Grateful for Gratitude

Grateful for GratitudeAt this Thanksgiving time of year, gratitude is often in our thoughts. But did you know that the energy of gratitude is one of the highest vibrational levels we can be in?

According to the Law of Attraction, (which is very real), gratitude or appreciation attracts into your life more of the things that you’re grateful for and appreciate. And the more facets or areas of your life you like and appreciate, the healthier you’ll be.

Do you ever think about being grateful for the bills you have to pay? I know it’s an unfamiliar concept, but practice gratitude the next time you sit down to pay your bills. You can be grateful, for instance, that someone (electric company, phone company, etc.) trusts you enough to use their services for a month before you are billed.

What about being grateful for tasks, both pleasant and unpleasant, that you need to do? Envision the people you know who have few tasks and nowhere to be. How happy are they? Yes, I’m grateful for busy, fulfilling days.

During the month of November, I hang poster board in a high-traffic area of our home — the hallway leading from the front door to the kitchen. On the top, I write “We Are Grateful For:” The intention is for each family member to write something on it each time we walk by. We also invite visiting friends and neighbors to write down things they are thankful for.

We have many things on it, from “faith” to “football.” This is a really fun tradition and I encourage you to try it in your home, even if you live by yourself. It doesn’t have to be on poster paper — a notebook left on the kitchen counter also works well.

In addition to the November poster or notebook, keep yourself in that high vibration of gratitude year round by starting a “gratitude journal.” It can be just a simple notebook (I keep mine on my nightstand) where you write down a few things each day that you are grateful for. It will really help you realize how truly blessed you are. This is also wonderful for children to do. For those who are too young to write their thoughts, help them draw a picture of something that makes them happy.

Here are some additional gratitude ideas to get you started:

  • The ability to summon up courage
  • Laughing so hard you snort
  • Reading a book that changes your life
  • Bread–hot from the oven
  • Learning how to swim
  • My angels
  • Having enough to share with others
  • America!
  • A friendship that endures time and distance
  • Time to spend in a bookstore
  • Having a “light bulb” moment
  • Hearing a piece of music that touches your soul
  • Saying “not this time” to the bake sale without guilt
  • A hot shower
  • Finding the perfect gift for someone you love
  • A big, juicy orange
  • The sound and smell of rain
  • A body that can experience a challenging, sweaty workout
  • Hearing my children laugh heartily

When we make the choice to live in faith instead of fear we begin to live in every experience, painful or joyous, in gratitude for every moment, and to live abundantly.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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