

Celebrating Milestones and New Possibilities

Celebrating Milestones and New Possibilities

Last week was my birthday, and as is my new tradition here in DC, I celebrated by visiting the Smithsonian Zoo (those meerkats always crack me up!).


My birthday got me feeling nostalgic about my journey in this business over the years. Believe me, it hasn’t always been as easy as A-B-C, but along the way:

A – I’ve taught SimplyALIGN several times in Australia, Alabama, and Arizona (among many other places!). Each location has brought unique experiences and wonderful connections, enriching my journey in ways I never imagined.

B – I’ve had to get past Blocks, mental Barriers, and Burnout. These challenges have tested my resilience, but they’ve also made me stronger and more determined to help others on their paths.

C – But ultimately, I’ve gained Confidence, Compassion, and Courage. These core values support my work and everything I do, from energy healing to possibilities coaching.

The road hasn’t been perfect, but it’s been oh-so-worth it. Every step, every hurdle, and every breakthrough has shaped who I am today and how I can best serve my clients.

> Now I’d love to hear from you. <

When you reflect on your own journey, what are the top 3 lessons you’ve learned on your path of personal growth? For a bit of fun, pick a letter and tell me three lessons you’ve learned that begin with that letter (like my ABC’s above). Hit reply and share your insights—I’m all ears!

Much Love,


P.S. Stay tuned for some exciting updates and opportunities coming your way soon! (Teaser: my new Podcast, group coaching, new website, SA Training dates -phew, we’ve been joyfully busy over here!)

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Speak Your Truth with Confidence

Try these 10 Affirmations to Speak Your Truth With More Confidence

Try these 10 Affirmations to Speak Your Truth With More Confidence

Have you ever caught yourself not saying what you really think, maybe because it felt too uncomfortable? Or found yourself hinting at what you mean, but not really being direct, and it just ends up causing confusion? It’s something we’ve all faced at some point. Let’s explore how we can move past that and communicate with confidence.

How often do you find yourself holding back your true thoughts or feelings out of fear or discomfort?

Or maybe expressing yourself in an indirect or passive-aggressive way that creates more tension than clarity?

Many people struggle with communicating assertively in certain situations. Stating our needs, opinions and boundaries directly yet respectfully, may not be something we were taught growing up.

The good news is that just like any skill, assertive communication can be developed through intentional practice. Here are three ways you can get started:

1) A powerful lesson about communication comes from a friend whose family runs a global business empire. He shared that his father’s success was based on four simple words: “What do you think?” His dad made a practice of genuinely asking others for their perspective before sharing his own. This invites open dialogue, helps others feel truly heard, and increases the likelihood they’ll be receptive to your thoughts when shared.

2) This idea is echoed by leadership expert Simon Sinek, who talks about the quiet power of being the last to speak in a discussion. By allowing others to fully voice their views first, you earn respect and your words carry more weight when it’s your turn.

Imagine how different workplace meetings, family disagreements or personal partnerships could be if we all approached them with curiosity about others’ perspectives and asserted our own with confidence yet compassion.

3) Another effective tool is the use of positive affirmations – You know how much I love using affirmations; declarations we repeat to ourselves to rewire unhelpful thought patterns and instill new positive beliefs. Think of it as telling the truth in advance!

Here are 10 affirmations designed to cultivate more open, honest and assertive communication:

  1. I communicate my needs and feelings openly and honestly, respecting myself and others.
  2. I have the courage to express my thoughts directly and respectfully.
  3. I choose clear and constructive communication over indirect methods.
  4. I am confident in my ability to address issues directly and seek resolutions.
  5. I respect the viewpoints of others and listen actively when they speak.
  6. I express my disagreements with kindness and seek understanding.
  7. I am worthy of expressing my needs and having them met.
  8. I approach conflicts with a positive attitude, looking for common ground.
  9. I am responsible for my own emotions and communicate them without blame.
  10. I foster relationships based on honesty, respect, and mutual understanding.

By repeating these affirmations regularly, we reinforce beliefs that allow us to communicate with clarity, confidence and consideration for others.

So to become a more confident and compassionate communicator:

  • get in the practice of sincerely asking for others’ views with, “What do you think?”
  • allow the quiet power of truly listening first before speaking, and
  • choose a few affirmations from this list to repeat regularly as your new self-talk.

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but stick with it – you’ll quickly become an assertive communication pro – you got this!

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Are You An Angel In the Marble?

Are You An Angel In the Marble?


“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo

I love this quote by Michelangelo because I truly believe we all have light, we are all angelic in our special way. And when I work with a client in a SimplyAlign session I feel like this is what I’m doing.

I’m simply helping to carve away the marble…or to say it differently, to release the heavy parts that are limiting their perception of themself and what they are capable of. Once the false beliefs are discovered and diffused that opens up confidence, self love, clarity and endless possibilities for growth. It’s light-filled, powerful work, and I’m humbled to work with amazing clients and students.

The way I see it, we are all in this University of Life to have experiences, to learn and to grow.

Sometimes those life circumstances and experiences can feel heavy…literally like a block of marble.

It helps to have tools to help chip away the marble so the true “angel” (you!) can shine.

SimplyAlign is simply a tool. It doesn’t take the place of prayer, meditation, medical advice, exercise, or even medication. But it does work alongside any and all of those. You don’t need to give up what you’re already doing to get your energy cleared and balanced.

If you’re feeling heavy and would love to ‘set free’ any worries, doubts, sadness, etc. Here are three ways I’d love to help:

1) My 30% off Summer Session coupon code: SUMMER22 is available through August (I still have a few time slots open in Aug. but my schedule is filling, so you can use the coupon through this month, even if you can’t find a spot on my online calendar until Sept).

2) I now have space for 3 more clients in my Move-Up Mondays, 15-min laser sessions. I’d love to work with you for the next 6- months in this effective program! Learn more about it here and email to secure a spot.

3) Or, join me online for the October SimplyAlign Training. If you’re ready to learn this graceful and effective way of aligning energy to enhance all areas of your life, then please consider our next cerTrac > that’s what we call our “Certification Track” – because it’s way more than just 4 days of online training. All the info about it is right here:

If you feel more comfortable talking with me first, I’m here to help you get clarity on the best move for you. You can book a fre-e 20-minute Ask CC call here.

Shine On,


Living Above the Line

Are You Living Above The Line?

One of my favorite ways to explain about energy/emotions/frequency, whether I’m teaching a class or just explaining to one client in a private session, is to use the concept of living above or below the line.

This concept is used in a lot of different ways, but I talk about it referring to emotions.

We all get the “opportunity” to feel a broad range of emotions throughout our lives, throughout a week, or really it can be throughout one day!

Some emotions are heavy, and have a slower vibration. Emotions such as:

sadness / anger / fear / shame / doubt / anxiety / envy / disappointment / irritation / worry / impatience, and so many more.

Since these emotions are heavy and sluggish, they can literally make us feel heavy and sluggish when we are carrying them. These are what I call Below the Line.

On the flip side, emotions that make us feel light, lift us up, and feel so good are:

joy / peace / gratitude / hope / contentment / serenity / awe / relief / confidence / optimism / LOVE / enthusiasm, ETC. These I refer to as Above the Line.

Let’s say there’s an invisible line and all the negative emotions fall beneath it, and all the positive emotions float above it. With that visual it’s easy to see that we want to Live Above The Line. It feels so much better to live in the space of these higher vibrating emotions!

Living Above the Line

But let’s go back to what I said earlier, we all get the “opportunity” to experience all these emotions. So, yes our goal is to do what we can to live ABOVE the line, but it’s really ok if we occasionally sink below it while experiencing one or more of the heavy emotions.

After all…that’s part of this life’s experience. We’re not meant to only live above the line, but yes, life is much more pleasant when we pro-actively do what we can to live from the “up-side”.

Sometimes we carry heavy emotions temporarily while we’re going through some tough stuff, and sometimes those emotions get stuck in our tissues, in our energy, in our mind.

What SimplyAlign does is find the cause of the negative emotion and release it at its root.

You don’t have to remember the event or re-live what happened, often the energy just needs a witness…and a skilled practitioner.

The negative emotions we carry can be from situations we are currently experiencing, or can be stored and stagnating from years of layering these sluggish emotions without fully releasing and letting them go. Oh wow, that sounds heavy doesn’t it?

The good news is, we don’t have to carry them. There are ways to get to the root and clean it up, even if we don’t know the exact emotions, where they came from, or that they were even still lurking there.

Last week I worked with a new client and several times through the session she said, “I feel so light!” I told her, “Yes, that’s how SimplyAlign works.” That’s the statement I hear the most from clients, and it goes back to releasing the heavy vibrations.

So, here’s my invitation for you this week:

Pay attention to how you’re feeling. Check in with yourself during the day to notice what emotion you’re feeling at the time, and whether it’s ABOVE or BELOW the line. Of course the goal is to stay above the line, by keeping or shifting your thoughts to a positive state.

Just having this awareness will help raise your vibration. Yay You!

And if you’re ready to take it several steps further and learn how to use SimplyAlign to quickly and gracefully release heavy emotions (and oh so much more!) then click here to learn more about the upcoming SimplyAlign Training Oct 18-21st – all ONLINE

Having the desire to do this work is a gift, and being able to do it well is a skill.

I can’t give you the desire if it’s not there, but if it is, I can teach you the skills to help you live

ABOVE THE LINE more often and skills to help you help others live above the line too.

Shine On,

Let the Future Change Your Past

Let your future change your past

A few nights ago my family went to out outdoor musical – The Count of Monte Cristo.

I loved it, the outdoor amphitheater, the voices, the costumes, the music -all. so. good.

There was one line in a song that jumped out to me and is still with me:

I will let the future change the past

For anyone with any regrets about the past (big or small), this is a very inspiring thought.

We always have the power to let go of our past, and move forward with hope.

Letting go isn’t giving up.

Letting go means knowing that there is something greater ahead of you than what lies behind you.

And the more we ruminate in the stories of our past, the more of the present moment we lose.

Find the gift of the lessons in your past and move on, keep the wisdom, but not the emotional pain.

Use the wisdom from your past experiences as fuel for your desired future.

Leave who you were ~ Love who you are ~ Look forward to who you are becoming

If you need help letting go, SimplyAlign is a fantastic tool for releasing emotions that keep us stuck in the past, and for increasing confidence as you move forward into new goals for your future.

If weekly energy tune-ups feel like something you need in your life right now, doors open for my popular Move Up Mondays program very soon! Watch for next week’s emails. I also have openings for single phone sessions on my schedule here.