
Love Yourself More - Energy Healing

5 Daily Strategies to Love Yourself More

5 Daily Strategies to Love Yourself More

I was recently asked an interesting question: “Can you help someone to love themself…and is that even possible through SimplyAlign or coaching?”

My answer to that (and what I’m sharing with you today) is -yes it’s possible, and yes, over the 25+ years that I’ve done energy work, and now coaching, I’ve worked with many clients who struggle with self-love and self-acceptance. It seems to be something that affects most of us to one degree or another at different times in our lives. Self love is a critical aspect of any healing process, because having it, or the lack of it, ripples out to all other areas of our lives.

So, whether I’m coaching, or clearing energy with SimplyAlign, here are some strategies I use to help my clients connect to themselves more deeply so they can live and love whole-heartedly. As you read through this list, check in with yourself that you are getting ‘enough’ of each of these, and I invite you to identify one loving thing that you can do for yourself in the next few days:

  1. Self-care: I know we hear it all the time, but one of the best ways to show love to yourself is through self-care. I encourage my clients to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or taking a relaxing bath. When we set aside time for ourselves, we are sending a message to the subconscious mind that we are deserving of that time, love, and care.
  2. Self-compassion: Often, clients who struggle with self-love have a harsh inner critic that constantly berates them, and most often this began in childhood. In addition to releasing any adverse energetic vibration of childhood experiences and/or generational issues, I also teach my clients self-compassion techniques, such as talking to themselves the way they would talk to a friend or visualizing themselves being held in a loving embrace. These techniques help clients cultivate a more compassionate inner dialogue.
  3. Explore limiting beliefs: In general, people who struggle with self-love have underlying limiting beliefs that are holding them back. With SimplyAlign, it’s easy to quickly get to the root causes and release the low-vibrations without having to re-live the entire story. But I also help my clients follow the thread to identify their beliefs and reframe them into a more positive and empowering story. It’s a step toward resilience in the process of connecting with your own heart.
  4. Use positive affirmations: It’s so true that the words we ‘declare’ matter. I find that when asked the right questions, my clients are really skillful at coming up with powerful, customized affirmations they can repeat to themselves daily. These personalized affirmations help to reprogram their subconscious mind with positive beliefs and thoughts, which can help to increase self-love and self-acceptance.
  5. Focus on strengths: I love helping my clients and students see their own light that they may not even be aware of, or have lost sight of. I encourage them to focus on their strengths and accomplishments rather than their perceived shortcomings. And of course by focusing on what they do well and what they have achieved, they can develop a greater sense of their own capacity and self-love.

These five strategies can be practiced everyday to develop a greater sense of self-compassion and self-acceptance.

At the beginning of this post (and since we can all use a stronger, consistent connection to our own heart), I invited you to identify one loving thing from the above list that you can do for yourself in the next few days, and, pro-tip: put a reminder on your calendar to increase accountability and follow through, yay!

As you add more loving thoughts and actions into your life, you’ll find it crowds out the self-limiting thoughts and behaviors, and aligns you with the peace that comes from giving yourself permission to love yourself.

These strategies above work well, AND…if you’re ready to learn how to clean up and revitalize your energy field in a way that is even more streamlined, join us for the next SimplyAlign Training – it’s all LIVE with me online, and includes access for a full year to a HUGE online course -with all the recordings, plus many additional videos and teachings.

You’ll learn how to do energy work for yourself, friends, family, clients (if you choose), and yes, of course your pets!

All in a way that is so simple, yet profoundly effective. Learning SimplyAlign isn’t hard, it’s an intuitive and graceful process that anyone can learn!

SimplyAlign Training:
April 25-28, 2023

If you’ve attended in the past (CalycoHealing, SimplyHealed, or SimplyAlign), don’t miss the REFRESHER Course: March 9/10th.

It’s all online so you can join from anywhere!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)


Six Simple Hacks to Create New Habits and Reset Your Goals

Happy mid-July!

Can you believe 2021 is more than halfway over?
After 2020’s craziness did you set some new goals and habits in January 2021?

Are you on track with them….or have you fallen behind?

If you’re not where you hoped you’d be by now don’t beat yourself up!

Now is a great time to re-set your goals for the remainder of the year.

Creating new habits isn’t always easy, so here are six simple hacks that will make it a little easier.

1) Schedule It And Put It On The To-Do List

Sometimes we simply forget to do that new thing we were trying. Maybe we forget that we committed to eating more greens by starting each day with a green smoothie. I often make mine the night before and put it in the fridge. It’s not as super fresh, but it’s there waiting for me and makes my mornings so much easier!

With our recent move to DC, I was so excited to purchase a new yoga mat (mine wouldn’t fit in my suitcase, ha!) so that I could do stretches at home in the mornings. But then I found I literally had to write YOGA on my calendar or I’d just jump into my day and forget about my new home-exercise habit!

Schedule your new habits or make them part of your daily to-do list until they become something you do automatically.

2) Make It Public and Be Accountable

Let (supportive) family and friends know what new habits you’re trying to establish. Give them permission to call you out and get you back on track if you don’t stick to your plan.

You may even go as far as sharing it publicly on social media or writing a blog about your new journey. Knowing that others read it and know about it might be just enough to keep you going when you feel like throwing in the towel.

3) Use Habit-Stacking

This means, whenever possible, piggybacking on a habit you already have in place and adding something new to what you’re already doing. It should be anchored to a certain location or time of day.

For example…

  • every time you use the bathroom, stop by the kitchen for a tall glass of water,
  • do calf raises or squats while you brush your teeth,
  • as part of your bedtime routine set out your workout clothes for the next morning,
  • listen to scriptures or an inspiring podcast while putting on your make up.

You get the idea.

It’s much easier to add your new goal to an existing habit or ritual than creating an entirely new one.

4) Make Slip-ups Costly

Here’s an idea, (but this one’s not mine because I don’t love the idea of punishment, eek!). Some people swear by this, so here goes: Put a jar on the kitchen counter and each time you slip back into your bad habit or forget to stick to the new one, you have to put five dollars in the jar. It will quickly help you remember to skip that sugary food and motivate you to go out for that walk. For extra motivation donate the money to charity at the end of the month or hand it over to your spouse to go spend on him or herself.

5) Get an Accountability Buddy

Examples could be a workout partner or a healthy eating buddy. Keep tabs on each other and encourage each other to keep going. It’s much harder to skip a walk if you know someone else is depending on you being there.

On a recent 26-day detox, my friend Pennie and I used Marco Polo to keep in touch from across the country. We’d both done the detox several times before, but it was really great to discuss recipes, etc., etc., etc. with her. I’ve also done it with a group of friends, and it’s so motivating to be in a group who are all working toward a common healthy goal!

So, share the joy. Find someone with the same or similar goal, or invite them to yours. Help them out as they help you, it’s a win/win!

6) Make It A Group Challenge

Like I mentioned in hack #5, if one accountability partner is good, a whole group is even better. And they don’t even need to be local. Find a supportive group online and challenge each other to stick to your new habit for the next 30 days or so. Not wanting to be the first one to give up will keep all of you going until you establish that new habit.

Give these simple little hacks a try. Keep using the ones that you find helpful until you have made new habits you can stick with, without the help of any tools or support.

Much love,

Carolyn Cooper


Things I Learned From A Pro-Triathlete

One of my personal favorite things to do each May is to attend the IRONMAN held in beautiful St. George, Utah. My hubby, Dean-the-dream and I enjoy being volunteers and I also especially love to find a spot by the finish line and watch the triathletes run across it.

The dedication of the athletes is so motivating, as is the support of the crowd. Over 30,000 visitors flock here during the first week each May to cheer on friends and family who are racing. I love the excitement in the air, the weather, the music, all the sights and sounds, even the  smells—the whole energy of IRONMAN week is fantastic!

I think we all love to see people get rewarded for their hard work, no matter what arena it’s in. People who have paid their dues, put in the time and effort and sacrificed to complete a big goal are such an inspiration.

For the past three years we’ve had the honor of having a few of the professional athletes stay at our home the week of the race. This year “our guy” (as we refer to him), Jackson Laundry from Ontario, Canada and his girlfriend Montana stayed with us.

Two years ago Jackson and his dad Brian (also a triathlete) stayed with us, so we already had gotten to know Jackson. That was in 2017 and as only a 23 year old at that time he took 8th place, which was awesome. This year he came in 3rd place!

Being with Jackson for a few days taught me (or reminded me) of these things that are important for success in any area of life.

1) Internal discipline: Once you’ve made a commitment to yourself, keep it despite external forces. There are always challenges that crop up while moving toward a goal, so you need to remember your big WHY and make it a priority in your life. Direction and drive must come from within.

2) Schedules and Accountability: Have a great system and a plan and then stick to it for the long haul. I love that Jackson (& Brian, his dad) have their daily training schedules from their coach online, and their fancy wrist watches actually keep track of their workouts. I’ve learned from past experience if I set up a schedule with accountability (although mine isn’t this fancy), it makes staying on course for my goals so much easier.

3) Laser Focus: Later that evening after the race, Dean asked Jackson if he heard us cheering for him and shouting his name as he went past us at a few different places on the course. He said, “No, I was too focused. It’s as tough mentally as it is physically.” This helps me remember that determined, focused action will block out the “BSO” (bright, shiny objects) that try to get my attention while moving toward a bigger goal. Mindset plays such a big role in everything we want to accomplish in our lives.

4) Support System: Such intense training has ups and downs, and a pro-athlete needs coaches, friends, family they can depend on and who understand their drive, especially during tough times. In addition, there are so many volunteers along the race route to guide, hand out water, pick up pieces of clothing, park bikes, and so many other big and little things. In life, none of us get to the finish line alone. Watching those volunteers reminded me to pay attention and give gratitude for all those “helpers” in my own life.

5) Competition can be positive: I noticed anytime Jackson spoke of one of the other pros, it was always with respect and admiration. He honored their achievements in such an uplifting way. Even in competitive situations, or when tempted to compare to others, speaking well of others will always raise you up.

6) Pause to honor your achievement: After you’ve hit a goal, take time to celebrate before going right on to the next one. Both Jackson and Brian have their races planned out for the year, so they achieve one goal, have a few days to enjoy that (and learn from it), then keep moving onto the next goal. For sure, don’t miss the celebration, but also don’t rest on your laurels too long before moving on.

Have a SIMPLY great week ~
Shine On,