory if you need a personal session and want to see what SimplyAlign can do for you.

Keep Shining,

Carolyn Cooper
SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

monsters - halloween

Monsters Under Your Bed!

As I was at the grocery store last week, I walked around a corner and GASP! These “dolls” took me by surprise! It brought back a memory from when I was 8 years old and my two sisters and I were having a sleep over with our two girl cousins.


We were in their basement bedroom, where the sliding closet doors were open revealing 2 dolls standing up, leaned against the back of the closet, eyes glaring at us.

These dolls were pretty, with sweet faces and beautiful dresses, but the way their big blue eyes seemed to look right at me gave me the creeps. In fact, in my mind they looked more like the Halloween dolls in this photo!

As fate would have it, I was the one whose sleeping bag was closest to the closet. I begged my sisters and cousins to trade places with me (after all, I was the youngest) but, unfortunately, I had already pointed out to them how scary the dolls looked. So my sisters said, “No way!” and my cousins loved their dolls, and thought I was just being silly.

That was a rough night for me. I didn’t get much sleep, because I was afraid to close my eyes for fear of what these monster-dolls might do! Once I got it in my head that they seemed a little too creepily life-like (yes, creepily is a real word), I could think of nothing else.

Although seeing the dolls last week in the grocery store brought back the memory, I didn’t experience any fearful emotion connected with it. I was surprised to see them, but there is no longer any residue of fear in my physical or energetic body.

That’s the power of SimplyAlign. It releases the emotional potency of past (and current) situations. The emotions from that experience got cleared from me years ago, so now I have the memory, but without any fearful emotions attached.

There are two lessons from this story:

1) You are in control of what thoughts you let in your mind

We often see a situation and in our mind we make it bigger and scarier than it actually is. Let the scary, negative thought pass (remember, not every thought that floats through your brain is truth) and bring up a positive and more empowering thought about this situation. In my case I could’ve had a restful night had I just told myself:

“Those dolls are not real and can’t hurt me.”

*What are the “dolls” in your life that you are imagining to be bigger and scarier than they really are?

Knock them back down to size by looking at them realistically (even spiritually to find the lesson) and give yourself some go-to positive affirmations to say to yourself instead.

2) It’s time to get rid of the monsters under your bed

You don’t need to carry your past monsters with you. You can release any past or present monsters whether they just rear their ugly heads occasionally, or consistently lurk near you. Those monsters may come as fear, regrets, anger, grief, betrayal, etc. We can learn from all of these, but once you’ve experienced it, you don’t need to carry that any longer.

SimplyAlign is the best tool I know for dissolving those ‘emotional monsters’.

If you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

I have some openings for private sessions

I’ve also trained these amazing Certified SA Practitioners

If you want to get trained in the SimplyAlign Method and become one of our awesome practitioners, click here to get on the Waitlist so you’ll receive info on the upcoming SimplyAlign cerTrac Training Course.

If you’ve ever attended one of my 4-day Trainings in the past, and haven’t registered for next week’s online Refresher Course do it now! We’d love to have you there, and our world needs your help. Registration Closes on Monday, November 1st!