

Celebrating Milestones and New Possibilities

Celebrating Milestones and New Possibilities

Last week was my birthday, and as is my new tradition here in DC, I celebrated by visiting the Smithsonian Zoo (those meerkats always crack me up!).


My birthday got me feeling nostalgic about my journey in this business over the years. Believe me, it hasn’t always been as easy as A-B-C, but along the way:

A – I’ve taught SimplyALIGN several times in Australia, Alabama, and Arizona (among many other places!). Each location has brought unique experiences and wonderful connections, enriching my journey in ways I never imagined.

B – I’ve had to get past Blocks, mental Barriers, and Burnout. These challenges have tested my resilience, but they’ve also made me stronger and more determined to help others on their paths.

C – But ultimately, I’ve gained Confidence, Compassion, and Courage. These core values support my work and everything I do, from energy healing to possibilities coaching.

The road hasn’t been perfect, but it’s been oh-so-worth it. Every step, every hurdle, and every breakthrough has shaped who I am today and how I can best serve my clients.

> Now I’d love to hear from you. <

When you reflect on your own journey, what are the top 3 lessons you’ve learned on your path of personal growth? For a bit of fun, pick a letter and tell me three lessons you’ve learned that begin with that letter (like my ABC’s above). Hit reply and share your insights—I’m all ears!

Much Love,


P.S. Stay tuned for some exciting updates and opportunities coming your way soon! (Teaser: my new Podcast, group coaching, new website, SA Training dates -phew, we’ve been joyfully busy over here!)

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Speak Your Truth with Confidence

Try these 10 Affirmations to Speak Your Truth With More Confidence

Try these 10 Affirmations to Speak Your Truth With More Confidence

Have you ever caught yourself not saying what you really think, maybe because it felt too uncomfortable? Or found yourself hinting at what you mean, but not really being direct, and it just ends up causing confusion? It’s something we’ve all faced at some point. Let’s explore how we can move past that and communicate with confidence.

How often do you find yourself holding back your true thoughts or feelings out of fear or discomfort?

Or maybe expressing yourself in an indirect or passive-aggressive way that creates more tension than clarity?

Many people struggle with communicating assertively in certain situations. Stating our needs, opinions and boundaries directly yet respectfully, may not be something we were taught growing up.

The good news is that just like any skill, assertive communication can be developed through intentional practice. Here are three ways you can get started:

1) A powerful lesson about communication comes from a friend whose family runs a global business empire. He shared that his father’s success was based on four simple words: “What do you think?” His dad made a practice of genuinely asking others for their perspective before sharing his own. This invites open dialogue, helps others feel truly heard, and increases the likelihood they’ll be receptive to your thoughts when shared.

2) This idea is echoed by leadership expert Simon Sinek, who talks about the quiet power of being the last to speak in a discussion. By allowing others to fully voice their views first, you earn respect and your words carry more weight when it’s your turn.

Imagine how different workplace meetings, family disagreements or personal partnerships could be if we all approached them with curiosity about others’ perspectives and asserted our own with confidence yet compassion.

3) Another effective tool is the use of positive affirmations – You know how much I love using affirmations; declarations we repeat to ourselves to rewire unhelpful thought patterns and instill new positive beliefs. Think of it as telling the truth in advance!

Here are 10 affirmations designed to cultivate more open, honest and assertive communication:

  1. I communicate my needs and feelings openly and honestly, respecting myself and others.
  2. I have the courage to express my thoughts directly and respectfully.
  3. I choose clear and constructive communication over indirect methods.
  4. I am confident in my ability to address issues directly and seek resolutions.
  5. I respect the viewpoints of others and listen actively when they speak.
  6. I express my disagreements with kindness and seek understanding.
  7. I am worthy of expressing my needs and having them met.
  8. I approach conflicts with a positive attitude, looking for common ground.
  9. I am responsible for my own emotions and communicate them without blame.
  10. I foster relationships based on honesty, respect, and mutual understanding.

By repeating these affirmations regularly, we reinforce beliefs that allow us to communicate with clarity, confidence and consideration for others.

So to become a more confident and compassionate communicator:

  • get in the practice of sincerely asking for others’ views with, “What do you think?”
  • allow the quiet power of truly listening first before speaking, and
  • choose a few affirmations from this list to repeat regularly as your new self-talk.

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but stick with it – you’ll quickly become an assertive communication pro – you got this!

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Gifts - Energy Healing

7 Gifts: Are you interested?

7 Gifts: Are you interested?

In 1996 when I began practicing energy work on friends, family, then clients, I used what I’d been taught through classes and whatever few books were published on it at the time.

But I also had to learn to rely on my own intuition, and trust God to give me inspiration as I did the work.

It was important to me to learn the cleanest, purest and least complicated way of doing this type of work.

When I started doing this work, I was so happy to be able to help clients with whatever challenges they faced in their lives.

As a bonus, over the years I’ve seen how much growth also comes to the students who train to be SimplyAlign Practitioners.

There are so many gifts that come with the learning, I may not be able to know them all, but here is a short list of 7 blessings that my students have shared with me that have come into their lives since going through the training:

NOTE: I’m not taking credit for this, it’s not from anything I’ve done, but through their own interest, study, practice, and positive energy.

1. An increased sense of fulfillment and purpose: being a SimplyAlign Practitioner can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose, as you help others to heal and transform their lives. This can give you a greater sense of satisfaction and meaning in your personal and professional life.

2. Ability to facilitate personal growth and healing: As a SimplyAlign practitioner, you’ll have the opportunity to facilitate personal growth and healing in yourself and others. This can be a transformative experience, helping you to heal old wounds and release negative patterns and beliefs.

3. Enhanced intuition and spiritual awareness: Energy work can help you to connect with your intuition and spiritual awareness, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom and guidance. This can enhance your decision-making and help you live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

4. A deeper sense of empathy, with ability to hold healthy boundaries: Being an energy practitioner requires you to tune in to the emotions and energy of others, which will help you develop a deeper sense of empathy and compassion. This can improve your relationships and increase your understanding of others.

5. Cleared family patterns that have been in the lineage for decades: As a SimplyAlign practitioner, you’ll have the tools to help clear your own family patterns as well as help your clients clear theirs. Breaking negative cycles encourages us to create new, more positive family narratives that involve reframing negative experiences and focusing on strengths and resilience.

6. Increased financial independence: As a SimplyAlign Practitioner, you have the potential to earn a great income doing meaningful work. This brings peace of mind, as well as more freedom and flexibility in your life to pursue additional passions and priorities.

7. Connection with a beautiful community of supportive souls: Our community of supportive practitioners is here to welcome you with open arms. Starting a healing business is a journey, and we’re all here to support each other.
If you feel inspired by any of these, I’d love to have you join us in my next

SimplyAlign Training:
April 25-28, 2023

Need a payment plan?
The 3-pay option ends Monday night at midnight, PST.

If you’ve attended in the past (CalycoHealing, SimplyHealed, or SimplyAlign), don’t miss the REFRESHER Course: March 9/10th.

It’s all online so you can join from anywhere!

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Don’t Consent to This!

I’m here with a quick message today from my friend, Eleanor Roosevelt –

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”

I love this statement and have referred to it many times over the years.


(And isn’t it cool that our shoe color matches?)

The definition of consent is: permission, approval, or agreement.

We can’t control what anyone else says or does, but we can always choose how we’ll respond. We can let it roll off our back, or give those words and actions permission/approval to settle in.

The emotions we choose to “feel” about another’s comments are created within us because of our own thoughts about what they said.

I know that can sometimes seem like a hard concept, but it’s really so empowering to realize that it’s our own inner thoughts that create our emotions, because words spoken by someone outside of us (an external circumstance) can’t do that.

Keeping our inner thoughts positive lessens the chance of us “consenting” to feel inferior over someone else’s words or actions.

Here are 10 tools to positively fortify your thoughts:

*Limit time with negative people

*Set and keep healthy boundaries

*Always assume good intent

*Do more of what lights you up

*Create a list of personal affirmations -and declare them daily

*Keep a gratitude journal

*Live in alignment with your values

*Keep your word to yourself and to others

*Create good self-care habits

*Practice Self-Compassion

In today’s world we may not always find compassion, tenderness, and empathy, but we can be willing to give it to ourselves.

Pick one thing from this list that you can do more of this coming week.

Much love,

Carolyn Cooper