Calyco Healing Refresher Course Praise

Calyco Healing Refresher Course Praise

I recently conducted a Calyco Healing Refresher Course, and it was a great success and blessing to everyone involved – especially me. I offered the course because so many Calyco alumni had requested to retake the training, get recertified or move on to the Calyco Master’s Level. I’d like to share what some of the participants had to say after completing the three-day refresher.

“I want to thank you for Calyco. It has changed my life, my family and the more than thirty-five clients I’ve officially been able to serve the last few weeks.

My youngest daughter wrote, produced, directed and acted in the opening and closing monologue of her first play. I was able to work on at least a dozen of the amazing young people working on that venture. They were so receptive, and the changes were palpable and have held. Calyco made a huge difference.

I have several adopted children as clients, close to my heart since I’m also a birth mom. Many of these children come from Russia and the Ukraine. What changes have occurred in their young lives after such difficult beginnings! I’ve worked on dogs, homes and businesses as well. Such big fun!!!

My family has noticed how much more relaxed and softer I’ve been since clearing some of my own major timeline issues when I was five. I felt i

one”>Ignoring An Ex To Get Him Back

t almost immediately. This has enabled me to be so much more effective with my family and clients and so much happier in my personal life.”

“So much has happened since the Refresher Class. I get the muscle testing now, and I am loosening up a lot. The whole system has really opened up for me. It is becoming a natural process for me now and I can feel the energy flow. I’ve been able to clear a lot of things for my oldest daughter’s adoptive family.”

“Thanks for a GREAT 3-day Calyco Masters Retreat. While it was technically a refresher, I felt like it was more of a retreat — learned a lot, cleared a lot, and I feel great!”

“I know I spoke to you for a few minutes the other day, but I feel impressed again to say how impactful the refresher course was for me. I had some substantial opposition in getting there at first, but once the blocks were removed, the universe just put it in place for me. Though I had good information before, the class really helped me pull it together to the point that I really feel like I can, in real and practical ways, help myself and others through this wonderful work.”

“These last few days in training have been outstanding. It was exactly what I needed — to be able to closely associate with like-minded people. I feel more educated, more encouraged, and more confident.”

“FANTASTIC learning experience! Loved being with you again. 😮 Thank you for all your hard work AND your astute intuition!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU… (never seems enough, but gotta say it).”

I am humbled by and appreciative of the praise from these wonderful women!
