
Peak Bloom - Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossom Photos @ Peak Bloom

Happy Spring! (or Autumn for my readers down unda’ and thereabouts).

I want to talk to you today about “Peak Bloom” – what is it? And why should you care?

Here are a couple of the pics I recently posted on my Instagram (SimplyCari).

They’re from the Cherry Blossom Festival, on the day designated as “peak bloom”.

Peak Bloom - Cherry Blossoms

I love this huge MLK Memorial. It’s especially stunning when the blossoms are at peak!

Peak Bloom - Cherry Blossoms

Peak Bloom is defined as the point that 70% of the blossoms are open.

Not 90%, not 100%.

Only 70%…and as you can see these trees look exquisite!

Because 70% can be good.


I’m not one to tell you to lower your standards, or your expectations.

And as a Certified High Performance Coach I’d never tell you to stop striving for progress.

But I will remind you of two phrases I have to remind myself of often:


Progress over Perfection
Done is better than perfect.


This is where 70% can come in helpful.

Not everything needs to be perfect, or even 90%.

I know, I know it goes against the old saying: “a job worth doing is worth doing right.”

But let’s be real, some jobs really are worth doing at 70%.

Going in at 70% helps you overcome perfectionism, over-thinking, indecision, self doubt, and procrastination.

Because simply being in action brings clarity, which brings creativity, energy, momentum and growth.

Think of something you’ve been putting off for far too long – I’ll wait…got it?

Now give yourself permission to do it 70%. Remembering, done is better than perfect.

That allows you to just get started on it without worrying about the end result.

Peak Bloom for the Cherry Blossoms isn’t 100%, it’s beauty at 70%.

What’s your Peak Bloom?

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can”.
Arthur Ashe

Have a fabulous weekend~

Carolyn Cooper

PS: I normally post my fun photos on my Instagram – including a lot of Washington, DC this past year -whee! I’d love it if you follow me there, and I’ll also try to remember to add more fun “sightseeing” pics to my emails, since that’s been requested by many of you!


Procrastination. The struggle is real. Or is it?

Procrastination … it’s a topic that’s come up with many of my
personal clients lately.

And the struggle is real. Or is it?

The struggle is always in our own mind.

And… we’re the only ones who can change those thoughts.

But how?

First of all, clarify what is behind your “Task Aversiveness”:

  • Lack of confidence in your ability to succeed?
  • Expecting the process to be difficult or outcome unpleasant?
  • Maybe the goal or reward seems too far away to feel real.
  • Sometimes it comes down to difficulties in self regulation:
    being impulsive and distractible, (clicking on the  flashing ad for
    cute fall shoes… not that I would know anything about that… heh, heh).

Depending on the task or project your resistance may be any or all of these.

But good news!

By changing our thoughts ABOUT the task and our ability to complete it,
we empower ourselves to move through it, and can even enjoy it!

Below are 20 affirmations I’ve used to motivate myself (and clients)
to ditch procrastination and just “git ‘er done!” 

Print out the list, or simply pick a couple you think will help you, then
remember to repeat them to yourself next time you’re tempted to
veer off task at the wrong time. You’ve got this!

I easily discern what is the best project to be working on now
It’s easy for me to break my projects down into doable steps
I believe in my ability to do each of these small steps
I love the feeling of accomplishment I get as I complete each step
I am good at beginning a task
I am good at working through the middle of a task
I am great at following through and finishing a task
I am really good at noticing little bits of time and using them well
I am competent
I can do hard things
I love discovering my capabilities
Getting things done harmonizes with who I really am
I allow help from others and delegate parts that others can do
It’s safe for me to ask for help
I comfortably roll with interruptions and distractions
After a break I can easily jump back into my work
I love writing down my schedule, and  adding in space for play
I’m a natural action taker
I love being proactive and getting a head start on projects
Every day I am becoming more proficient at the art of follow through