
DNA - Generational Healing

I can’t decide if this is creepy or amazing (DNA)

I can’t decide if this is creepy or amazing (DNA)

I just discovered something that makes me STOP and stare at my computer screen!

Let me explain…
Since I’ve done generational healing in the ‘energy’ space for a few decades, I was interested in learning more about DNA Day – which was earlier this week (Tues 27th)

In my search, I found a website called

Websites like this are not new to me, I’m on a lot, in fact I volunteer one morning a week at my local Family Search Center here in D.C. (I even found some super exciting things in my direct line last week…but I’ll save that for another time). has DNA kits on sale for only $39 in honor of DNA Day…so yes, I bought one because I still haven’t ever done a DNA test yet…that’s weird, seems like something I’d be an early adopter for, lol.

But here’s what made me stare!

On their site you can upload photos and animate them! So I uploaded an old black and white photo of my dad in his early 20’s, also one of my Granny and my Grandpa. And now…my pics move their heads, and their eyes, and even smile at me. Woah!

I shared with my family and one of my sons says it reminds him of the statue heads in Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion. And my sweet 3 year old grand daughter said, “It’s kinda creepy.”

The website let me do 4 photos for free, then to get more there’s a small monthly fee. And no, I’m not an affiliate for them, I just thought it was worth sharing…for DNA day, and all.

I might sign up…I have a couple cat photos I’d really like to animate, haha!

It felt a little weird to me to even add my relative’s animated faces in this email, so I didn’t, but now that you know the website, go have some fun with your family pics! I’d love to hear what you think about it!

And, speaking of DNA, if you know there is “stuff” in your family tree you’d like to clean up energetically, I’d love to support you with that. I’ve been helping clients with generational healing for over two decades. So whether its money issues, limiting beliefs, phobias, etc., a SimplyAlign session can help.

And…since my birthday is coming up, use this coupon code: BIRTHDAY20 for 20% off a 50-min OR 25-min session (for the month of May 2023). CLICK HERE to schedule.

Much Love,

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

What’s In YOUR Genes?

One of the many healing parts of my SimplyAlign work is cleaning up the energetic DNA, and releasing emotions from the traumas, abuse, persecution, war, etc. that our ancestors lived through and science now proves we really do inherit. It’s powerful stuff, and clearing these emotions can make such a difference in how we feel, how we then behave, and what we can ultimately accomplish.

I’ve done this generational work for years, it’s so fascinating to learn what we have inherited and see how lives change when those limiting emotions are released.

I was recently working with a client, I’ll call her Amy (not her real name) who had struggled her whole life with not feeling good enough. No matter the situation, she always felt she was “less than” everyone else.

She explained to me how she longed to be a person who didn’t come home after every social gathering she attended and berate herself.

“Did I say the wrong thing? Was I too awkward when meeting that new person? Did they understand what I meant, or did I offend someone? Were my clothes too dressy? Too casual?”

She told me how she knew she had missed out on many opportunities for friendships, career advancement, and fun because of this. But what she really feared was how her insecurities could affect her children. This was the most painful part for her.

Amy had done some personal work on this, and as she put it was “way better than she used to be.” But there was still something holding on that she just couldn’t seem to shake!

As I worked with her in a session what came up very strongly was that this feeling of inadequacy had been carried in her family lines for many generations. On her father’s side, feeling belittled, ridiculed, even persecuted were the words and emotions that came up during that session. SimplyAlign can release those stuck emotions in a a graceful yet thorough way, so that’s just what we did for Amy.

She later reported to me that she now understands that she is truly an important person, with an important life to live, just like everyone else, and that owning her power in this way has changed how she is as a mom, wife, friend, employee. Those scared-of-not-being-good-enough voices in her head rarely show up now. It’s beautiful to see the change in her countenance, her actions, even the way she walks into a room.

If you have ancestors (that’s you), learning this information is essential! Click the link below to learn more about generational healing and how it affects your family, on my free online webinar called:

Generational Healing:
The missing link to your success and happiness

Click here to learn more.

Emotional DNA and generational issues

Emotional DNA and generational issuesEver since I can remember, I had a huge fear of taxidermied animal heads. (A strange phobia, I know.) I could not go into a room with a head mounted on the wall. During my lifetime, I’d never had a negative experience with these things, so it didn’t make any sense that they bothered me so much. Have you ever been upset by something that makes no logical sense? You may be carrying generational issues. Read more