Monsters Under Your Bed!
As I was at the grocery store last week, I walked around a corner and GASP! These “dolls” took me by surprise! It brought back a memory from when I was 8 years old and my two sisters and I were having a sleep over with our two girl cousins.
We were in their basement bedroom, where the sliding closet doors were open revealing 2 dolls standing up, leaned against the back of the closet, eyes glaring at us.
These dolls were pretty, with sweet faces and beautiful dresses, but the way their big blue eyes seemed to look right at me gave me the creeps. In fact, in my mind they looked more like the Halloween dolls in this photo!
As fate would have it, I was the one whose sleeping bag was closest to the closet. I begged my sisters and cousins to trade places with me (after all, I was the youngest) but, unfortunately, I had already pointed out to them how scary the dolls looked. So my sisters said, “No way!” and my cousins loved their dolls, and thought I was just being silly.
That was a rough night for me. I didn’t get much sleep, because I was afraid to close my eyes for fear of what these monster-dolls might do! Once I got it in my head that they seemed a little too creepily life-like (yes, creepily is a real word), I could think of nothing else.
Although seeing the dolls last week in the grocery store brought back the memory, I didn’t experience any fearful emotion connected with it. I was surprised to see them, but there is no longer any residue of fear in my physical or energetic body.
That’s the power of SimplyAlign. It releases the emotional potency of past (and current) situations. The emotions from that experience got cleared from me years ago, so now I have the memory, but without any fearful emotions attached.
There are two lessons from this story:
1) You are in control of what thoughts you let in your mind
We often see a situation and in our mind we make it bigger and scarier than it actually is. Let the scary, negative thought pass (remember, not every thought that floats through your brain is truth) and bring up a positive and more empowering thought about this situation. In my case I could’ve had a restful night had I just told myself:
“Those dolls are not real and can’t hurt me.”
*What are the “dolls” in your life that you are imagining to be bigger and scarier than they really are?
Knock them back down to size by looking at them realistically (even spiritually to find the lesson) and give yourself some go-to positive affirmations to say to yourself instead.
2) It’s time to get rid of the monsters under your bed
You don’t need to carry your past monsters with you. You can release any past or present monsters whether they just rear their ugly heads occasionally, or consistently lurk near you. Those monsters may come as fear, regrets, anger, grief, betrayal, etc. We can learn from all of these, but once you’ve experienced it, you don’t need to carry that any longer.
SimplyAlign is the best tool I know for dissolving those ‘emotional monsters’.
If you’re ready, here’s how I can help:
I have some openings for private sessions
I’ve also trained these amazing Certified SA Practitioners
If you want to get trained in the SimplyAlign Method and become one of our awesome practitioners, click here to get on the Waitlist so you’ll receive info on the upcoming SimplyAlign cerTrac Training Course.
If you’ve ever attended one of my 4-day Trainings in the past, and haven’t registered for next week’s online Refresher Course do it now! We’d love to have you there, and our world needs your help. Registration Closes on Monday, November 1st!
She believed she could so she did
The statement on my t-shirt, “She believed she could so she did” is one of my favorites.
In 2001 at home with a newborn, I had the idea that if I could put my Tai Chi classes on video, I could still help people, while staying home with my kids, and also bring in a little income for my family.
I wanted to do something that could help others, give me the time at home to be mama, and do something that I really loved.
So…I did it! I created and filmed Tai Chi Flow – my video/dvd series.
I was often asked, “How did you know how to do that?”
The answer is…I didn’t know. But I believed I could, so I did.
A few years later, I began teaching my energy healing method, SimplyAlign (back then it was called Calyco Healing). I’d learned and created my own style of doing effective energy work five years prior to filming the videos, and my clientele was quickly growing.
And after many requests by clients to train them how to do it, I created a teachable program.
At that time most people didn’t know what energy healing was. There were very few people teaching about it at that time. I wasn’t sure how to do this as a mostly online business because I hadn’t seen it modeled. I had no examples to follow.
But again…I believed I could so I did.
Now, this makes a lovely story 20 years later. BUT…
like every road in life there were bumps and stresses, and a lot of clearing energy for myself to get past the inevitable insecurities that come up while building your own business -phew!
My point is…
You don’t have to be a genius
You don’t have to have all the answers
You can’t know all the outcomes of your efforts ahead of time
You don’t have to know for sure your idea will work
You just need to believe in yourself,
believe in your idea,
and take inspired action.
If you do that, I believe YOU can and I believe YOU will.
What’s your next idea?
(taking a course, running a marathon, starting a biz, baking a soufflé,?)
What’s your next best small step?
(write it down, make it real – yep go ahead, right now, let’s do this!)
And remember, “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill
Upcoming: The SimplyAlign Refresher – November 4-5th!
To see more details and register, click here.
BIG NEWS: Check out our New Name!
Is the March SimplyHealed cerTrac still on?
Transformation Invitation
What’s In YOUR Genes?
One of the many healing parts of my SimplyAlign work is cleaning up the energetic DNA, and releasing emotions from the traumas, abuse, persecution, war, etc. that our ancestors lived through and science now proves we really do inherit. It’s powerful stuff, and clearing these emotions can make such a difference in how we feel, how we then behave, and what we can ultimately accomplish.
I’ve done this generational work for years, it’s so fascinating to learn what we have inherited and see how lives change when those limiting emotions are released.
I was recently working with a client, I’ll call her Amy (not her real name) who had struggled her whole life with not feeling good enough. No matter the situation, she always felt she was “less than” everyone else.
She explained to me how she longed to be a person who didn’t come home after every social gathering she attended and berate herself.
“Did I say the wrong thing? Was I too awkward when meeting that new person? Did they understand what I meant, or did I offend someone? Were my clothes too dressy? Too casual?”
She told me how she knew she had missed out on many opportunities for friendships, career advancement, and fun because of this. But what she really feared was how her insecurities could affect her children. This was the most painful part for her.
Amy had done some personal work on this, and as she put it was “way better than she used to be.” But there was still something holding on that she just couldn’t seem to shake!
As I worked with her in a session what came up very strongly was that this feeling of inadequacy had been carried in her family lines for many generations. On her father’s side, feeling belittled, ridiculed, even persecuted were the words and emotions that came up during that session. SimplyAlign can release those stuck emotions in a a graceful yet thorough way, so that’s just what we did for Amy.
She later reported to me that she now understands that she is truly an important person, with an important life to live, just like everyone else, and that owning her power in this way has changed how she is as a mom, wife, friend, employee. Those scared-of-not-being-good-enough voices in her head rarely show up now. It’s beautiful to see the change in her countenance, her actions, even the way she walks into a room.
If you have ancestors (that’s you), learning this information is essential! Click the link below to learn more about generational healing and how it affects your family, on my free online webinar called:
Generational Healing:
The missing link to your success and happiness
13 Things I’ve Learned Running a Successful Energy Healing Business
Today is my 34th Wedding Anniversary – woot, woot!
Wow, that is so weird! I look at my hubby, “Dean the dream” (the nickname my Australian students gave him for his awesomely helpful assistance in the classroom) and it feels strange that we’ve been together that long and that so many years have passed so quickly!
During those years we’ve raised (and are still) 5 kids ranging in age from 31 down to 14. They are the loves of our life, and all very different, yet they get along
This past year we’ve added a daughter-in-law AND a son-in-law to our family AND next month we will be adding one more daughter-in-law – Yay! We adore them all, and I consider myself very blessed to call these 9 amazing people my family!
The other anniversary I celebrate this month is my work anniversary. Thirteen years ago I started my first website and have been loving the online entrepreneur life ever since! During these past 13 years, I have stretched, and grown and learned so very much!
So in thinking back over the years, I’d like to share with you….(drum roll please…)
13 Things I’ve learned running a successful Energy Healing business
1. Everybody has a story. Really listen with your ears AND your heart
2. Set and maintain healthy boundaries: with clients AND with work hours.
3. Being confident in what you do helps others believe in it, even if it’s all new to them.
4. Be willing to look at situations from different angles. Inspiration can come from
random interactions –be open minded to what you see, hear, and feel.
5. Stay true to your values. Everyone has a different definition of success, take time early on to determine what it means for you and stick to it.
6. Believe in your abilities and get a great support system who believes in you too–spouse, family, friends, your team, mastermind group-any or all of these work, but don’t try to go it alone.
7. Taking time off is not a luxury it’s a necessity. It is very productive to charge your
batteries. Most often answers and insights come when you give your mind a break from
8. You must find your own balance between moving with the trends and avoiding BSOS
(bright shiny object syndrome). I admit, I still have to watch myself on this one!
9. Outsourcing is your friend. Know where you shine and hire others for the places you
don’t. When hiring someone to do work for you, be super clear on what you want and
when you need it.
10. Accept Change –believe you are always being led to something better. Several years
ago I had to change my company name (not my choice). Although it took me many
months to come up with it, the new name has served me much better!
11. New level, new devil. Trust your gut and be bold! As my friend’s husband, a successful entrepreneur says, “Owning your own business is basically just making decisions continually every day”. Yep, get used to it, and know the “new devil” will show up-at least until you are bold enough to push past him.
12. Don’t accept every invitation – for interviews, networking events, speaking gigs, etc.
Make sure the invitation is not a distraction, but that it’s really in alignment with who you
are and what your brand is. Saying no to one thing is also saying yes to something else.
13. And lastly, in all areas of life and business, a little kindness goes a long way!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on my blog…what valuable lessons have YOU learned in business and in life? Share with us below!