Making Wiser Decisions: How to Balance Intuition and Analysis

Last week I posted a short quiz about how you use intuition vs. analysis in your life. If you missed it you’ll find it here on my blog.

Let’s be real: with so much going on these days, making choices can sometimes feel overwhelming. The constant back-and-forth in your head, the overanalyzing and second-guessing can really slow the process, am I right?

Here’s the good news: there’s a simpler way that saves you time and stress. It’s called intuitive decision making.

At the core of intuitive decision making lies two crucial modes of thinking: intuitive and deliberative. While deliberative thinking involves deep analysis, often leading to a prolonged process of indecision and stress, intuitive thinking offers a swift, effortless path to decision-making.

Imagine being in a flow state, where your prefrontal cortex quiets down, and the brain’s lower regions take the lead, making rapid choices based on pattern recognition. Sounds liberating, right? You already have this, you just need to allow it to happen.

By blending your inner wisdom with practical facts, you can make clear-headed choices without all the agony. Trust yourself to tap into your gut instinct and then balance it with logic. Avoid getting hung up on every little detail—go with what feels aligned.

According to researchers at the Flow Research Collective, there are four simple steps to harness this effortless intuition in your everyday life. To make it even easier I’ve added some examples:

  1. Identify the True Problem: Often, we fixate on surface issues rather than the root cause. Take a moment to ask yourself, “What is the real problem here?” This isn’t just about treating symptoms; it’s about uncovering the underlying issue.
    • Example: You’re feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin. Instead of simply vowing to “do less,” ask yourself what’s truly driving your feelings. Is it the lack of meaningful activities, or perhaps the desire for more quality time with your family?
  2. Turn it into a Question: To engage your subconscious turn your problem into a question. Asking an open ended question taps into your rapid intuition, automatically leveraging patterns from your lifetime experience.
    • Example: If you’re deciding to quit your part time job to build an online business because you want more time at home with family. Ask your ‘inner advisor’ what are the potential benefits and challenges of starting my online business now, and how does this align with my long-term career and personal goals?
  3. Let Your Mind Incubate: Write down your question and then, let it be. Engage in relaxing activities, allowing your subconscious to work its magic in the background -and it will.
    • Example: Spend some time in your garden, take a walk through your neighborhood, drive to your errands with no radio or podcasts playing – just the quiet. These moments of calm give your intuition space to breathe and bring insights to the surface.
  4. Extract Insights: Aha moments often arrive when least expected. Make sure you capture them by writing them down right away. This affirms their value and also offers you a point of reflection and reassurance if you question your choices later on when doubt creeps in (as it likes to do).
    • Example: While preparing a family recipe, you’re inspired by the thought of hosting regular family dinners or potluck gatherings with close friends. This intuitive solution speaks directly to your desire for quality time with loved ones, fostering deeper connections and creating fulfilling moments together. Write down the insight and schedule it on your calendar.

By embracing this intuitive process, you’ll find that decisions come faster, and the path forward becomes clearer. You move from agonizing over every choice to trusting your inner guide to bring you the right answers right on cue.

With practice, your inner voice will fill you with calm direction. Its whisperings lead you to growth and contentment.

If you’re ready to dive deeper and truly embrace your intuitive potential, my online course, “Your Intuitive Gifts,” is designed just for you. It explores the different types of intuition and helps you discover your personal intuitive style. Click here to learn more.

Much Love,

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

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