Stress, Part II

Stress, Part IILast time we talked about stress, and how it comes from both positive and negative experiences. Below are 23 tips to help you cope with stress, whether it’s the good kind or the bad kind:

1. List the things that cause you stress. How can you eliminate them or minimize their effect on you?

2. Think about how the things on your list affect you. Can you change the way you think about these stressors by putting a more positive spin on them? Do you exaggerate the negative and minimize the positive? If so, practice being optimistic.

3. Reframe things in the context of a larger positive plan.

4. Often when in bad circumstances, people tend to imagine that the troubles are here to stay. Recognize that troubles are temporary.

5. Don’t blame yourself needlessly, but take responsibility when necessary.

6. Put things into perspective.

7. Let go of what you can’t control and take control of what you can.

8. If you’re a people-pleaser or an over-committer, look over your list of commitments. Highlight the unavoidable responsibilities. Eliminate the voluntary ones that don’t fulfill you.

9. If you’re a perfectionist, it’s time to realize that perfectionism only leads to stress. Since you can’t ever get anything truly perfect, it’s never good enough.

10. Know your limits physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Set boundaries with other people—and yourself.

11. Get organized, but don’t overwhelm yourself with the task. Do a little at a time. Eliminate clutter, have a garage sale, buy tubs, bins and accordion folders so that when you need to find something, you’ll know right where it is.

12. When faced with a large task, break it down into smaller tasks. Prioritze tasks and deal with the most important or most unpleasant issue first.

13. Make leisure activities and hobbies a priority in your life. Enjoyment of life prolongs life and reduces stress. Have a sense of humor.

14. You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating: exercise. Your health and productivity depend on it. Strenuous, Olympian effort isn’t necessary. Just 20 minutes a day of walking will add years to your life and condition your body for maximum enjoyment of life and reduction of stress.

15. Avoid sugary snacks, smoking, alcohol, drugs, overeating and caffeine.

16. Use the Food Pyramid to guide you in your eating. Plenty of fruits and vegetables are necessary for optimum health.

17. Know your sleep requirements. Make sure that you get as much as you need nightly. Retiring and rising at the same hour every day (not sleeping in on weekends) reduces sleep disturbances, which can lead to stress.

18. Make time for relaxation. This can mean doing absolutely nothing. Learning to relax can include many techniques including meditation, prayer and deep breathing.

19. During the day, take regular breaks. Most experts recommend a ten-minute rest every hour.

20. Find time to be alone for a little while each day.

21. Talk to a friend or family member (but not one who stresses you out!)

22. Physical contact with loved ones reduces stress. Get or give a hug, hold  hands with your spouse, cuddle on the couch, even stroking a pet helps.

23. Social interaction is important. In addition to interacting with friends and family in a relaxed, leisurely setting, it’s a good idea to reach out to people who are in need.

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