
Success - Amaranth

Lemon Sauce: 3 Helpful Tips to Turn Snags into Success

Lemon Sauce: 3 Helpful Tips to Turn Snags into Success

Have you ever had an unexpected obstacle pop up just as you’re gaining momentum toward a goal? I know I have! And while it’s sooo frustrating, it doesn’t have to derail your progress.

Remember my GreenSmoothieGirl 26-day detox journey? Well, I’m on my 11th round (yes, really!) and something interesting happened.

Last year, while I was on this detox, I wanted to use Millet for one of the breakfast recipes. But, as luck would have it, I couldn’t find any at my local stores. That’s when I stumbled upon Amaranth – a grain I had never tried before and instantly fell in love with. Talk about a happy accident!

Fast forward to last week, there I was, back on the detox trail, ready to whip up a delightful orange-coconut milk sauce for my now-favorite Amaranth, and guess what? No oranges in sight, argh.

Did I let that dampen my culinary spirit? Nope! I got creative and substituted with a lemon instead. And here’s the thing – I ended up loving the lemon sauce even more than the orange sauce!

This got me thinking about how life’s little snags, much like my missing oranges, are often blessings in disguise. They can lead us to things we would have never tried if circumstances had worked out how we thought they should.

And even though my examples are minor inconveniences, the lesson holds true for big or small circumstances. Here are three tips to turn unexpected hiccups into opportunities:

  1. Get Curious: When plans go awry, instead of throwing in the towel, ask yourself, “How can this moment help me innovate?” It’s about turning a challenge into a chance for creativity.
  2. Find the Hidden Gift: Often, the best discoveries are hidden in the least expected places. What if the very obstacle you’re facing is hiding a potential breakthrough? I like to ask myself, “How is this situation awesome?”
  3. Uplevel Your Thinking: As Einstein wisely said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Each new challenge is an invitation to expand our thinking and explore new possibilities.

So, next time life decides to switch up your recipe, remember, it might just be leading you to your next best discovery.

Here’s to new flavors, new adventures, and embracing the unexpected!

Shine on,

Carolyn Cooper
Success - Amaranth
SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Peak Bloom - Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossom Photos @ Peak Bloom

Happy Spring! (or Autumn for my readers down unda’ and thereabouts).

I want to talk to you today about “Peak Bloom” – what is it? And why should you care?

Here are a couple of the pics I recently posted on my Instagram (SimplyCari).

They’re from the Cherry Blossom Festival, on the day designated as “peak bloom”.

Peak Bloom - Cherry Blossoms

I love this huge MLK Memorial. It’s especially stunning when the blossoms are at peak!

Peak Bloom - Cherry Blossoms

Peak Bloom is defined as the point that 70% of the blossoms are open.

Not 90%, not 100%.

Only 70%…and as you can see these trees look exquisite!

Because 70% can be good.


I’m not one to tell you to lower your standards, or your expectations.

And as a Certified High Performance Coach I’d never tell you to stop striving for progress.

But I will remind you of two phrases I have to remind myself of often:


Progress over Perfection
Done is better than perfect.


This is where 70% can come in helpful.

Not everything needs to be perfect, or even 90%.

I know, I know it goes against the old saying: “a job worth doing is worth doing right.”

But let’s be real, some jobs really are worth doing at 70%.

Going in at 70% helps you overcome perfectionism, over-thinking, indecision, self doubt, and procrastination.

Because simply being in action brings clarity, which brings creativity, energy, momentum and growth.

Think of something you’ve been putting off for far too long – I’ll wait…got it?

Now give yourself permission to do it 70%. Remembering, done is better than perfect.

That allows you to just get started on it without worrying about the end result.

Peak Bloom for the Cherry Blossoms isn’t 100%, it’s beauty at 70%.

What’s your Peak Bloom?

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can”.
Arthur Ashe

Have a fabulous weekend~

Carolyn Cooper

PS: I normally post my fun photos on my Instagram – including a lot of Washington, DC this past year -whee! I’d love it if you follow me there, and I’ll also try to remember to add more fun “sightseeing” pics to my emails, since that’s been requested by many of you!

Worldwide Fast

My favorite home-isolation resources

Be sure to read this to the end because I’ve got links to 7 awesome free resources to help make this time of social distancing easier.

First of all, I hope you’re having a good Friday!

Speaking of Good Friday…you may or may not be aware there is a worldwide fast going on today to come together and help end this pandemic. Anyone and everyone is invited to join in. I’m participating and just wanted to let you know in case you want to too (and don’t worry if you get a late start -it still counts 😉 ).


Is it bad to say I have quite enjoyed the change of pace COVID 19 has brought?

I mean, of course I hate that people have died, others are sick, the economy has tanked – There’s absolutely nothing good about any of that!

But during this temporary time I’ve found many good things to be grateful for because of it.

I love not having to be anywhere at any time.

I love increased Zoom calls with our grown kids who are spread from California to Washington, DC.

I love being home trading in my former FOMO (fear of missing out) for JOMO (joy of missing out).

I adore the extra calls I’ve been having with my SimplyHealed Practitioner Community (they are all SO lovely!)

I appreciate that people around the world are coming together in kindness -anyway, that has been my experience.

I love that I already know how to do healing sessions over phone and/or Skype and that my amazing clients do too.

I actually love that this has pushed me to get my SimplyHealed Training online sooner than scheduled, for training globally.

I’m inspired by the innovation and creativity of entrepreneurs who have figured out how to serve their audience virtually.

I love how businesses of all sizes are reaching out to help each other and their customers.

I love that social distancing initiated a couple new Marco Polo friend groups -that’s fun!

And wow, I’ve never received so many nice emails from companies just to say “We have your back” (you too?)

And, finally, I love that during this time I’ve found some fun resources and that I can share them with you!


Have you heard of Joe, the world’s PE teacher?

He’s been streaming workout videos every day for kids at home (and parents). Yep, I thought I’d get out for a few more walks since my gym closed…but well, I’m hoping Joe can get me back in shape, lol. Although there are tons of free workouts online, I think it’s great he talks to the kids as he goes.


OH my gosh! this just might be my new favorite website:

Children’s books read by your favorite actors -how cool is that? It’s for kids…but I love it too!


If you need an escape…
Every Friday, until further notice, Cirque du Soleil is offering the opportunity to watch 60-minutes of some of its most incredible acrobatic moments -free online! They’ve also uploaded some pretty awesome behind-the scenes videos to watch anytime.


And if you need a treat while watching Cirque du Soleil… (since I’m working out with PE teacher Joe and all)

Check with your local movie theatre, I know mine is offering curbside popcorn pickup or even delivered. I’m still trying to support local businesses! In Utah:

And get a load of this – Disney is making it easier to get through this time by sharing their churro recipe, ha ha!


For parents: Here’s a great list of 105 activities to entertain kids while you work


Clever girl is one of the top personal finance websites for women and they’ve made all their online financial courses and resources free during this pandemic! Check it out.

BTW: No, I am not an affiliate for any of these links I’ve listed. I just love discovering new things and even more than that I love to share what I’ve found with others in hopes it will be helpful.

Feel free to forward a link to this blog post to others you think would like some of these resources. Take good care of yourself & stay well.

Shine on,

Are You a Creator or a Criticizer?

Build up, don't tear downA good thing to remember
A better thing to do
Work with the construction gang
Not the wrecking crew.



Dale Carnegie said, “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most do.”  Do you find yourself falling into critic mode more often than you’d like? It’s easy to do. We live in a society of critics. It sometimes seems much easier to be negative and critical of everything from the latest movie to our neighbor’s choice of hairstyle. But we can learn to resist this impulse. It’s destructive not only to our fellowmen but to us too.

Dwelling on the negative, broadcasting it outward, will lower your vibration.  After all, you can’t throw mud without getting some on your own hands. Nobody likes a critic.  Like the Yiddish proverb says, “A critic is like the girl who can’t dance so she says the band can’t play.”

You may have good intentions in general, but you’ve heard what the man said about the road to hell and its paving stones. So instead we can connect good intentions with creative action. Many people think that once they get the motivation they will get things accomplished. Actually, the reverse is true: action precedes motivation and begets more action and motivation in an endless positive circle.

When my kids come to me with a problem, after hearing and validating it, I usually ask (and by now they know it’s coming), “How would an extraordinary person deal with that situation?” or “If you were a super-genius, what would you do next?” In no time they have a solution figured out because the super-genius and extraordinary person within themselves gets to work and figures it out! Creativity is built into every one of us; we all possess creative powers. Be brave enough to live creatively. And the bonus of that is that when you spend time improving yourself you won’t have time to criticize others.