
Affirmations and Detox

“Today” – Try it with these Affirmations!

I’m giving you a list of affirmations today, because I recently got a fun little insight on a better (perhaps?) way to say them. I’ll explain…

So, I’m on day 19 of the Green Smoothie Girl’s 26-day detox and feeling GRRREAT! This is my third time doing it since last January, as I feel it’s really helpful for my body to do it twice a year.

There are different phases of this detox focused on different organs (kidneys, liver, gall bladder), so we eat/drink different foods/juices depending on the phase of the detox.

This is where I got my insight that’s super simple and has been really helpful for me! Almost there, keep reading…

When I’m doing positive self-talk, I’ve noticed I’ve been saying the word “today” a lot. Example: Today I drink all the water required, or Today I love having juice only (there are a few days like that, and I actually do like those days b/c it’s watermelon juice and watermelon is awesome!), or Today I’m happy with no salt. That way my brain knows it’s just for today and I’m fine (even though there are 26 ‘todays’).

So then I thought…how would it be if I added the word TODAY in front of my affirmations every day!

Try it for yourself…say these below, or come up with your own and begin the statement with the word TODAY. For me it makes me feel more connected to that thought and more pro-active. Try it and see what YOU think!


All that I need comes to me in the right time and place.

My life is full of amazing opportunities that are ready for me to step into.

I make a significant difference to the lives of people around me.

I have the power to create change.

My potential to succeed is limitless.

I find joy and pleasure in the simple things in life.

I am a natural problem solver.

I focus on solutions and always find the best one.

I trust myself and know my inner wisdom is my best guide.

I send love and healing to every organ of my body.

I see the goodness in all those around me.

I value my uniqueness and I’m happy to be me.


BTW, Since I mentioned it a few weeks ago I’m still getting questions from people interested in doing this detox. Yes, there’s always a big group that starts in January, but you can sign up and do it anytime you want to, registration is open year round. So…if you heard me talk about it before and if you want to check out my Facebook Live I did answering questions a few weeks ago you can find that here:

And if you want to watch Green Smoothie Girl’s video series to get inspired about it, go here:

(Full disclosure, I am an affiliate for this program b/c I love it and endorse it!)

Much love,