Do Different Energy Modalities Interfere with Each Other?

Question: “Is it a bad idea to try lots of different methods of energy healing?”

In this short video I give my answer about how different methods of energy work can work together and how you can determine what works for you and what doesn’t.

dedication energy work

How Do Dedications Work?

In an Ask Carolyn call, someone asked me the following question:

Q. Is it okay to do energy healing work for people who are not present or people who don’t know you’re doing it for them? If so, why? How does it work? And how can it help?

A. Great question! This is my answer.

Family Stress Test

Family Stress TestStress is a natural and normal “by-product” of every family’s life. In fact, family stress can bring out the best of us: as we stretch to meet the challenges we face, we become better parents, our children blossom and our families grow. But too much stress can spiral our families in the other direction. Take this Thriving test to see how your family fares.

Set 1

1. There is a lot of bickering in our house. Someone is always angry at someone else.

2. There’s never enough time to sit down together, either to talk or to eat. There’s always too much to do.   3. My spouse and I argue a lot about how to raise the children.

4. It’s like pulling teeth to get the kids to help around the house.

5. Our family has experienced a lot of significant change recently (divorce, death, blending family, job loss, illness, other trauma).

6. Money is very tight. My partner and I have constant conflicts about how to spend it.

7. My child has been having behavioral problems at school.

8. The children get upset when they hear us arguing.

9. I work too much, and it’s really getting to me.

10. We don’t really talk about hard issues; we just try to hold our breath, wait and let them go away.

Set 2

1. We acknowledge feelings, encourage their expression and allow time for dealing with the issues these feelings raise.

2. We plan time for family activities. And we eat together at least once every day.

3. If a blended family, we maintain and nurture original parent-child relationships and let new relationships develop in their own time.

4. I feel confident in my role as parent.

5. Our family easily maintains a sense of humor and playfulness.

6. Family priorities take precedence over work.

7. I know what’s important to my kids.

8. When issues arise that we get stuck on, we ask for help from other family members, support groups, community-based programs, clergy and/or a therapist.

9. We have enough money for the important things.

10. Everyone in the family has responsibilities around the house and does them without being nagged.

If you answered true more often in the first set than in the second set, you may want to seek help lowering the stress level of your family. Families that communicate about problems, who face issues as they arise, who support one another and seek help when it is needed, can build strong bonds among themselves, nurture a healthy and loving family and have a lot more fun doing it!


Do you have a family that puts the FUN in dysfunction? Do you cringe at the thought of spending a weekend with certain family members?

Or, maybe you have a great family, but there’s been some recent ‘upsets’ that have caused some tension or awkwardness.

And yes, even if you feel like you are the only “normal” one in your family! We are the chain-breaking generation, and it’s time to release those unhealthy patterns.

Join me for our next Group Energy Clearing Session!

Author’s content used  under license, © 2008 Claire Communications

Top 10 Actions That Say “I Love You”

Top 10 Actions That Say “I Love You”The saying, “Words are cheap, action speaks,” is never more true than when applied to “I love you.” Whether spoken to a romantic partner, your children or other family members, if the actions aren’t there to back up the loving words, it all means nothing. Below are 10 of the best ways to say “I love you” in your actions. But there are thousands more. Take a look at these, then grab your journal or a notepad and see how creative you can get in coming up with your own ideas. Most importantly, follow through on actually doing them.

1. Greet your loved ones with a big smile, a hug and a kiss.

2. Really listen to what your loved ones are saying; give them your undivided and undistracted attention.

3. Support each other through tough times.

4. Do simple (even random) acts of kindness, such as massaging shoulders or feet, cooking a favorite meal, running a bath.

5. Spend one-on-one time with your loved ones, with no particular agenda.

6. Commit to letting go of judgment of their faults.

7. Come home on time.

8. Be impeccable with your word. If you say you’ll do something, do it, and by the time you said you’d do it.

9. Take responsibility for your part in any conflict, and then look at how you can do better next time. Step out of the blame game.

10. Share yourself and what lives deeply inside of you. This is a precious gift and conveys trust and security.

Author’s content used under license, © 2008 Claire Communications

Tips For Stress Free Holidays

Tips For Stress Free HolidaysAh! The holidays! As a child there is nothing like the anticipation of all the joy that the holidays bring but as we grow older, it seems as though we take on some stresses that we would rather not have. Here are some tips that can help relieve the stress and tension:

Take Care of Yourself
Get regular exercise; take it easy on the caffeine, sugar and alcohol; get enough sleep; eat healthy food — all the things that are good for our well-being -you know this stuff.

Take a mini-break to get grounded
Visualize your feet being connected to the earth, those connections going through carpet, cement, etc. and down into the earth.  Also the healing energy of the earth coming back up through your feet to the top of your head and beyond connecting you to the heavens, keeping you strong and balanced.  This can be done anywhere, even standing in a line!

Let go of expectations
That things need to be a certain way
That people around you need to behave a certain way
That you need to do a lot of extra things (decorating, cards, etc) because “that’s what we’ve always done”

It’s ok to ask for help. It’s a necessary thing, and it helps others to feel needed and wanted.

Appreciate the person next to you
Where ever you may be during the holidays -step outside your own thoughts to notice who is next to you (in a store, in your home, in your neighborhood) and say or do something kind for them. It will raise their energy and yours!

Start a new tradition
Today’s modern families may have different dynamics than those a generation or two ago. You can begin something fun and new!  My husband cooks great Chinese food.  A few Christmases ago that’s what the kids wanted for Christmas dinner, so that has now become our tradition.  Well, that certainly works for me -yum!

Zip Up
With one had trace a line a few inches out from the body, from your root to your bottom lip. This energetically “zips” you up so you can avoid taking on stressful energy around you. To go along with this, visualize a bubble of light around you.

Accupressure Point to reduce anxiety and bring on the calm
On the top of your foot, find the spot in between the big toe and your second toe.  Come toward the leg about two fingers width (about an inch or so).  Rub with your thumb and breathe through it.  This calms anxiety.  Also, if you have a headache rubbing on the front side and the bottom of the foot (same location, just on the flip-side)  at the same time can help take away some of the pressure.

“Keep it light
Don’t overdue it.  Give yourself permission to say NO to unnecessary extras.Listen and follow your inner guidance, don’t let yourself be pressured by other people’s expectations. Remember, it’s ok to have your healthy boundaries!

I hope that these tips can give you some new ideas and some renewed energy to enjoy the holidays with those you choose to spend the time with.

9 Signs You Could Use an Energy Detox

9 Signs You Could Use an Energy DetoxDo you ever wake up feeling exhausted, or do you feel sluggish in the afternoon? Do you look at young children and wonder where their boundless energy comes from? At 43, I knew that something needed to shift. I worked out; I ate healthy food, compared to the standard American diet. But I still felt tired. I returned to juicing and raw foods. In days, I was brimming with energy again, feeling like a 20 year younger, new and improved version of me.

Detox diets cleanse the body to restore balance. Periodic fasting is a spiritual principle, abstaining from food and drink to give the digestive system a rest. A detox diet can include drinking only purified water with squeezed lemon, green juices, and/or consuming mostly raw vegetables, fruits, and nuts. We live in an increasingly toxic world with daily exposure to chemicals, additives, harmful sugars, and pharmaceutical drugs. Our bodies can no longer function with a child’s vibrancy. We get bogged down from the toxins in our physical systems.

Similarly, our energy systems get bogged down from the mental and emotional clutter that is stored in our bodies’ cellular memory. Just as a detox diet cleans out the toxins in our bodies, an energy detox through energy work can release the toxic energetic clutter in our 7 energy systems. We accumulate mental and emotional debris through the daily experience of living.

Here are 9 signs that suggest you might benefit from an energy detox:

1) Do you have an idea or inner desire about what to do next, but your excuses overpower your will to move forward?

2) Do your emotional responses (including anger and tears) seem easily triggered?

3) Do you ever find yourself in an emotionally charged conflict with a partner or loved one that seems much larger than what the actual disagreement warrants?

4) Does your mind chatter disturb your daily measure of peace?

5) Is your relationship with a spouse or loved one clouded by the disappointments and/or resentments of the past?

6) Do your creative urges feel blocked?

7) Do you taste fear about taking the next step?

8) Do you feel cut off from trusting your intuition or receiving intuitive knowledge?

9) Do you feel disconnected from the Awesome version of yourself?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions above, consider de-cluttering from what is no longer serving you. Life is a process of learning and growth, and awareness is 50 percent of the solution to shifting one’s energy. But if you cannot clear your energy on your own, find a Simply HealedTM practitioner to assist you with cleansing from the emotional clutter. Yes, we will encounter life challenges, but it is easier to navigate without carrying around excess energetic baggage.


Dr. Tera Maxwell

About the Author
Tera Maxwell, Ph.D., Energy Coach and Simply Healed™ Practitioner, specializes in helping mama entrepreneurs release personal and money blocks, often stemming from generational and childhood memories, so they can soar in business and life. Her doctoral work on generational trauma among Filipino Americans prepared her for energy work, where she continues to share her message: We can change. Our generational and childhood baggage need not define us.

Got Clarity?

Got Clarity?Got Clarity? Replenish with your own mini-retreat!

One of my husband’s very favorite things to do is lie on a beach with no schedule to have to conform to (isn’t that everyone’s?). This isn’t always feasible, since we have busy schedules and live in the desert of southern Utah. So last week I took him to Jamaica for his birthday, and for six days, that’s what we did- enjoyed the beautiful Caribbean water and weather with no phones, computers, or agendas to stick to. Ahh…it was heaven!

It got me thinking…why don’t I add little mini-retreats like this into my life on a more regular basis?  Well, I mean without the amazingly clean smell of the ocean air, the sand between my toes, and meal prep all taken care of for me.

But I can still derive some of the benefit of big get-aways like this by finding ways in my everyday life to retreat and renew. Here is my list I came up with of things I can do to replenish my soul when my cup is nearing empty-or hopefully before! As you read through it notice ways that you can create a retreat yourself, without spending a ton of time or money, and without even leaving your own home if you don’t want to.

1. Visit a local art museum. Are you familiar with all the local talent in your area? I know I’m not, and would like to be. I’ve definitely calendared this for next month.

2. Take your camera and a notebook and go explore a part of your city that you have never really explored (as long as it’s safe). Take pictures, and journal about what you’ve discovered. Doesn’t this sound fun? I’m SO doing this!

3. Go to an afternoon matinee –all by yourself!

4. Spend a day in the garden, or the container pots, or community garden, or any other way to get your hands in the earth

5. Re-connect with an old friend over lunch –Who is the first person that came to your mind? Call him or her.

6. Go for a hike. Even an hour or two of one-on-one time with Mother Nature can reap huge relaxation rewards.

7. Plan a day off just to read! I tend to have several books partially read in different rooms throughout my house. Hmm..imagine taking a day to finish all those up and start new ones!

8. Do a media fast for a few days or even a week. Turn off all input—TV, radio, stereo, newspaper, internet, and see what amazing insights are there in the peacefulness for you.

9. Get a massage –it’s especially great if you know a massage therapist who does house calls. Be sure to follow that with down-time.

10. Take a long bath – add some candlelight, bath salts or essential oils, and relaxing music.

11. Spend a day doing what you love, not what you feel obligated to do. Give yourself permission to put your to-do list away for a day and enjoy yourself with no pressure to get something done! Don’t worry, you’ll probably get twice as much done the following day.

12. Take a class:  self-defense, cooking, dance, zumba, yoga, tai chi. Try something new you’ve always wanted to do.

I hope these suggestions spurred some ideas for you, and that you will follow through on giving yourself a mini-retreat often. Remember that when you take ‘retreat time’ it is a gift to yourself and to those around you. We bring our best selves to the world when we are replenished, refreshed and relaxed!  After all, it’s the pauses between the notes that make the melody beautiful.

ASK Carolyn -Replay

Although energy healing is getting more widely accepted all the time, there are still many, many people who know very little about it.

Each month (usually the 3rd Wed) for 30 min, during lunch-time (depending on what time-zone you are in) I offer an “ASK Carolyn” call.  On this call I answer questions that people have written in about my unique method, SimplyHealed, or anything about energy healing in general.

The response has been great!  I usually have a big crowd listening in, and I am so happy to have a chance to teach more about this wonderful way of healing emotionally, mentally, spiritually.


Here is a link to a replay of one of my recent ASK Carolyn calls:

Feel free to download it and/or pass it on to friends.


The questions answered on this call are:

Is it ok to do a lot of different energy methods?

How long does it take for the body to make adjustments after the energy is cleared?

Can one send healing energy to another without being asked?

How can I know what my gifts and talents are?

How should I deal with a family member who shuts down and won’t communicate?

Can SimplyHealed help someone grow a new tooth?


Great questions, right?

To listen to my answers, click this link:

I hope you’ll join me for an upcoming

ASK Carolyn call. 30-min, 3rd Wed, each month.

Go here to send in a question for the next call:



Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! To say goodbye to the old year and ring in the new, below are the top ten most-read blog posts of 2011. Enjoy! Read more