
SimplyAlign Refresher - October 2024

SimplyAlign Refresher Course – my heart is so full!

SimplyAlign Refresher Course – my heart is so full!

SimplyAlign Refresher - October 2024

I want to share with you this photo of these amazing women (and one man!) from last week’s SimplyAlign Refresher Course! These practitioners traveled from eight different states to be there – and what a super-fun group they were! My heart is so full and I’m still on a high from our few days together!

Before I take a brief holiday pause from private sessions, I have a few November times still available for private energy healing sessions (choose from 25 or 50 minutes). We can connect via phone or Zoom, whatever feels most comfortable for you. Check availability and rates here.

Can’t catch me before January? I’ve got you covered! I’ve personally trained an amazing group of Certified SimplyAlign Practitioners who are ready to support your journey. Browse our Practitioner Directory to find a great match for you, and get to know these wonderful practitioners through their spotlight interviews on my YouTube channel.

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

energy healing

My thoughts on a common energy healing misconception

My thoughts on a common energy healing misconception

Last week, I happened to catch a podcast on YouTube. The woman being interviewed described a period in her life when she was out of touch with her church and exploring “New Age Spirituality.” She listed things she was involved with including tarot cards, gemstones, Reiki, past lives, akashic records, and energy healing. Then she added that she was also deconstructing her values and experimenting with being bisexual, polyamorous, and was increasingly very unhappy with her husband.

The podcast went on to share how she eventually let go of all that, returning to her roots and rekindling her love for her husband. A beautiful story of personal and spiritual growth.

And then…
As I read through the comment section I saw responses like, “I’m glad she exposed the truth about how destructive energy healing is.”

*Sigh* Here’s the reality – what she described wasn’t pure energy healing at all. Yet some people hear the term ‘energy healing’ and lump it together with all these other practices. She had branched way out into things that are not a part of energy healing.

And how about this comment: “All the women I know who get into energy healing end up leaving their church and their husbands within four years”.

Oh, pah-lease! I personally know hundreds (yes hundreds) of good, Godly women who have been helping their families and clients with energy work for many, many years.

I realize that comments like these come from people who haven’t experienced energy healing for themselves, don’t really understand it, and mistakenly group energy healing with various New Age practices, thinking they’re all the same, and putting it all under the label of ‘energy healing’.

Seeing so many misconceptions about this, and how often this powerful tool gets misrepresented is frustrating to me. Mainly because it scares off people who could really be helped by it.

Here’s the thing,
Energy Healing is NOT the same as New Age Spirituality! Energy healing stands on its own. It’s not a religion, and it doesn’t push any particular worldview or belief system. Pure energy healing is actually based on science—it works with the body’s own bio-electricity and natural vibrational resonance, much like how tuning forks naturally align to match each other’s frequencies – simple, pure, and based on natural laws. This isn’t about promoting specific beliefs; it’s about aligning with your natural state of wellness.

I get it – energy work can sound mysterious at first. But here’s something fascinating: energy is used in hospitals every day in completely mainstream ways. Think about it—machines like EEGs, EKGs, and MRIs monitor and diagnose patients by reading the body’s electrical and magnetic signals. Energy isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental part of how our bodies work and how even modern medicine connects with them.

When it comes to energy healing, we’re simply working with the body’s natural energy field in a focused, mindful way. It’s a transformative practice, not something vague or mysterious. Just as we care for our bodies with physical exercise, diet, and sleep, energy healing is a way to care for our internal energy. It helps us reset, clear out emotional clutter, and stay grounded. It’s a practical, effective resource for reducing stress, releasing old patterns, and bringing us back to our natural balance.

To put it plainly: energy healing is about clearing what holds you back and strengthening what propels you forward. It’s not woo-woo; it’s not mystical—it’s a method of working with the natural systems within us, meeting you where you are and supporting you to be more at peace and more confident.

For anyone questioning whether energy healing might interfere with their beliefs or change who they are – as a God-loving woman who has done this work for over 25 years, here’s what I can tell you: clean energy healing doesn’t require you to change your values. It actually helps you to live them more fully.

SimplyAlign is the kind of straightforward, clean energy healing I believe in and practice. It’s all about helping you feel lighter, more grounded, and fully yourself, without any extra ‘fluff’.

I appreciate you reading my vent! My hope in sharing this is that someone who needs healing but has been hesitant will feel more comfortable taking that first step toward feeling better, knowing they can stay true to themselves in the process.

Before I take a brief holiday pause from private sessions, I have a few November times still available for private energy healing sessions (choose from 25 or 50 minutes). We can connect via phone or Zoom, whatever feels most comfortable for you. Check availability and rates here.

Can’t catch me before January? I’ve got you covered! I’ve personally trained an amazing group of Certified SimplyAlign Practitioners who are ready to support your journey. Browse our Practitioner Directory to find a great match for you, and get to know these wonderful practitioners through their spotlight interviews on my YouTube channel.

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Love Yourself More - Energy Healing

5 Daily Strategies to Love Yourself More

5 Daily Strategies to Love Yourself More

I was recently asked an interesting question: “Can you help someone to love themself…and is that even possible through SimplyAlign or coaching?”

My answer to that (and what I’m sharing with you today) is -yes it’s possible, and yes, over the 25+ years that I’ve done energy work, and now coaching, I’ve worked with many clients who struggle with self-love and self-acceptance. It seems to be something that affects most of us to one degree or another at different times in our lives. Self love is a critical aspect of any healing process, because having it, or the lack of it, ripples out to all other areas of our lives.

So, whether I’m coaching, or clearing energy with SimplyAlign, here are some strategies I use to help my clients connect to themselves more deeply so they can live and love whole-heartedly. As you read through this list, check in with yourself that you are getting ‘enough’ of each of these, and I invite you to identify one loving thing that you can do for yourself in the next few days:

  1. Self-care: I know we hear it all the time, but one of the best ways to show love to yourself is through self-care. I encourage my clients to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or taking a relaxing bath. When we set aside time for ourselves, we are sending a message to the subconscious mind that we are deserving of that time, love, and care.
  2. Self-compassion: Often, clients who struggle with self-love have a harsh inner critic that constantly berates them, and most often this began in childhood. In addition to releasing any adverse energetic vibration of childhood experiences and/or generational issues, I also teach my clients self-compassion techniques, such as talking to themselves the way they would talk to a friend or visualizing themselves being held in a loving embrace. These techniques help clients cultivate a more compassionate inner dialogue.
  3. Explore limiting beliefs: In general, people who struggle with self-love have underlying limiting beliefs that are holding them back. With SimplyAlign, it’s easy to quickly get to the root causes and release the low-vibrations without having to re-live the entire story. But I also help my clients follow the thread to identify their beliefs and reframe them into a more positive and empowering story. It’s a step toward resilience in the process of connecting with your own heart.
  4. Use positive affirmations: It’s so true that the words we ‘declare’ matter. I find that when asked the right questions, my clients are really skillful at coming up with powerful, customized affirmations they can repeat to themselves daily. These personalized affirmations help to reprogram their subconscious mind with positive beliefs and thoughts, which can help to increase self-love and self-acceptance.
  5. Focus on strengths: I love helping my clients and students see their own light that they may not even be aware of, or have lost sight of. I encourage them to focus on their strengths and accomplishments rather than their perceived shortcomings. And of course by focusing on what they do well and what they have achieved, they can develop a greater sense of their own capacity and self-love.

These five strategies can be practiced everyday to develop a greater sense of self-compassion and self-acceptance.

At the beginning of this post (and since we can all use a stronger, consistent connection to our own heart), I invited you to identify one loving thing from the above list that you can do for yourself in the next few days, and, pro-tip: put a reminder on your calendar to increase accountability and follow through, yay!

As you add more loving thoughts and actions into your life, you’ll find it crowds out the self-limiting thoughts and behaviors, and aligns you with the peace that comes from giving yourself permission to love yourself.

These strategies above work well, AND…if you’re ready to learn how to clean up and revitalize your energy field in a way that is even more streamlined, join us for the next SimplyAlign Training – it’s all LIVE with me online, and includes access for a full year to a HUGE online course -with all the recordings, plus many additional videos and teachings.

You’ll learn how to do energy work for yourself, friends, family, clients (if you choose), and yes, of course your pets!

All in a way that is so simple, yet profoundly effective. Learning SimplyAlign isn’t hard, it’s an intuitive and graceful process that anyone can learn!

SimplyAlign Training:
April 25-28, 2023

If you’ve attended in the past (CalycoHealing, SimplyHealed, or SimplyAlign), don’t miss the REFRESHER Course: March 9/10th.

It’s all online so you can join from anywhere!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Gifts - Energy Healing

7 Gifts: Are you interested?

7 Gifts: Are you interested?

In 1996 when I began practicing energy work on friends, family, then clients, I used what I’d been taught through classes and whatever few books were published on it at the time.

But I also had to learn to rely on my own intuition, and trust God to give me inspiration as I did the work.

It was important to me to learn the cleanest, purest and least complicated way of doing this type of work.

When I started doing this work, I was so happy to be able to help clients with whatever challenges they faced in their lives.

As a bonus, over the years I’ve seen how much growth also comes to the students who train to be SimplyAlign Practitioners.

There are so many gifts that come with the learning, I may not be able to know them all, but here is a short list of 7 blessings that my students have shared with me that have come into their lives since going through the training:

NOTE: I’m not taking credit for this, it’s not from anything I’ve done, but through their own interest, study, practice, and positive energy.

1. An increased sense of fulfillment and purpose: being a SimplyAlign Practitioner can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose, as you help others to heal and transform their lives. This can give you a greater sense of satisfaction and meaning in your personal and professional life.

2. Ability to facilitate personal growth and healing: As a SimplyAlign practitioner, you’ll have the opportunity to facilitate personal growth and healing in yourself and others. This can be a transformative experience, helping you to heal old wounds and release negative patterns and beliefs.

3. Enhanced intuition and spiritual awareness: Energy work can help you to connect with your intuition and spiritual awareness, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom and guidance. This can enhance your decision-making and help you live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

4. A deeper sense of empathy, with ability to hold healthy boundaries: Being an energy practitioner requires you to tune in to the emotions and energy of others, which will help you develop a deeper sense of empathy and compassion. This can improve your relationships and increase your understanding of others.

5. Cleared family patterns that have been in the lineage for decades: As a SimplyAlign practitioner, you’ll have the tools to help clear your own family patterns as well as help your clients clear theirs. Breaking negative cycles encourages us to create new, more positive family narratives that involve reframing negative experiences and focusing on strengths and resilience.

6. Increased financial independence: As a SimplyAlign Practitioner, you have the potential to earn a great income doing meaningful work. This brings peace of mind, as well as more freedom and flexibility in your life to pursue additional passions and priorities.

7. Connection with a beautiful community of supportive souls: Our community of supportive practitioners is here to welcome you with open arms. Starting a healing business is a journey, and we’re all here to support each other.
If you feel inspired by any of these, I’d love to have you join us in my next

SimplyAlign Training:
April 25-28, 2023

Need a payment plan?
The 3-pay option ends Monday night at midnight, PST.

If you’ve attended in the past (CalycoHealing, SimplyHealed, or SimplyAlign), don’t miss the REFRESHER Course: March 9/10th.

It’s all online so you can join from anywhere!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Freedom business

Why I love my business? Freedom to do this….

Why I love my business? Freedom to do this….

This week I’m writing you from my mom’s home in southern Utah, where I’m helping her after she fell, hit her head, and then spent 3 days on the floor because she was unable to get up or reach her phone. A friend, after calling for 3 days with no answer, finally got my brother’s number and called him. (He is so good to look out for her, was just there the night before she fell, in addition he had company that week).

As soon as he got the call, he and his wife ran right over, and after an ambulance ride, a week’s hospital stay, plus 2 weeks in a rehab center, my little mama is home safe and sound.

And yes, she is now willing to wear a medical-alert necklace. (We got her a google-voice last year but she unhooked it because it creeped her out. She was afraid ‘he’ was listening to her.)

Here’s the thing…
I had no idea my little ‘mamacita’ (who is nearly 90 years old) was so popular! She’s lived in the same small town and attended the the same church congregation for 55 years, plus worked at a local bank for 25 years, so yes, she knows a lot of people!

While in the hospital, she received numerous phone calls daily, including Marco Polo videos from her kids and grandkids, and get this – she had 18 ( ! ) friends visit while in the rehab center! And now at home there have been so many friends stopping by bringing fresh-baked bread, tapioca pudding, homemade chocolate treats, etc.

And the phone calls are non-stop with people checking in on her. Word spreads fast around here apparently.

I mean…I know a lot of people, but I really don’t think I’d get 18 people visiting me in-between physical therapy appointments, and then phone calls and visitors all day, every day as I recovered at home. (Would I even want that? Hmm…probably not.)

But I get it…many of these friends are around her same age so they don’t text…they call or come and visit in person.
That’s how their generation does it. And it’s a wonderful thing.

I was reminded about two important lessons this week:

1) Be a good friend like my mom has been to so many people over the years. The acts of service that you send out come back to you.

2) There is power in doing work that you love that also gives you flexibility. I wouldn’t have had the luxury to quickly jump on a plane and travel across the country to help my little mama when needed had it not been for entrepreneurship.

I love running my own business and the time and money freedom to be able to still do everything I need to from here. With internet and phones I can take care of mamacita and I still get to love on my clients too.

And you know what?

That’s why I teach SimplyAlign. Along with all the innovative ways you can use the science of energy work, I also teach my students how to give service AND how to build a business that can travel wherever they do.

If YOU are ready to have time and money freedom through doing meaningful work that LIGHTS you up

SimplyAlign Training might be your next step!

Go here to get all the info and if it’s calling you,
join us on Zoom the last week in April.

Use the pay-in-full-option before midnight on Tuesday (Valentine’s Day!)
to get the additional EARLY BIRD SPECIAL:
2 months of weekly 15-min laser sessions with me!

And if you’ve already attended one of my 4-day trainings in the past, don’t miss the REFRESHER COURSE March 9th/10th – All online, easy peasy to attend!

I’m here in Utah for another week or so, and I hope wherever you are you set an intention for, and create a great week!

Much Love,

PS: This Early Bird Special is a great deal. If you’re thinking about getting SimplyAlign trained, act quickly, (before Tues!), so you and I can have 2 months of personalized laser sessions prior to the course. I look forward to getting to know you better!

PPS: My little mama is doing great now, and getting stronger each day!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Your Future is calling

Your future is calling…

I’m glad you’re reading this…

Because I know I’ve been talking a lot about the SimplyAlign Training the past few weeks.

I always get so excited leading up to a training because I love putting these tools in people’s hands.

And I love knowing that what my students learn goes into the world in the form of improving lives (theirs and the people they will work with).

And because this is the only SimplyAlign Training/Certification I’ll be teaching this entire year,

and because doors are only open for 1 more week…

I did this FB Live to answer some great questions that have come in:

And hey, this is only 12 minutes, so if you’re curious BUT short on time, go ahead and use the little GEAR on the bottom right to speed it up to 1.5. That’s such a great little techie tool, amiright?

I answer these in a bit more detail in the video, but for a quick overview here’s what’s covered:

1) What is included in the SA course tuition?

OH, it’s not only a 4-day training! You also get:

  • Energy Healing Jumpstart online course
  • SimplyAlign online Business Course
  • SimplyAlign Practitioner Community (SAPC) Membership for a full year
    (In the video I explain what’s included in our awesome community)
  • Personal Session with a Seasoned Practitioner
  • 2-day Refresher Course (choose from 3x each year)

  • BONUS (2 additional online training courses to help you AFTER you get certified)

2) Can I take the training to help heal myself and my family, without having to get Certified and start a business?

Yes, a lot of our students just want the info and community for their own personal development. Certification is only required if you’re using SA as a business. (In the above video I also mention a few of the Certification Requirements).

3) What is taught and how does it differ from other modalities?

The video will fill you in on this, and for a listing of what’s included go here:

And in case you missed it, more questions are answered by some of our Practitioners in this fun video.

I’d love to have you in our 2022 class, and in our larger SA community, if it feels like the right fit for you.

I want to make sure you’ve got ALL the scoop to make an informed decision, so for any other questions you can reply to this email.

Whatever you choose, I’m grateful for you, SimplyAlign.

Much Love,

She believed she could so she did

She believed she could so she did

The statement on my t-shirt, “She believed she could so she did” is one of my favorites.

In 2001 at home with a newborn, I had the idea that if I could put my Tai Chi classes on video, I could still help people, while staying home with my kids, and also bring in a little income for my family.

I wanted to do something that could help others, give me the time at home to be mama, and do something that I really loved.

So…I did it! I created and filmed Tai Chi Flow – my video/dvd series.

I was often asked, “How did you know how to do that?”

The answer is…I didn’t know. But I believed I could, so I did.

A few years later, I began teaching my energy healing method, SimplyAlign (back then it was called Calyco Healing). I’d learned and created my own style of doing effective energy work five years prior to filming the videos, and my clientele was quickly growing.

And after many requests by clients to train them how to do it, I created a teachable program.

At that time most people didn’t know what energy healing was. There were very few people teaching about it at that time. I wasn’t sure how to do this as a mostly online business because I hadn’t seen it modeled. I had no examples to follow.

But again…I believed I could so I did.

Now, this makes a lovely story 20 years later. BUT…

like every road in life there were bumps and stresses, and a lot of clearing energy for myself to get past the inevitable insecurities that come up while building your own business -phew!

My point is…

You don’t have to be a genius

You don’t have to have all the answers

You can’t know all the outcomes of your efforts ahead of time

You don’t have to know for sure your idea will work

You just need to believe in yourself,
believe in your idea,
and take inspired action.

If you do that, I believe YOU can and I believe YOU will.


What’s your next idea?
(taking a course, running a marathon, starting a biz, baking a soufflé,?)

What’s your next best small step?
(write it down, make it real – yep go ahead, right now, let’s do this!)

And remember, “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill



SimplyAlign Refresher

Upcoming: The SimplyAlign Refresher – November 4-5th!

To see more details and register, click here.

We’re moving, guess where!

I’m moving across the country.


With my hubby Dean-the-Dream.

If you’re reading this email when it landed in your inbox, we are flying to our new home right now.

Moving from beautiful St George, Utah where we’ve lived and raised our five kids for 37 years.

I love the red rocks, the biking trails, the not-too-bad traffic, working in my patio-office for at least 7 months each year, proximity to Zion National Park (we go there a lot), I even love the desert heat.

It’s halfway between our kids in Salt Lake City and California.

But alas, a new adventure awaits!

And I love adventure.

We are moving to the Capital City.

Hubby got his dream job.

After 31 years of being a golf course superintendent, he retired and applied for another “slightly” similar job -(well, working outside with grass and plants)

He’s the new Grounds Supervisor at the Washington DC Temple.

We’re both super excited.

And, I get to keep my dream job too.

My energy work & coaching has always been over phone, Skype, or Zoom so I can (and do) work from any location.

In fact, work-wise you wouldn’t have even known I moved, but I wanted to share this happy news with you!

And also, in the next week or two I hope to be sharing some photos of the Cherry Blossom Festival -so stay tuned!

What about you?

Have you ever made a big move?
Followed a dream?
Changed direction because it just ‘felt’ right?
If not…
Do you plan to?

I’m truly interested to know! I love stories like this, if you feel like sharing your answers with me just reply to this email.

Sending you love and thanks for being part of my community.

Next week I’ll be writing from my new Eastern Time Zone!
Until then, have a SIMPLY great week,


PS: Speaking of “moving”…Move-up Mondays (personal sessions) starts again in April. Official launch is in 2 weeks, but if you want to secure a spot, you can sneak over here now and get in early.

Join me on social media for updates on the new life in the big city:

simplycari IG

carolyncoopercoaching IG

carolyncooper-simplyalign FB

PPS: Next REFRESHER Course (for those who’ve taken my 4-day Training) is April 29/30 online!
Registration is now open here:


BIG NEWS: Check out our New Name!

Hello friend,
I hope your New Year is off to a great start!
Around here, things are shaking up and I’m excited to share the news with you!
As you may or may not know, the “official” name of my company is Carolyn Cooper International, Inc. As it will remain.
SimplyHealed is the name of my method and certification training that I’ve taught to thousands of awesome students since 2006.
For several reasons I’ve decided to change the name of SimplyHealed.
It will now be…DRUM ROLL…


I’m super excited about the new name, as it more accurately reflects what this work actually does.
SimplyHealed has never claimed to “heal” anyone. It is a tool to help release negative emotions and fortify strengths so that a person can be ALIGNED in mind, body and spirit.
What SimplyHealed does best is help you ALIGN your mindset, goals and actions!
The new website is underway, and we’re updating all my social media accounts.
This is a process and I’ll keep you informed along the way. Woo-Hoo!
In the meantime, I’ve been getting some questions from those who’ve seen the recent changes on my social media so here are my As to your Qs:

Is the March SimplyHealed cerTrac still on? 
YES!! I will still be teaching this 4-day course LIVE on Zoom March 9-12th.
All the goodness of the time-tested SimplyHealed course will still be taught,
it will just have the updated name. Registration is open here
What about all the current Certified SimplyHealed Practitioners?
They are awesome, onboard and also excited about the new name!
They will now be (CSAP) Certified SimplyALIGN Practitioners.
Same great work, same amazing results from your practitioner.
Will you have some new offers with the new website?
YES. Some of you know I’ve also been a Life Coach for several years.
I coach a 12-week Certified High Performance program that
will be offered on my new website. If you’re interested and want
to get started right away email my team for an application.
Will Move-up Mondays and Tune-up Tuesdays continue?
YEP. I LOVE these 15-min lasers sessions, the only change will be
that we now call what we do during these sessions SimplyALIGN.
BTW, I’ll be starting a new 6-month Move-up Monday program in Feb.
I’ve opened registration early this time!
Will you still be doing your Energy Shot videos?
Oh, I love that someone asked me this! YES I will, but I won’t be
doing videos on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. I’ll continue to create
new videos occasionally, but for now there are plenty to watch on my channel.
And I’ll continue to send a regular email with a brief tip that I feel will inspire you!
Watch for those on Thursdays now instead of Friday.
Until then, here are a few inspiring quotes about change (since I’m sure you also had much of your own in 2020!)
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” -Socrates
“Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future” -John F. Kennedy
Have a great week!
Shine On,
Carolyn Cooper

Transformation Invitation


Let me be honest…SimplyHealed is my baby. I’ve nurtured her and grown her for many years. This work has changed my life and thousands of student’s lives as well (not to mention their families and clients).

I’m usually not this bold to speak of my life’s work like this, but this email seems to be writing itself…

Because…do you feel it? Now is the time, our world needs light-workers. We need women and men of integrity who have tools that can cut the tethers of limiting beliefs, that can clean up negative emotions from the past (our own and our ancestors), that can help people be the best version of themselves.

After all, isn’t that what we are all doing? Trying to become the best version of ourselves?

SimplyHealed doesn’t just bring about transformation, it requires it. But don’t let that scare you. It happens in a subtle, elegant way, by empowering you, at your own pace, from the inside out.

I know this because for years I’ve had students return for SimplyHealed Refresher courses after they’ve been using the SimplyHealed method for awhile and, well, they are different. More positive and confident in their actions, their speech, their intentions…they often even look different!

Why am I telling you all this today?

Because my next SimplyHealed Certification Track is coming up this fall. (How appropriate, the time of beautiful change!)

September 17th – 20th, 2019
in sunny St George, UT

If you are new to my tribe, let me explain what SimplyHealed is:

It’s an Energy Healing method that is simple, graceful, thorough, effective. Tried and proven over many years by many people.

Simply put, SimplyHealed is a way to be happy. To feel light, unburdened, competent, capable.


You may attend the first 2 days only, which is the SimplyHealed for YOU Course. This gives you all the information you need to balance and release energy for yourself and your family.

If you want to delve deeper into the work, become a SimplyHealed Certified Practitioner, and set up your own healing practice (or add SH to your healing/coaching business), then the 4-day cerTrac is perfect for you!

4-days LIVE in classroom with me and new like-minded friends

PLUS online:

  • Group Training/Coaching Calls
  • Business Training (how to get started as a practitioner)
  • Personal Healing Session (to optimize your mindset)
  • Private Forum (connect with seasoned practitioners & archives of info)

AND SUPER EARLY BIRD BONUS for this class only:
Free Access to my November SH Convention: “ALIGN: Heal the Healer”

This is the only time this year I’ll be teaching these popular courses, so now’s the time to join this group and start living your truest life.

I want you to come for YOU, but I also want you to come for ALL the family members and clients you will be able to help. For the inspiring ripple effect you will create in our world.

How would that enhance your life?

As I mentioned before, attending a SimplyHealed course doesn’t just give you information, it brings transformation. Please don’t take only my word for it, learn more and check out the video testimonials from students here.

Now is the time, our world needs you to be your best self, and by doing so your light will help others rise.

Learn more, get your questions answered, and see more videos here:

OR, if you already know this is right for you, click here to register now.

(3-pay option ends July 16th)

I would love to teach you the effective healing art of SimplyHealed by having you attend the SimplyHealed for YOU (SH4U) 2-day training, so you can immediately begin to help yourself and your family.

OR, come for all 4-days and join this new cerTrac group beginning in September, and in 6 months from now you could have a life and a healing practice that you love!

Much love,


PS: Feel free to forward this email to friends/family who want to learn energy healing work.

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