Brain Dump - Brain Calming Technique

My favorite Brain Calming Technique

Do you ever have those days where you feel you have a million thoughts swirling through your head? Yeah, me too. Most days if I’m honest.

There’s one simple trick that really helps me get on top of that overwhelm.

It’s called a Brain Dump.

Of course, this isn’t a new idea, and it may even be something you regularly do, or have tried before. Perhaps today I’m just here to REMIND you to how easy it is to find calm by simply taking what’s in your brain and transferring it to another place. By another place, I mean writing it out on paper, or your computer or an app on your phone.

Personally, I prefer pen and paper because just the act of writing things down can be therapeutic, and is known to help you retain information. However, digital is great if you prefer to keep records that way. What’s important is that you’re freeing up valuable space by moving the excess thoughts into a different storage medium. Ahh, now you’re on your way to CLARITY.

The brain dump process is very simple:

Set aside some quiet time.
Write down everything that’s in your head.
Keep going until you can’t think of anything else.
Write (or type) out all the random thoughts in no particular order or format.
Pause every once in awhile and take a few deep breaths…more thoughts will surface.
Don’t worry if you feel there’s more but you can’t grasp it, you can always come back later and add to it any trailing thoughts.
Now you can SEE all those thoughts and can organize them in a way that makes sense.
I like to get a new paper and categorize all my thoughts into these columns:
Do Soon / Can Wait / Delegate / Let This Go (you’ll come up with your own categories that work best for you).

You’ll find you feel more refreshed and can think more clearly after your brain dump session. Woo-hoo!

Here’s how a Brain Dump can help:

  • It clears your head, kind of like a computer cache.
  • It gives you a sense of control by seeing the info in front of your eyes.
  • It allows you to sort through the information far easier when you can see it written out.
  • It makes it possible to organize the brain chaos into a format that makes sense.
  • It opens up space so your brain can function better.
  • It creates more options and ideas.
  • It helps you to process things and to make plans.
  • It makes those thoughts more readily managed.
  • It makes it easier to gain focus and to be more productive in your work flow.
  • Your thoughts and ideas are now organized…not swirling.

How Often?

Some people do this on a weekly basis, but you may find you need it more or less often. For more peaceful sleep, I actually keep a notebook on my bedside table and write down any “need to do” thoughts before going to bed each night. Knowing those nagging thoughts have been dumped, and that I’ll see them on my list the morning gives me permission to relax and go to bed with a calm mind.

What’s in your head right now?
Maybe it’s time to take a little break for a Brain Dump!

We’re moving, guess where!

I’m moving across the country.


With my hubby Dean-the-Dream.

If you’re reading this email when it landed in your inbox, we are flying to our new home right now.

Moving from beautiful St George, Utah where we’ve lived and raised our five kids for 37 years.

I love the red rocks, the biking trails, the not-too-bad traffic, working in my patio-office for at least 7 months each year, proximity to Zion National Park (we go there a lot), I even love the desert heat.

It’s halfway between our kids in Salt Lake City and California.

But alas, a new adventure awaits!

And I love adventure.

We are moving to the Capital City.

Hubby got his dream job.

After 31 years of being a golf course superintendent, he retired and applied for another “slightly” similar job -(well, working outside with grass and plants)

He’s the new Grounds Supervisor at the Washington DC Temple.

We’re both super excited.

And, I get to keep my dream job too.

My energy work & coaching has always been over phone, Skype, or Zoom so I can (and do) work from any location.

In fact, work-wise you wouldn’t have even known I moved, but I wanted to share this happy news with you!

And also, in the next week or two I hope to be sharing some photos of the Cherry Blossom Festival -so stay tuned!

What about you?

Have you ever made a big move?
Followed a dream?
Changed direction because it just ‘felt’ right?
If not…
Do you plan to?

I’m truly interested to know! I love stories like this, if you feel like sharing your answers with me just reply to this email.

Sending you love and thanks for being part of my community.

Next week I’ll be writing from my new Eastern Time Zone!
Until then, have a SIMPLY great week,


PS: Speaking of “moving”…Move-up Mondays (personal sessions) starts again in April. Official launch is in 2 weeks, but if you want to secure a spot, you can sneak over here now and get in early.

Join me on social media for updates on the new life in the big city:

simplycari IG

carolyncoopercoaching IG

carolyncooper-simplyalign FB

PPS: Next REFRESHER Course (for those who’ve taken my 4-day Training) is April 29/30 online!
Registration is now open here:


BIG NEWS: Check out our New Name!

Hello friend,
I hope your New Year is off to a great start!
Around here, things are shaking up and I’m excited to share the news with you!
As you may or may not know, the “official” name of my company is Carolyn Cooper International, Inc. As it will remain.
SimplyHealed is the name of my method and certification training that I’ve taught to thousands of awesome students since 2006.
For several reasons I’ve decided to change the name of SimplyHealed.
It will now be…DRUM ROLL…


I’m super excited about the new name, as it more accurately reflects what this work actually does.
SimplyHealed has never claimed to “heal” anyone. It is a tool to help release negative emotions and fortify strengths so that a person can be ALIGNED in mind, body and spirit.
What SimplyHealed does best is help you ALIGN your mindset, goals and actions!
The new website is underway, and we’re updating all my social media accounts.
This is a process and I’ll keep you informed along the way. Woo-Hoo!
In the meantime, I’ve been getting some questions from those who’ve seen the recent changes on my social media so here are my As to your Qs:

Is the March SimplyHealed cerTrac still on? 
YES!! I will still be teaching this 4-day course LIVE on Zoom March 9-12th.
All the goodness of the time-tested SimplyHealed course will still be taught,
it will just have the updated name. Registration is open here
What about all the current Certified SimplyHealed Practitioners?
They are awesome, onboard and also excited about the new name!
They will now be (CSAP) Certified SimplyALIGN Practitioners.
Same great work, same amazing results from your practitioner.
Will you have some new offers with the new website?
YES. Some of you know I’ve also been a Life Coach for several years.
I coach a 12-week Certified High Performance program that
will be offered on my new website. If you’re interested and want
to get started right away email my team for an application.
Will Move-up Mondays and Tune-up Tuesdays continue?
YEP. I LOVE these 15-min lasers sessions, the only change will be
that we now call what we do during these sessions SimplyALIGN.
BTW, I’ll be starting a new 6-month Move-up Monday program in Feb.
I’ve opened registration early this time!
Will you still be doing your Energy Shot videos?
Oh, I love that someone asked me this! YES I will, but I won’t be
doing videos on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. I’ll continue to create
new videos occasionally, but for now there are plenty to watch on my channel.
And I’ll continue to send a regular email with a brief tip that I feel will inspire you!
Watch for those on Thursdays now instead of Friday.
Until then, here are a few inspiring quotes about change (since I’m sure you also had much of your own in 2020!)
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” -Socrates
“Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future” -John F. Kennedy
Have a great week!
Shine On,
Carolyn Cooper
seize the day

Seize The Day!

A few summers ago our youngest daughter, River, was in the ensemble for the play “Newsies” that ran all summer at a large outdoor theatre in our area. (Tuacahn, for those of you who know of it).

As the show was in rehearsals I was surprised by the number of people who told me it was their favorite stage play, I kept hearing, “Oh, I love Newsies!”

I had seen it once before, but didn’t remember being that enamored with it. But after seeing it again at the beginning of that summer, I got it!

And then watching the play many more times during that summer, I DO understand why people love it so much.

First of all, it’s an athletic, dance-musical. I mean…what’s not to love?
And bonus, it’s based on a true story.

Orphaned street kids selling newspapers in NYC, in 1899 started a strike for better pay that is credited with beginning wide-reaching child labour reform.

The theme of Newsies is that we all have power to stand up for what we believe in.

One of the popular songs from the musical is:

Seize the Day

It includes this inspiring phrase:

Minute by minute, that’s how you win it.
We will find a way.
But let us seize the day.

then it goes on to say:

Courage cannot erase our fear.
Courage is when we face our fear.

Ask yourself these 3 important questions:

1) If I had more courage what would I stop doing?

2) If I had more courage how would I Seize The Day?

Now remind yourself of something you’ve done in the past that took courage. Yay, you did it! You DO have courage!

Now going forward…answer one last question:

3) What is something you can do today to Carpe Diem?
(as they say in Latin)

Remember the Newsies: “minute by minute that’s how you win it”

We don’t know how much time our hourglass holds, so go ahead…

Seize THIS day!

Along this theme, stay tuned for my email next Friday – I’ve been working on something special for you. It’s inspiring, fun, and free! ‘See ya next week!

Shine on!


cat - energy healing for pets

My favorite cat story! (Energy healing for pets)

Since clients often ask me to balance and clear energy for their animals, today I want to share with you one of my favorite “cat stories” using my SimplyHealed Method.

My sister’s cat Midnight is a cute little feline. She came from an abusive home and my sister and her family took her in. As you might deduce from her name, she’s an all black cat. But when they adopted her, she had no hair on the underside of her body—like a furless cat. My sister soon learned that Midnight had a strange habit of biting and pulling off the fur down her belly. This went on for a few months, but they thought if they made her feel at home and gave her enough love, the problem would work itself out.

cat - energy healing for pets


One day it occurred to my sister that this little cat had some past issues of being unworthy and unlovable, issues that she could clear up using the SimplyHealed Method. So she took a few minutes to work on the cat, clearing the past trauma and re-balancing her energy by using affirmations such as:

  • I am a good cat.
  • My family appreciates me.
  • I am worthy and deserving of a great life.
  • It is safe for me to be in this home.
  • I am wanted and welcomed.

She didn’t think much more about it, until nearly a week later when she noticed that Midnight was re-growing hair on her belly and that she hadn’t seen her pulling it for several days. My sister reports that Midnight has since abandoned her terrible habit completely, and I’m happy to say Midnight now has a very furry belly—which she loves to have scratched.

For more information about how energy healing can help with your pet, I have a video about working with animals (starring my own cat, Mac) here on my SimplyHealed Youtube channel.

And if you want to book a phone session with me to have your pet’s energy cleared go here. 25-min sessions are available and usually sufficient for animals.


Next week I’m opening my popular Move-up Mondays 6-months of personal 15-min laser sessions (via phone or Skype).

A couple of times a year, I open the door, but only for a few days because it fills up fast…SO, if you’re interested and don’t want to miss the chance to get in on this round of personal laser sessions (especially with all the craziness in our world during this time), watch for my emails next week!

Click the image below to get on the waiting list!

Move Up Mondays

Ancestral patterns

All Yours or Generational? Here’s how to know! [Energy Shot #62]

Happy July!

Here are a few fun pics of my daughters Adria and River on their GLAMPING adventure earlier this week.

For Dean-the-dream and I, our daughters are our “bookends”; the oldest and youngest of our kids. With 3 sons in between, these girls are 17 years apart (I know, that’s a long time to be having babies, but I loved it!)


Although these two are very different in many ways, (and grew up in practically two different eras!) I see so many similarities in their looks, their personalities, even their movements. As anyone who has kids has experienced, I can see traits of both sides of the family in each of them.


We all carry stories in our genes…
our own experiences AND the stories of our ancestors.

Just like you can inherit your grandfather’s jawline, or your great aunt’s red hair, emotional traits also trickle down the family tree, from one generation to the next.

I see my in my daughters physical traits such as my grandmother’s cheek bones, and the green eyes from my father’s family line.

I also see in them my dear mother in law’s spunk and their grandfather’s sense of humor.

The science of epigenetics explains how the genes of your ancestors affect your physical, emotional and mental patterns, tendencies, and behaviors. Scientists have learned that trauma experienced by earlier generations can influence the structure of our genes, making them more likely to “switch on” negative responses to stress and trauma.  And, these ancestral patterns can sabotage our best intentions.

But the good news is, energy healing can help. SimplyHealed is a graceful way to release the negative emotional energy we carry in our genes so we can be free from inherited negative emotions and move forward with confidence. And of course, we get to keep and cherish all the high-vibration goodness from our strong and beloved ancestors.

You can probably tell this is one of my favorite topics, and in today’s video I give you 3 questions to ask yourself if you’re wondering if your issues are your own creation or if you’re carrying inherited emotions.  Hmmm…good stuff…check it out:

Easy Summer Salad Recipe

For today’s energy shot I’m sharing an easy, light recipe with you, and here’s why:

I’ve talked to SO many people recently who have told me they’ve put on weight during this quarantine. And hey, if that’s you I’m right there with ya!

Last week I even got the crazy idea to bake an easy bread recipe. Something I haven’t done for years! But guess what? When I tried to find yeast at my grocery store I was told it’s been sold out for some time now. Apparently, I’m not the only one with the idea to bake bread while quarantining.

Dean the Dream and I usually eat very clean, but whether it was my gym closing, or the extra time spent at home, or just feeling the energy of the planet and a need for some comfort food, I’ve found myself not eating as clean as I like to. But it’s good to remember…

the food you put in your mouth directly impacts your vibration!

I’m happy to say I’m now back on the wagon of clean eating (most of the time), and it feels good! So I’m sharing my family’s favorite LIGHT summer salad recipe, since you’re also on a healthy eating journey…right? *wink*. I hope you’ll try it out.
It’s super easy to throw together and tastes so fresh and delish!

Chickpea/Cuke Salad

15 oz can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
4 cucumbers, cut into chunks
1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 – 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced into half moons
handful chopped cilantro (or basil or dill)
1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar
fresh, cracked pepper to taste

We love it just like this, but if you want to get fancy, there are so many possible options to add in:

feta cheese
red pepper flakes
sliced olives

Mix together well and enjoy!

Have a SIMPLY great day!

Worldwide Fast

My favorite home-isolation resources

Be sure to read this to the end because I’ve got links to 7 awesome free resources to help make this time of social distancing easier.

First of all, I hope you’re having a good Friday!

Speaking of Good Friday…you may or may not be aware there is a worldwide fast going on today to come together and help end this pandemic. Anyone and everyone is invited to join in. I’m participating and just wanted to let you know in case you want to too (and don’t worry if you get a late start -it still counts 😉 ).


Is it bad to say I have quite enjoyed the change of pace COVID 19 has brought?

I mean, of course I hate that people have died, others are sick, the economy has tanked – There’s absolutely nothing good about any of that!

But during this temporary time I’ve found many good things to be grateful for because of it.

I love not having to be anywhere at any time.

I love increased Zoom calls with our grown kids who are spread from California to Washington, DC.

I love being home trading in my former FOMO (fear of missing out) for JOMO (joy of missing out).

I adore the extra calls I’ve been having with my SimplyHealed Practitioner Community (they are all SO lovely!)

I appreciate that people around the world are coming together in kindness -anyway, that has been my experience.

I love that I already know how to do healing sessions over phone and/or Skype and that my amazing clients do too.

I actually love that this has pushed me to get my SimplyHealed Training online sooner than scheduled, for training globally.

I’m inspired by the innovation and creativity of entrepreneurs who have figured out how to serve their audience virtually.

I love how businesses of all sizes are reaching out to help each other and their customers.

I love that social distancing initiated a couple new Marco Polo friend groups -that’s fun!

And wow, I’ve never received so many nice emails from companies just to say “We have your back” (you too?)

And, finally, I love that during this time I’ve found some fun resources and that I can share them with you!


Have you heard of Joe, the world’s PE teacher?

He’s been streaming workout videos every day for kids at home (and parents). Yep, I thought I’d get out for a few more walks since my gym closed…but well, I’m hoping Joe can get me back in shape, lol. Although there are tons of free workouts online, I think it’s great he talks to the kids as he goes.


OH my gosh! this just might be my new favorite website:

Children’s books read by your favorite actors -how cool is that? It’s for kids…but I love it too!


If you need an escape…
Every Friday, until further notice, Cirque du Soleil is offering the opportunity to watch 60-minutes of some of its most incredible acrobatic moments -free online! They’ve also uploaded some pretty awesome behind-the scenes videos to watch anytime.


And if you need a treat while watching Cirque du Soleil… (since I’m working out with PE teacher Joe and all)

Check with your local movie theatre, I know mine is offering curbside popcorn pickup or even delivered. I’m still trying to support local businesses! In Utah:

And get a load of this – Disney is making it easier to get through this time by sharing their churro recipe, ha ha!


For parents: Here’s a great list of 105 activities to entertain kids while you work


Clever girl is one of the top personal finance websites for women and they’ve made all their online financial courses and resources free during this pandemic! Check it out.

BTW: No, I am not an affiliate for any of these links I’ve listed. I just love discovering new things and even more than that I love to share what I’ve found with others in hopes it will be helpful.

Feel free to forward a link to this blog post to others you think would like some of these resources. Take good care of yourself & stay well.

Shine on,

Peace of Mind

Try this sentence for peace of mind

Today’s Energy Shot is ONE sentence that could give you:
peace of mind,
relief from ego,
emotional and mental space, and
the ability to focus on what really matters.

It could change how you feel (or don’t feel) about any given situation.

As we go through each day, there are so many things that get our attention.
And many other things on the periphery that get parts of our attention.
Some of those things don’t need our personal attention, yet we give it.

Have you ever found yourself thinking too much about something that doesn’t really concern you, and after awhile, finally snapping out of it and asking yourself:
Why do I care?
Does this thing matter in my life?
Why am I getting involved in something that’s not mine?

Which leads me to the peace-giving sentence:

I don’t need to have an opinion about that.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to never have opinions.
I am saying, identify what’s worth your energy and what’s not.
The fact is, some of our opinions just burden us.

Leonardo da Vinci said: “The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.”


So this week I invite you to pay attention to how many times a day you have
a thought about something (or someone) and form an opinion about it.

And, in how many of those cases if you dropped your opinion,
nothing would happen…except inner peace for you.


Want to receive a Weekly Energy Shot in your inbox every week? Click Here

Pumpkin Pie Energy Balls

For a little shot of energy today, I’m sharing one of my favorite treats!
And since it’s Autumn in the USA, I’m adding in some ‘fall’ flavor!

Energy BallsPumpkin Pie Energy Balls


  • 3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 1/2 cups rolled oats
  • A drizzle of pure maple syrup
  • 1 Tablespoon pumpkin spice
  • Handful of raisins OR mini chocolate chips (or both!)

Mix well together. Cover the bowl and place in fridge for about an hour.
Remove and roll your mixture into balls. (If they feel too sticky, add in a little more oats).
Try not to eat too many at once (heh, heh) and store them in the fridge in an air tight container.

But wait, here’s the fun part…OPTIONS, lots of options!
Swap out the peanut butter for almond, cashew, or any type of nut butter (natural is always best)
In place of the chocolate chips use carob chips
You can also use gluten-free rolled oats
Dried cranberries instead of raisins
Throw in some pumpkins seeds or chopped walnuts or pecans
I often add unsweetened coconut flakes in mine-or roll the balls in it.
You can swap out the maple syrup for honey (if you’re not vegan)
Add in chia, flax, or hemp seeds.
Add in extra cinnamon or nutmeg to your liking
Add in cocoa powder or cacao

With all these options, every time I make these they come out differently depending on what ingredients I have on hand.

This weekend might be a fun time to make up a
batch with your own choice of ingredients.
Have fun with it!

And did you know? Pumpkin is rich in Vitamin A (anti aging!) and is full of antioxidants. It’s also rich in riboflavin, plus it has lots of folate, which is critical to our immune systems.

This beautiful orange veggie (gourde? squash?) also has vitamin C, beta carotene, and it’s packed with fiber, very low in calories, and contains no cholesterol.

Wow, now that will raise your vibe!