
Gratitude Made Simple: 3 Ways to Start Today

Gratitude Made Simple: 3 Ways to Start Today

Today, I want to share three simple steps to help you embrace gratitude not just this week, but every day. They’re easy, impactful, and best of all, they’ll leave you feeling lighter, happier, and more connected to the beauty of life.

Step 1: Open Your Eyes

This one’s all about seeing what’s already around you.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to overlook the little things—like the way the morning sun glows through your window or the comforting hum of laughter from loved ones? Our brains are wired to notice the unusual, which means we often miss the magic in the familiar.

But those who live in gratitude daily have a secret: they intentionally look.

Take a moment today to open your eyes to the wonders around you. Notice the vibrant colors of fall leaves, a picture on your wall you walk past every day, or the smile of someone you care about. These small things are gifts, and when we pause to see them, we unlock a life filled with wonder and appreciation.

Step 2: Open Your Heart

Gratitude isn’t just about noticing—it’s about feeling.

Sometimes, we let negative emotions like disappointment or irritation take up valuable space in our hearts. But as we all know, those feelings don’t serve us. They block joy, peace, and connection.

It’s time to let them go.

Start by choosing one small thing to release today. Maybe it’s a grudge you’ve been holding or a moment of self-doubt that’s been dragging you down. Replace it with love, forgiveness, and gratitude for what you do have.

When you clear your heart of negativity, you make space for gratitude to shine—and trust me, it feels so good!

Step 3: Open Your Arms

Gratitude grows when we share it with others.

Think about someone in your life who has impacted you—a friend who’s always there, a family member who’s made sacrifices for you, or even a mentor who’s cheered you on. When was the last time you told them how much they mean to you?

A kind word, a heartfelt note, or even a simple hug can go a long way. Not only does it brighten their day, but it fills your heart with a deeper sense of connection and joy.

Gratitude in action is one of the most powerful ways to feel more fulfilled and aligned with the life you want to live.


As Robert Louis Stevenson so beautifully said:
​”The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.”

Let’s wake up to the beauty around us. This week, start with these three steps: open your eyes, open your heart, and open your arms. I promise you’ll feel the shift.

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Three Super Simple Ways to Align Your Peace Today

Three Super Simple Ways to Align Your Peace Today

You know that feeling when you walk into a space and someone’s calm, grounded presence just makes everything feel… better? Like a pebble dropped in still water, your state of being creates ripples that touch everyone around you. And here’s the coolest part – this superpower belongs to every single one of us!

Three Super Simple Ways to Align Your Peace Today:

1. Morning Minutes
Before even rolling out of bed, try this: 3 deep breaths with your hand on your heart. Set a quick intention to carry peace with you today. Watch how this tiny ritual ripples through your entire day!

2. Energy Reset
Feeling frazzled between to-do lists and grocery runs? Quick fix: Feel those feet on the ground, straighten that spine, and imagine yourself as a clear channel of light. 30 seconds tops – but wow, what a difference!

3. The Peace Pause
If you ever feel yourself getting annoyed or impatient with others, try this little gem: “I choose peace, not just for myself, but as my gift to others.” Simple, yet powerful!

Here’s what I love most about personal mastery – it’s never just about us! Every time you choose to stay centered instead of getting pulled into the drama, you’re like a walking chill pill for everyone around you. How cool is that? Your zen moment in the grocery line might just be the reset someone else desperately needed.

Your calm is contagious, so spread it generously!

And if you want to amplify your personal peace superpowers with some one-on-one support let’s connect for a private session. I’ve opened a few more spots in Nov. before I take a little “holiday hibernation” time. Check availability and rates here.


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SimplyAlign Refresher - October 2024

SimplyAlign Refresher Course – my heart is so full!

SimplyAlign Refresher Course – my heart is so full!

SimplyAlign Refresher - October 2024

I want to share with you this photo of these amazing women (and one man!) from last week’s SimplyAlign Refresher Course! These practitioners traveled from eight different states to be there – and what a super-fun group they were! My heart is so full and I’m still on a high from our few days together!

Before I take a brief holiday pause from private sessions, I have a few November times still available for private energy healing sessions (choose from 25 or 50 minutes). We can connect via phone or Zoom, whatever feels most comfortable for you. Check availability and rates here.

Can’t catch me before January? I’ve got you covered! I’ve personally trained an amazing group of Certified SimplyAlign Practitioners who are ready to support your journey. Browse our Practitioner Directory to find a great match for you, and get to know these wonderful practitioners through their spotlight interviews on my YouTube channel.

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energy healing

My thoughts on a common energy healing misconception

My thoughts on a common energy healing misconception

Last week, I happened to catch a podcast on YouTube. The woman being interviewed described a period in her life when she was out of touch with her church and exploring “New Age Spirituality.” She listed things she was involved with including tarot cards, gemstones, Reiki, past lives, akashic records, and energy healing. Then she added that she was also deconstructing her values and experimenting with being bisexual, polyamorous, and was increasingly very unhappy with her husband.

The podcast went on to share how she eventually let go of all that, returning to her roots and rekindling her love for her husband. A beautiful story of personal and spiritual growth.

And then…
As I read through the comment section I saw responses like, “I’m glad she exposed the truth about how destructive energy healing is.”

*Sigh* Here’s the reality – what she described wasn’t pure energy healing at all. Yet some people hear the term ‘energy healing’ and lump it together with all these other practices. She had branched way out into things that are not a part of energy healing.

And how about this comment: “All the women I know who get into energy healing end up leaving their church and their husbands within four years”.

Oh, pah-lease! I personally know hundreds (yes hundreds) of good, Godly women who have been helping their families and clients with energy work for many, many years.

I realize that comments like these come from people who haven’t experienced energy healing for themselves, don’t really understand it, and mistakenly group energy healing with various New Age practices, thinking they’re all the same, and putting it all under the label of ‘energy healing’.

Seeing so many misconceptions about this, and how often this powerful tool gets misrepresented is frustrating to me. Mainly because it scares off people who could really be helped by it.

Here’s the thing,
Energy Healing is NOT the same as New Age Spirituality! Energy healing stands on its own. It’s not a religion, and it doesn’t push any particular worldview or belief system. Pure energy healing is actually based on science—it works with the body’s own bio-electricity and natural vibrational resonance, much like how tuning forks naturally align to match each other’s frequencies – simple, pure, and based on natural laws. This isn’t about promoting specific beliefs; it’s about aligning with your natural state of wellness.

I get it – energy work can sound mysterious at first. But here’s something fascinating: energy is used in hospitals every day in completely mainstream ways. Think about it—machines like EEGs, EKGs, and MRIs monitor and diagnose patients by reading the body’s electrical and magnetic signals. Energy isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental part of how our bodies work and how even modern medicine connects with them.

When it comes to energy healing, we’re simply working with the body’s natural energy field in a focused, mindful way. It’s a transformative practice, not something vague or mysterious. Just as we care for our bodies with physical exercise, diet, and sleep, energy healing is a way to care for our internal energy. It helps us reset, clear out emotional clutter, and stay grounded. It’s a practical, effective resource for reducing stress, releasing old patterns, and bringing us back to our natural balance.

To put it plainly: energy healing is about clearing what holds you back and strengthening what propels you forward. It’s not woo-woo; it’s not mystical—it’s a method of working with the natural systems within us, meeting you where you are and supporting you to be more at peace and more confident.

For anyone questioning whether energy healing might interfere with their beliefs or change who they are – as a God-loving woman who has done this work for over 25 years, here’s what I can tell you: clean energy healing doesn’t require you to change your values. It actually helps you to live them more fully.

SimplyAlign is the kind of straightforward, clean energy healing I believe in and practice. It’s all about helping you feel lighter, more grounded, and fully yourself, without any extra ‘fluff’.

I appreciate you reading my vent! My hope in sharing this is that someone who needs healing but has been hesitant will feel more comfortable taking that first step toward feeling better, knowing they can stay true to themselves in the process.

Before I take a brief holiday pause from private sessions, I have a few November times still available for private energy healing sessions (choose from 25 or 50 minutes). We can connect via phone or Zoom, whatever feels most comfortable for you. Check availability and rates here.

Can’t catch me before January? I’ve got you covered! I’ve personally trained an amazing group of Certified SimplyAlign Practitioners who are ready to support your journey. Browse our Practitioner Directory to find a great match for you, and get to know these wonderful practitioners through their spotlight interviews on my YouTube channel.

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Monster Repellant – Just Add Light!

Monster Repellant – Just Add Light!

Halloween is over, but the imaginary monsters may still be lurking in our minds. We’ve all experienced that feeling of dread as a kid when we suspect some nightmarish creature is hiding just out of sight under the bed.

Our hearts race, palms sweat, minds conjure up the scary sounds and shadows. But what if we flip on the light switch or work up the courage to peer under? More often than not, the monster is actually a pile of dirty laundry, a forgotten toy, or a stuffed animal with a button eye we mistakenly took for a lurking beast.

Our minds can trick us in similar ways as adults. We anticipate the worst possible scenarios, exaggerate potential threats, and assume fearsome shapes in the darkness of uncertainty.

We magnify small concerns, letting them grow fangs and scales. Add a bit of overthinking and it’s easy for our imagination to blow things out of proportion and morph the mundane into the monstrous.

But just like checking for real monsters under the bed, we can shine the LIGHT of awareness on our worries.

Using tools like SimplyAlign can help dispel the imagined monsters, see things as they truly are, and clear the residual emotions holding us back from peace. Perhaps that metaphorical monster under your bed is just a pair of socks waiting to be tossed in the laundry.

If those pesky anxiety monsters keep creeping up, it may be time to implement more tools to tame them for good.

My upcoming SimplyAlign Training will equip you with energy techniques to get to the root of exaggerated worries. You’ll learn to clear unresolved emotions, rewrite limiting beliefs, and access a calm, focused state to quiet the imaginary, and the real monsters.

SimplyAlign makes energy healing practical for real life so you can overcome anxiety monsters and reclaim your sense of peace. And it’s here for you if you’re ready to shed old fears and start living boldly. I can’t wait to help you tame your monsters and thrive!

  • Been to a SimplyAlign 4-day course in the past? There are still some spots open at the in-person Refresher Course and we’d love to see you there- but hurry, doors close soon!

  • Are you spontaneous and just need a day to re-juvenate? Join us for the Align Your Shine Event! I’ll be speaking about finding, aligning, and shining your light, and I’m excited to share the stage with Mary O’Dwyer leading Breath Work and Heather Rigby playing Sound Bowls. It’s going to be epic! Learn More Here

  • Not ready for a training, but need some help with your monsters? We have a Certified SA Practitioner Directory if you need a personal session and want to see what SimplyAlign can do for you.

Keep Shining,

Carolyn Cooper
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Eyes Wide Open

My Eyes Wide Open Radio Interview

My Eyes Wide Open Radio Interview

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of being a guest on Janessa Finley-Ford’s Eyes Wide Open Radio Show and it was such a fun conversation! Janessa is one of our awesome Certified SimplyAlign Practitioners, so we discussed the fascinating world of energy and discussed my journey with the SimplyAlign Method.

If you’ve ever wondered how I got started and what fuels my passion, I spill it here. Janessa had some great insights and asked some great questions.

To hear the full conversation, click below.

I hope you enjoy this chat with Janessa as much as I did.

Janessa Finley
Carolyn Cooper
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SimplyAlign Fall Events

My Fall Lineup, One of These May Surprise You!

My Fall Lineup, One of These May Surprise You!

Autumn is in full swing, and here at SimplyAlign we’ve got some fantastic fall events lined up! Get ready to embrace the season of change and growth with these upcoming events that promise to be educational, inspiring, and tons of fun! Read to the end and let me know which, if any surprises you!

1. SimplyAlign Refresher Course

When: November 9th & 10th

Where: In Person, St. George, Utah

Who: For anyone who has attended a 4-day SimplyAlign Training

Go here to Register for Refresher

Calling all SimplyAlign/SimplyHealed/CalycoHealing Training graduates! The Refresher Course is your invitation to deepen your practice, discover fresh insights, uncover new possibilities within the SA menu items, and rekindle your passion for this transformative work. Join us live to reconnect with old friends, ground yourself in the fundamentals, and embark on a renewed journey towards balance and alignment.

EARLY BIRD Special: Register for the Refresher & get the full-day Saturday Align Your Shine workshop too!


2. Align Your Shine – 1 Day Workshop

When: Saturday, November 11th

Where: In Person – St. George, Utah

Who: Aspiring Growth Seekers and Anyone Who Wants to Shine Brighter!

Go here to Register for Align Your Shine 1-Day Event

Join us for a transformative day packed with empowering activities and insights. Through engaging workshops, insightful talks, and interactive activities (Sound Bowls anyone?), you’ll learn to embrace positivity, and design a happier, more fulfilling life. Get ready to radiate YOUR unique shine to the world


3. SimplyAlign cerTrac Training

When: December 5th – 8th

Where: Online

Who: Anyone who is ready to learn the beautiful art of the SimplyAlign Method. If you are passionate about holistic well-being and want to enhance your own life, help family members, and/or offer professional services that align with your values of integrity, and reflect your commitment to grounded, compassionate healing practices, this is the course for you.

Go here to learn more & to register for SimplyAlign Training

The SimplyAlign Method is a time-tested and results-driven approach to energy healing that empowers people to overcome emotional roadblocks and tap into their true potential. It’s a simple, yet powerful technique that involves clearing out limiting beliefs, ancestral baggage, and negative self-talk that’s holding you back. By addressing these underlying issues, the SimplyAlign Method creates space for personal growth and self-discovery, allowing you to connect with your best self. Experience a practical approach to advanced energy healing, free from mysticism and easy to learn. Suitable for everyone, from beginners to seasoned practitioners.

EARLY BIRD Pricing and Bonuses are on the website for a limited time only!


4. My New Podcast!

It’s almost ready, but I’m keeping the name under wraps until I’m ready to officially launch, and I’ll FOR SURE tell you at that time!

I’ve felt very inspired to create this, and I’ve designed it to be a ray of sunshine in our cloudy world; to add some light to our sometimes heavy and often dim world. There is so much good to talk about, let’s celebrate that! My goal with this podcast is to provide a weekly pick-me-up and offer a dose of encouragement to those in search of happiness and motivation…which seems to be most of us recently.

When: Coming in mid-October.

Where: Once launched, you’ll be able to find it on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and more.

Who: This podcast is for anyone looking to add more positivity, inspiration, and joy to their life!


So there you have it! I think I’ve got something for everyone here, so I hope you’ll join me for one or more of these events.

Mark your calendar and get ready for a season of growth and transformation! And stay tuned for more details on each event.

I can’t wait to share this exciting season with you.

Feel free to reply to this email and let me know if any surprised you and what you’re up to this fall, I love hearing from you!

Much Love,

Carolyn Cooper
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Business and Marriage

Guess How Many Years in Business?
6 Lessons Learned

Guess How Many Years in Business?
6 Lessons Learned

August is a big milestone month over here at SimplyAlign – I’m celebrating my business anniversary! Can I get a virtual high five?

Two decades is how long I’ve been online, and that’s a lot! I started in 2003, with my “Living in the Flow” Newsletter, Tai Chi Flow videos, and energy sessions. And I recently stumbled upon an archive of my old newsletter/emails from 2010 going forward– talk about a blast from the past!

Wow, I was busy through those years. Guest spots on summits, podcasts, radio shows, speaking on stages big and small, teaching across the US and in Australia (7 times), hey I forgot that I even wrote a chapter in two best selling books – it’s been quite the ride and I’m still enjoying it…oh so much! And I’m excited about what’s coming up this fall -stay tuned more details coming in the next month.

In the meantime, I’ve been thinking of all the lessons I’ve learned along this 20-year entrepreneurial journey. I’d love to share a few of those nuggets with you because they relate to ALL areas of life, not just business. So here we go:

1. Use the 80/20 rule. Also known as the Pareto Principle: roughly 80% of outcomes come from 20% of effort. For example, 20% of a plant contains 80% of the fruit, 20% of a company’s customers bring in 80% of the profit, and I’d venture to guess – you wear 20% of the clothes in your closet 80% of the time. You get the point. I had to learn NOT to use 80% of my time for a 20% result. To instead, prioritize my highest impact tasks (20%) for the optimal, and easiest results (80%).

2. Honor the Struggle / Embrace the Suck. Running a business is fun…except when it’s not. There are parts of business that I don’t love: admin tasks, learning new technology, communication misunderstandings. But that’s like everything in life, you’ve got to take the unpleasant with the pleasant because those good parts are so worth it. I delegate what I can, and have learned to appreciate the unavoidable parts. I choose to see them as opportunities to rise and be bolder.

3. Time Blocking is my to-do list’s best friend. I started time-blocking to keep myself on task. It’s my daily to-do list put in certain blocks of time, so I never have to waste time mulling over what I should work on next, and getting distracted in the process. I prioritize that beforehand. It also helps me to totally focus on the task at hand during that block, even if another idea pops in my brain (which happens a lot). I just write myself a short note to remember it and keep on the task at hand.

4. You can’t grow what you don’t know. You can’t make a plant grow if you don’t know its soil, right? Same goes for business and life. You’ve gotta pay attention to those numbers, like that wise Peter Drucker said, ‘You can’t manage what you don’t measure.’ But here’s the kicker—once upon a time, I was hesitant about diving into my income figures. It felt like checking the scale every day when you’re trying to be healthy, ya know? Too much and it’s like getting overly focused on numbers. But fast forward to now, and I’m all about those digits. It’s one way of giving my business the respect it deserves.

5. Outdoors + Movement = Clarity. I love working and it seems there is always something to be done. That’s not a good combo…it means since there is always work to do and I like working…well, I’ve learned to get myself away from my office. Outside in nature is a great place to be – it “sharpens the saw” and can be pure gold for creativity. Some of my best ideas have come to me because of sneaking away from work to enjoy nature on a walk or high-speed bike ride.

6. Do Less Better. When overwhelmed, PRUNE. When I get too much on my plate for too long, I’ve learned the answer is to take a look at what’s feeling overwhelming and ask myself the 3-Ds: “What can I delegate, delay, or delete?” I find most tasks fit into one of those buckets. Pruning back the non-essentials makes it possible to do the essentials – to do less – better. It frees up more creative power for the most important things. Keeping it simple is always a good thing in my book!

Those are just a few of the lessons I’ve learned on this journey. I’ll probably share more in the future, but this is long enough for now.

Oh, and guess what?

August isn’t just about SimplyAlign’s birthday bash – it’s also my wedding anniversary month! Yup, Dean-the-dream and I are marking 42 years together! Holy cow, that’s a long time! Maybe next week I’ll have a list of what I’ve learned from marriage, but probably not because even 42 years does not an expert make, haha!

Business and Marriage

But have you ever noticed how business and marriage share a bunch of similarities? They both involve navigating tough times and celebrating victories. Both demand care, patience, teamwork, and a good sense of humor.

Just wanted to say thanks for being part of my journey. Your support means a lot!

Much Love,

Carolyn Cooper

PS – If you missed last week’s email and the downloadable PDF of “Time Affirmations,” it’s waiting for you below:

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Summer Vibes: 5 Simple Reminders to Shine

Summer Vibes: 5 Simple Reminders to Shine

Last month, I had the privilege of teaching my SimplyAlign Training to a fantastic group of students representing 10 different states, and one student all the way from Poland (thank you, technology!). Together, we dove deep into the wonderful world of raising our vibrations and learning ways to align energy. But guess what? You don’t need to have taken the class to get in on the good vibes!

Today here’s a reminder of some down-to-earth, practical tips and prompts on how you can raise your vibration and let your inner light glow. So, let’s dive in and explore these simple yet effective methods that will have you radiating positive energy in no time:

  • Cultivate gratitude daily to shift your focus to the positive.

Ask yourself, “What are three things I am grateful for in my life right now?”

> Go on…you can do it right now.

  • Surround yourself with positive people and uplifting environments.

Reflect on, “Who are the people in my life who bring me joy and uplift my spirits?”

> How can I spend more time with them this summer?

  • Prioritize self-care activities that nurture your well-being.

Consider, “What activities or practices make me feel most rejuvenated and taken care of?”

> Schedule those activities into your day and/or week, put them in your calendar now.

  • Practice mindfulness and be fully present in the moment.

Ask yourself, “How can I bring more mindfulness into my daily routines and fully experience the present moment?”

> Throughout the day, create mindful pauses to check in with yourself. Take a few deep breaths, bring your attention to the present moment.

  • Align with your passions and purpose to feel fulfilled and inspired.

Reflect on, “What are my true passions and values and how can I incorporate them more into my life to feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment?”

> This summer be open to exploring something new. Take classes, join groups, or volunteer in areas that align with your interests. This allows you to gain firsthand experience and insights, helping you uncover your true passions or a new, fun hobby.

Remember, keeping your vibe up is a journey, not an overnight transformation. Be patient with yourself and embrace the process. Some days may be easier than others, and that’s okay. Give yourself permission to grow and learn along the way. Cheers to a vibrant summer!

Oh speaking of high vibes…

Are you ready to lose weight,
get rid of brain fog,
and feel super proud of yourself?

June is my month to do another 26-day detox. Are you ready? Want to do it too?

Here’s where you can learn more about it:
(In the menu bar click on Programs, then from the drop down click on 26 Day Detox)

Disclosure: This is an affiliate link. I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking the link.

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SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

I wrote this SimplyAlign Poem for you

I wrote this SimplyAlign Poem for you

I’m here with one final reminder that doors close for my SimplyAlign Training tomorrow night at midnight PT. (But you can join the Wait List at ANY time and we’ll let you know when registration opens again!)

And…just for fun (because life should be fun!) I put it in poetry form just for you (you’re welcome)…

The time is short, but don’t you worry,
You can still REGISTER HERE, if you hurry.

At midnight tomorrow, it will end,
Don’t miss this chance, my beautiful friend.

I’ll teach you things you’ve never seen,
Ways to get energy clear and clean.

And other things you’ve never known,
So that your power, you will own.

You can do it, you have the touch.
Learning these skills will help so much.

In our world with so much that’s scary,
Info like this is necessary.

But if you hesitate or stall,
You’ll miss the boat, you’ll miss it all.

So join us now, don’t be shy,
Click that link, don’t bat an eye.

Next time it’s taught I cannot say,
So sign up now and don’t delay.

The clock is ticking, don’t you see?
Come join us now, it’s meant to be!

Have a SIMPLY great day!

PS: Thanks for reading my silly verse.
It’s not perfect, but it could be worse!

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