
Intuition or Logic

QUIZ – Intuition or Logic: Which Guides You?

QUIZ – Intuition or Logic: Which Guides You?

Ever wonder how much your intuition plays a role in the decisions you make every day?

Here’s a quick, insightful quiz to get a glimpse into your intuitive decision-making process!

  1. When faced with a difficult decision, do you:
    • A) List pros and cons in a detailed analysis.
    • B) Feel the right choice in your gut and go with it.
  2. After making a decision that goes against the grain, do you feel:
    • A) Doubtful until you see proven results.
    • B) Confident in your choice, trusting your inner guidance.
  3. How do you approach problem-solving?
    • A) By immediately diving into logical solutions and research.
    • B) Allowing the problem to simmer in your subconscious, waiting for insights to bubble up.
  4. When you think back on your best decisions, were they more often based on:
    • A) Extensive research and advice from others.
    • B) A strong, inexplicable knowing that you were making the right choice.
  5. How do you feel when you go against your initial gut feeling?
    • A) Usually, it doesn’t bother me; I trust logic more.
    • B) Often regret it; my first instinct tends to be correct.

What Your Answers Say About You:

  • Mostly A’s: You lean towards analytical thinking. While thorough, giving your intuition more room could lead to faster, more satisfying decisions.
  • Mostly B’s: You’re intuitively driven, and trusting your gut serves you well. Fine-tuning this ability can make your decision-making even smoother.

Unlocking Your Decision-Making Power

Making decisions doesn’t have to be a stressful, drawn-out process. By balancing intuitive and analytical thinking, you can make quick, effective choices without the headache. The secret lies in harnessing your intuition—listening to that inner voice that often knows what’s best even before you’ve had time to think it through.

Stay tuned for PART TWO coming next week, where I’ll share specific tips on leveraging intuition for smooth, confident decisions!

In the meantime, to go deeper on harnessing intuition’s power, and to learn what YOUR most natural way of receiving intuition is, you might find my online course helpful: “Your Intuitive Gifts” – click here to learn more.

I’m bringing you more juicy info about intuitive vs analytical decision making next week.

Until then Shine On,


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