
Daily Affirmations

Daily Affirmations for a Meaningful Year

Daily Affirmations for a Meaningful Year

While many are rushing to transform their lives overnight, I wanted to share something that’s been on my mind:

January isn’t just about dramatic changes – it’s about thoughtful beginnings.

Think of this month as your chance to quietly observe what truly matters to you, rather than getting swept up in the “new year, new you” whirlwind.

What if we approached this year not as a sprint to change everything, but as an invitation to build on what’s already working?

After all, you may not need to reinvent the wheel – just give it a little extra spin in the right direction.

This week, I encourage you to take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve already come.

Here’s something simple to start with:
​Jot down three things you’re proud of from 2024 – big or small – before thinking about what’s next.

If you’re ready to take those strengths and align your energy with your 2025 intentions, I’d love to support you. Schedule a SimplyAlign energy healing session here.

Daily Affirmations for a Meaningful 2025:

1. I move forward with purpose, knowing that small steps create lasting change.

2. I trust my own pace and celebrate progress in all its forms.

3. My experience and wisdom from past years guide me into this new chapter.

4. I choose to focus on what energizes me, letting go of what depletes me.

5. I am building habits that serve my wellbeing, one choice at a time.

6. I embrace both my achievements and my lessons with equal gratitude.

7. My journey is uniquely mine – I define success on my own terms.

8. I approach each day as a fresh opportunity to align my actions with my values.

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Positive Vibes Playbook

Master the art of affirmations!

Master the art of affirmations!

I’ve got a little surprise for you today that I think you’re going to love. It’s called the “Positive Vibes Playbook: Your ultimate guide to crafting affirmations that work!”

I’m often asked questions about affirmations. Like, “How do I come up them?” or “What’s the best way to use them?” Well, I listened and thought, “Why not create a resource that answers all these questions in one place?” And that’s exactly what this playbook is.

Inside, you’ll find everything you need to know about creating and using affirmations that truly resonate with you. I’ve poured my best tips, tricks, and strategies into this guide to help you harness the power of positive self-talk.

Sign up to my email list below and I’ll send it to you as a free bonus.

Download it, open it up, and start crafting some life-changing affirmations!

Shine On my friend,

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Speak Your Truth with Confidence

Try these 10 Affirmations to Speak Your Truth With More Confidence

Try these 10 Affirmations to Speak Your Truth With More Confidence

Have you ever caught yourself not saying what you really think, maybe because it felt too uncomfortable? Or found yourself hinting at what you mean, but not really being direct, and it just ends up causing confusion? It’s something we’ve all faced at some point. Let’s explore how we can move past that and communicate with confidence.

How often do you find yourself holding back your true thoughts or feelings out of fear or discomfort?

Or maybe expressing yourself in an indirect or passive-aggressive way that creates more tension than clarity?

Many people struggle with communicating assertively in certain situations. Stating our needs, opinions and boundaries directly yet respectfully, may not be something we were taught growing up.

The good news is that just like any skill, assertive communication can be developed through intentional practice. Here are three ways you can get started:

1) A powerful lesson about communication comes from a friend whose family runs a global business empire. He shared that his father’s success was based on four simple words: “What do you think?” His dad made a practice of genuinely asking others for their perspective before sharing his own. This invites open dialogue, helps others feel truly heard, and increases the likelihood they’ll be receptive to your thoughts when shared.

2) This idea is echoed by leadership expert Simon Sinek, who talks about the quiet power of being the last to speak in a discussion. By allowing others to fully voice their views first, you earn respect and your words carry more weight when it’s your turn.

Imagine how different workplace meetings, family disagreements or personal partnerships could be if we all approached them with curiosity about others’ perspectives and asserted our own with confidence yet compassion.

3) Another effective tool is the use of positive affirmations – You know how much I love using affirmations; declarations we repeat to ourselves to rewire unhelpful thought patterns and instill new positive beliefs. Think of it as telling the truth in advance!

Here are 10 affirmations designed to cultivate more open, honest and assertive communication:

  1. I communicate my needs and feelings openly and honestly, respecting myself and others.
  2. I have the courage to express my thoughts directly and respectfully.
  3. I choose clear and constructive communication over indirect methods.
  4. I am confident in my ability to address issues directly and seek resolutions.
  5. I respect the viewpoints of others and listen actively when they speak.
  6. I express my disagreements with kindness and seek understanding.
  7. I am worthy of expressing my needs and having them met.
  8. I approach conflicts with a positive attitude, looking for common ground.
  9. I am responsible for my own emotions and communicate them without blame.
  10. I foster relationships based on honesty, respect, and mutual understanding.

By repeating these affirmations regularly, we reinforce beliefs that allow us to communicate with clarity, confidence and consideration for others.

So to become a more confident and compassionate communicator:

  • get in the practice of sincerely asking for others’ views with, “What do you think?”
  • allow the quiet power of truly listening first before speaking, and
  • choose a few affirmations from this list to repeat regularly as your new self-talk.

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but stick with it – you’ll quickly become an assertive communication pro – you got this!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Time scarcity

Affirmation List to turn Time Scarcity to Time Abundance

Affirmation List to turn Time Scarcity to Time Abundance

I hope you’re well! Today, I have a treat for you – a downloadable list of empowering time affirmations! But first, I hope you don’t mind me sharing…

Dean and I just got back from a quick trip to Utah to surprise our ‘diplo-daughter’ when she flew in from India. She’s in the foreign service so has been working at the Embassy in Chennai, India and we haven’t seen her in 2 years! She thought we’d see each other when we’re in back in Utah in 2 weeks (which we will), but we decided it would be a great fun (and it was!) to be at the airport with flowers, balloons, and posters! She was completely surprised…and a bit jet-lagged. I’m really happy we chose to take that last minute trip and not miss out on that special time.

Time scarcity

And speaking of time, let’s get on to this week’s message:

Last week on a Zoom call with my SimplyAlign Practitioner Community, someone sent in a question about “time scarcity”. One of our practitioners said she has so much she wants to do and feels she is often behind.

She asked what I personally do to get so much done. Truth be told, others don’t see everything I WANT to get done, only what actually gets done. I too, often feel behind with all my ideas of what I’d like to get done. Like you, I’m balancing dreams with what realistically gets checked off my list.

So, here’s what I’ve picked up to give my days a bit of a stretch. These are tailored to my business/work life, but I’m sure you can tweak them for whatever you’re up to.

1. Evening Unload: Every night, before bed I take just a few minutes and quickly jot down all the thoughts swirling in my head (aka: brain dump). It’s like a mind cleanse. It helps me sleep better, and preps for a fresh start in the morning.

2. Top Three Focus: From that list, I choose three things for the next day. I usually end up doing more, but focusing on these three helps me stay on track and not feel overwhelmed with too many tasks.

3. Acknowledge Wins: At the end of the day, I reflect, give myself credit for things accomplished, and remind myself that I’ve done enough. I literally say to myself, “You’ve done enough for today”. There’s always more, but it’s important to celebrate progress.

4. Idea Priority Check: When new ideas or opportunities pop up, I rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. If it’s an 8, 9, or 10, it’s worth considering. If it’s not, I know how easily something new can steer me off course. Those 8s and 9s can distract me from my 10s -so being aware of that is super helpful! Clear 10s make it to my list.

5. Boost with Positivity: And here’s my secret sauce – SimplyAlign. It helps me shake off any thoughts of not having enough time, it releases limiting patterns, and keeps me grounded and confident in my goals.

For that call with my SimplyAlign Community, I put together a PDF of TIME AFFIRMATIONS that I’m sharing with you too! I’ve attached it here – take a peek and print it off if it’s helpful.

Wishing you more time for all that brings you joy ~

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Green Drink Smoothie

Do you feel LUCKY? 6 practical ways to make your own luck!

Do you feel LUCKY? 6 practical ways to make your own luck!

Top O the Mornin’ to ya Lisa!

I hope you’re having a happy St. Patrick’s Day so far.

I’ve always loved this day, even though I don’t drink beer or eat corned beef, ha! But I do my GREEN each day in my smoothies…does that count?

Have you ever felt like some people just seem to have all the luck? They meet the perfect partner, get the beautiful home, have ‘easy kids’, or just seem to have everything fall into place for them. But what if I told you that luck isn’t just something that happens to you? It’s something you can actively create for yourself.

There’s a trend (popular with TikTokers) known as “lucky girl syndrome”. This actually isn’t a new concept. It’s positive affirmations, plus a little cognitive behavioral therapy that says your thoughts, emotions and behaviors are all connected and influence each other (basically, “The Secret” 2006).

Just yesterday I was sharing on a call with my SimplyAlign Practitioners that there are many ways to create your own luck. Hannah told us that her 12 year old daughter’s birthday is March 17th, so her entire life people have told her she’s a “lucky girl”. And since she believes she’s lucky (because that’s what she’s always been told), good things are always drawn to her. I love it, it’s what I’ve taught for years:

“What you think about, you bring about”

So whether it’s positive thinking, upbeat affirmations, the power of intention, or whatever you choose to call it, here are 6 ways to create your own luck:

  1. Set clear goals: When you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, you’re more likely to see and seize opportunities that align with your goals.

  2. Take calculated risks: Creating your own luck often means stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking calculated risks. Make sure to weigh the potential risks and benefits before making a decision.

  3. Discipline yourself to work AND to rest: Luck often comes to those who work hard and persevere through challenges. Put in the effort and stay focused on your goals, even when things get tough. And…when you need to rest, take a rest. Sometimes allowing yourself downtime takes discipline too.

  4. Stay open-minded: Sometimes, luck comes in unexpected forms. Be open to new experiences, people, and opportunities, even if they don’t fit neatly into your plans. If you’re willing to try new things, you might find opportunities that you never even knew existed.

  5. Meet more people: Luck is often the result of being in the right place at the right time and knowing the right connectors. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. A strong network can help you navigate challenges, connect you with opportunities, and open doors for you.

  6. Keep Learning: The more you know, the more opportunities you’ll have. Keep learning new skills and staying up-to-date on topics in your orbit to increase chances of success.

    And bonus #7 (Gratitude – it’s always a bonus we give ourselves, amiright?)

  7. Practice gratitude: When you appreciate the good things in your life, you attract more good things. Take time to reflect on what you’re grateful for, and celebrate your successes along the way.

Whether you believe it’s from being intentional, receiving blessings, keeping a high vibration, or simply being lucky, the truth is that you have the power to create your own luck.

So go out there and create!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)


Let’s talk about your subconscious…

Let’s talk about your subconscious…

You may not always be aware of it, but your subconscious mind is always working in the background. It’s sometimes called the unconscious mind, and it holds all of the stored information of everything you have ever experienced.

The subconscious mind keeps your body temperature at 98.6 degrees, regulates your breathing, and keeps your heart beat steady. It also keeps you thinking and acting in a manner consistent with what you have done and said in the past.

Because of that it influences how you react to things, negatively or positively. It’s the hidden but powerful part that affects things like why you may be fearful, resistant, disappointed in certain situations. And on a good note, why you are motivated, confident, successful, cheerful, hopeful in other situations.

Studies in the field of psychology on how the brain works indicate that the experiences we have shape the way we think and act, especially experiences in our early childhood. Although you don’t remember most of your life data, the unconscious data in your head influences 90 to 95% of your behavior.

A monk was walking down a quiet road when suddenly he heard the sound of a galloping horse.

He turned and saw a man riding a horse in the distance moving swiftly towards him.

When the man on the horse got closer, he slowed down just a bit and the monk asked,

“Where are you going?” To which the man replied, “I don’t know, ask the horse,” and rides away.

The horse in this story represents your subconscious mind running on past conditioning. And sometimes it seems we don’t know where that past programming will take us. If past experiences, conversations, perceptions are in your subconscious mind, running like like this horse, how do we change it when necessary?

Is there a way to update your “horse” with new, positive instructions?

Luckily yes! Because your subconscious doesn’t think or reason independently, it simply obeys the commands it receives from your conscious mind, your conscious thoughts and actions can reprogram it.

You can consciously choose to feed your subconscious with positive, empowering thoughts and here are some ways to do that:

1. Catch your inner critic in the act of saying something negative and ‘flip’ it to the opposite (but something believable)

2. If you want it fast and thorough, SimplyAlign can clean up and re-program thoughts lightening fast

3. Use AFFIRMATIONS to state what you want, who you want to be, and how you want to feel.

And…because I want to help with your affirmations I’m gifting you my ebook: 239 Affirmations to Lighten Your Life !

It’s a collection of my most used and loved affirmations that pack a punch (in a good way!). I hope you love it.

Go here: to download your copy.

Affirmations - Berry Orchard

6 Truths (& Affirmations) from the Berry Orchard

Today, I’m excited to share with you my insights from my first-time-ever blueberry and blackberry picking extravaganza! Have you ever picked berries? Ahh, so many good life lessons and reminders to be found in the berry patch! Scroll down to read all about it ~

Affirmations - Berry Orchard

Last week Dean the Dream and I drove about 30 minutes to Germantown, MD to a family farm called Butler’s Orchard. I had read the sweet family story online before we went so I had good vibes about this place and it didn’t disappoint.

George and Shirley Butler originally purchased a 37-acre farm. Over many years and through three generations, it has now expanded to 300-acres with a little market, a cafe, a petting zoo and other activities, but mainly many fields growing fruit, vegetables, and herbs.

We jumped on one of the farm trolleys for a short ride to the blueberry and blackberry fields. I love all types of berries but I actually had never seen an actual blueberry or blackberry bush so it was fun just to get an up-close look at how they grow.

Here are some insights that came to mind as we were picking:

1) Don’t stop at the first bushes. Although it’s convenient, they’ve also had more pickers. By putting in a little extra effort at the beginning to walk further we found tons of low hanging fruit. At the beginning of a project put in the extra effort needed for the best long-term success (or, “worst first / greater later”).

Affirmation: I do what’s needed now for success later

2) I found that by looking a little closer, or moving a branch slightly I could find many clusters of ripe berries perfectly ready to be picked. When we’re willing to look a little closer we find treasures right in front of us.

Affirmation: I see and value the treasures in front of me

3) The berries that were ripe and ready for harvest easily fell off right into our hands. The ones that weren’t quite ready required a gentle tug. Let it be easy, when things are ready, they’ll fall into your hands.

Affirmation: I let it be easy, I am patient with the flow of life

4) There were several other families nearby, speaking different languages, and although we didn’t understand their words, we did understand their laughter and enthusiasm about the berries. Even if we don’t completely understand others we can still share in their energy of happiness.

Affirmation: I share in the energy of joy with others

5) We focused on finding the berries that were at their peak, knowing that the not-quite-ripe berries that we left on the vines will be gathered in the coming days and weeks by later pickers. Also being grateful that those who came before us took what was ready at that time, and left plenty for us. Everything is in divine timing, the Universe is abundant and there is enough for you and anyone else who wants to gather.

Affirmation: I trust the abundance and timing of the Universe

6) When we got home I washed all my blue/blackberries in a tub of water with Veggie Wash – I put some in the fridge for snacking, cooked one small jar of sugar free jam, then put the rest in baggies and into the freezer so we can enjoy them in weeks to come! Delayed gratification is a good thing, it’s reassuring to know we have some sweetness for later.

Affirmation: I’m thoughtfully preparing now for the future

7) And here’s a BONUS lesson about being open to extra blessings. As we were driving out of the orchards, there it was! A field of herbs – it was glorious! We parked the car, I jumped out, got a container from the girl working in that section, and breathed deeply as I walked into the rows of those sweet smelling herbs!

Dill, parsley, basil, and cilantro, yum, they all wanted to come home with us- I mean, the berries were amazing, but this was truly the “garnish” on top of a great day! I’ve been enjoying cilantro in my smoothies and fresh basil on my salads and avocado toast this week. Be open to additional, unexpected blessings. Allow and accept good surprises into your life.

Affirmation: I am open to receiving goodness in expected and unexpected ways.

All in all – it was a delightful evening at the farm and I’m looking forward to going again next month for the “Sunflower Spectacular” and in October for “Pumpkin Harvest Days”. (And yes I’ll share some photos if it’s as cool as it sounds).

I hope you enjoyed these lessons and affirmations, and that you have something FUN planned for this weekend ~

Truths - Berry Orchard
Berry Orchard Cilantro

Shine On,

P.S. Now I’m curious…Do you love cilantro like I do? It seems people either love it or think it tastes like soap (or a stinky armpit, eww!). According to the research, loving it or hating actually depends on your genes- wow! (I wonder if we can clear that, lol.)

I’m curious, which one are you – love it, or hate it?

cat - energy healing for pets

My favorite cat story! (Energy healing for pets)

Since clients often ask me to balance and clear energy for their animals, today I want to share with you one of my favorite “cat stories” using my SimplyHealed Method.

My sister’s cat Midnight is a cute little feline. She came from an abusive home and my sister and her family took her in. As you might deduce from her name, she’s an all black cat. But when they adopted her, she had no hair on the underside of her body—like a furless cat. My sister soon learned that Midnight had a strange habit of biting and pulling off the fur down her belly. This went on for a few months, but they thought if they made her feel at home and gave her enough love, the problem would work itself out.

cat - energy healing for pets


One day it occurred to my sister that this little cat had some past issues of being unworthy and unlovable, issues that she could clear up using the SimplyHealed Method. So she took a few minutes to work on the cat, clearing the past trauma and re-balancing her energy by using affirmations such as:

  • I am a good cat.
  • My family appreciates me.
  • I am worthy and deserving of a great life.
  • It is safe for me to be in this home.
  • I am wanted and welcomed.

She didn’t think much more about it, until nearly a week later when she noticed that Midnight was re-growing hair on her belly and that she hadn’t seen her pulling it for several days. My sister reports that Midnight has since abandoned her terrible habit completely, and I’m happy to say Midnight now has a very furry belly—which she loves to have scratched.

For more information about how energy healing can help with your pet, I have a video about working with animals (starring my own cat, Mac) here on my SimplyHealed Youtube channel.

And if you want to book a phone session with me to have your pet’s energy cleared go here. 25-min sessions are available and usually sufficient for animals.


Next week I’m opening my popular Move-up Mondays 6-months of personal 15-min laser sessions (via phone or Skype).

A couple of times a year, I open the door, but only for a few days because it fills up fast…SO, if you’re interested and don’t want to miss the chance to get in on this round of personal laser sessions (especially with all the craziness in our world during this time), watch for my emails next week!

Click the image below to get on the waiting list!

Move Up Mondays


Procrastination. The struggle is real. Or is it?

Procrastination … it’s a topic that’s come up with many of my
personal clients lately.

And the struggle is real. Or is it?

The struggle is always in our own mind.

And… we’re the only ones who can change those thoughts.

But how?

First of all, clarify what is behind your “Task Aversiveness”:

  • Lack of confidence in your ability to succeed?
  • Expecting the process to be difficult or outcome unpleasant?
  • Maybe the goal or reward seems too far away to feel real.
  • Sometimes it comes down to difficulties in self regulation:
    being impulsive and distractible, (clicking on the  flashing ad for
    cute fall shoes… not that I would know anything about that… heh, heh).

Depending on the task or project your resistance may be any or all of these.

But good news!

By changing our thoughts ABOUT the task and our ability to complete it,
we empower ourselves to move through it, and can even enjoy it!

Below are 20 affirmations I’ve used to motivate myself (and clients)
to ditch procrastination and just “git ‘er done!” 

Print out the list, or simply pick a couple you think will help you, then
remember to repeat them to yourself next time you’re tempted to
veer off task at the wrong time. You’ve got this!

I easily discern what is the best project to be working on now
It’s easy for me to break my projects down into doable steps
I believe in my ability to do each of these small steps
I love the feeling of accomplishment I get as I complete each step
I am good at beginning a task
I am good at working through the middle of a task
I am great at following through and finishing a task
I am really good at noticing little bits of time and using them well
I am competent
I can do hard things
I love discovering my capabilities
Getting things done harmonizes with who I really am
I allow help from others and delegate parts that others can do
It’s safe for me to ask for help
I comfortably roll with interruptions and distractions
After a break I can easily jump back into my work
I love writing down my schedule, and  adding in space for play
I’m a natural action taker
I love being proactive and getting a head start on projects
Every day I am becoming more proficient at the art of follow through

Affirmations and Detox

“Today” – Try it with these Affirmations!

I’m giving you a list of affirmations today, because I recently got a fun little insight on a better (perhaps?) way to say them. I’ll explain…

So, I’m on day 19 of the Green Smoothie Girl’s 26-day detox and feeling GRRREAT! This is my third time doing it since last January, as I feel it’s really helpful for my body to do it twice a year.

There are different phases of this detox focused on different organs (kidneys, liver, gall bladder), so we eat/drink different foods/juices depending on the phase of the detox.

This is where I got my insight that’s super simple and has been really helpful for me! Almost there, keep reading…

When I’m doing positive self-talk, I’ve noticed I’ve been saying the word “today” a lot. Example: Today I drink all the water required, or Today I love having juice only (there are a few days like that, and I actually do like those days b/c it’s watermelon juice and watermelon is awesome!), or Today I’m happy with no salt. That way my brain knows it’s just for today and I’m fine (even though there are 26 ‘todays’).

So then I thought…how would it be if I added the word TODAY in front of my affirmations every day!

Try it for yourself…say these below, or come up with your own and begin the statement with the word TODAY. For me it makes me feel more connected to that thought and more pro-active. Try it and see what YOU think!


All that I need comes to me in the right time and place.

My life is full of amazing opportunities that are ready for me to step into.

I make a significant difference to the lives of people around me.

I have the power to create change.

My potential to succeed is limitless.

I find joy and pleasure in the simple things in life.

I am a natural problem solver.

I focus on solutions and always find the best one.

I trust myself and know my inner wisdom is my best guide.

I send love and healing to every organ of my body.

I see the goodness in all those around me.

I value my uniqueness and I’m happy to be me.


BTW, Since I mentioned it a few weeks ago I’m still getting questions from people interested in doing this detox. Yes, there’s always a big group that starts in January, but you can sign up and do it anytime you want to, registration is open year round. So…if you heard me talk about it before and if you want to check out my Facebook Live I did answering questions a few weeks ago you can find that here:

And if you want to watch Green Smoothie Girl’s video series to get inspired about it, go here:

(Full disclosure, I am an affiliate for this program b/c I love it and endorse it!)

Much love,