

Celebrating Milestones and New Possibilities

Celebrating Milestones and New Possibilities

Last week was my birthday, and as is my new tradition here in DC, I celebrated by visiting the Smithsonian Zoo (those meerkats always crack me up!).


My birthday got me feeling nostalgic about my journey in this business over the years. Believe me, it hasn’t always been as easy as A-B-C, but along the way:

A – I’ve taught SimplyALIGN several times in Australia, Alabama, and Arizona (among many other places!). Each location has brought unique experiences and wonderful connections, enriching my journey in ways I never imagined.

B – I’ve had to get past Blocks, mental Barriers, and Burnout. These challenges have tested my resilience, but they’ve also made me stronger and more determined to help others on their paths.

C – But ultimately, I’ve gained Confidence, Compassion, and Courage. These core values support my work and everything I do, from energy healing to possibilities coaching.

The road hasn’t been perfect, but it’s been oh-so-worth it. Every step, every hurdle, and every breakthrough has shaped who I am today and how I can best serve my clients.

> Now I’d love to hear from you. <

When you reflect on your own journey, what are the top 3 lessons you’ve learned on your path of personal growth? For a bit of fun, pick a letter and tell me three lessons you’ve learned that begin with that letter (like my ABC’s above). Hit reply and share your insights—I’m all ears!

Much Love,


P.S. Stay tuned for some exciting updates and opportunities coming your way soon! (Teaser: my new Podcast, group coaching, new website, SA Training dates -phew, we’ve been joyfully busy over here!)

Intuition Quiz

Yay! Get ready to start your quiz!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)
How to be miserable

Need a Fun Summer Read?

Are you on the hunt for a fun and insightful book to dive into this summer? Something with a great message but not too heavy? I’ve got just the pick for you…

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Detox smoothie

Time for a Detox! Ready to Feel Your Best?

Oh yeah baby, June is here and it’s that time again! Hubby and I are geared up for our bi-annual GSG 26-day detox, and we’d love for you to do it too if you want to feel great by the 4th of July! We’ve been doing this detox since 2018, and the positive changes in our health and energy levels have been undeniable!

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Clarity Deficiency

Do you have a Clarity Deficiency?

Do you have a Clarity Deficiency?

Let’s face it, it’s so easy to get caught up in the everyday hustle and lose sight of the big picture. When we’re not clear on what we want, it’s like trying to hit a target blindfolded, right?

Not knowing our true north can really throw us into a loop of second-guessing, putting things off, and, let’s be honest, feeling a bit lost. You deserve to be living on purpose and reaching for what lights you up inside. So, watch out for these common traps that could sneak up when you’re not looking:

  • Confusion and Chaos — When you don’t have a clear understanding of what you want or need, it’s difficult to make decisions and feel confident in your choices. Life may feel disorganized and overwhelming, leading to increased stress and anxiety.
  • Conflict and Compromise — You may find yourself unsure of how to respond to situations or whether to compromise your values, leading to inner turmoil and strained relationships.
  • Lack of Satisfaction — Without a clear vision for your life, it’s challenging to feel content with your current circumstances or appreciate your accomplishments, as you may not see how they fit into your broader goals.
  • Indecision and Analysis Paralysis — Unclear goals and external influences can cloud your judgment, leaving you stuck in a state of uncertainty and unable to move forward.
  • Procrastination and Lack of Motivation — If you’re unsure of your “why” or the steps to take, you may find yourself constantly putting things off and struggling to stay motivated.
  • Self-Doubt and Undervaluing Your Abilities — Without a clear sense of your strengths and weaknesses, it’s easy to doubt yourself and your capabilities.
  • Wasted Time and Resources — You may end up spending your valuable time and energy on activities or pursuits that don’t align with your values or goals, leading to dissatisfaction.
  • Regret and Missed Opportunities — You may look back and realize that you spent significant time and resources on pursuits that didn’t bring you joy, causing feelings of remorse and a sense of missed opportunities.
  • Lack of Fulfillment — Without taking the time to identify and pursue the things that truly matter to you, you may find yourself living an unfulfilling or unsatisfying life.

The path to clarity involves patience, self-reflection and being willing to step outside your comfort zone. Get real with yourself about your core values and what ignites your passion. Don’t be afraid to lean on friends, family or professionals for a new perspective along the way.

Once you gain that beautiful clarity, you’ll be empowered to curate a life that feels authentic and fulfilling to the real you. No more going through the motions – just unapologetic living! Sound good?

If those pitfalls are hitting a little too close to home, let’s join forces this summer and get you back in the clarity zone.

Let’s Connect This Summer ~

May/June/July: Last week I announced that I’m offering a Summer Special: 3 months of Tune Up Tuesdays. And I’ve only got 3 spots still available for these 15-minute weekly sessions where we focus on clearing out the old vibes and bringing in fresh energy. Let’s align your energy and set the stage for a phenomenal summer.

June-September: Got a spark for something new? Join the beta for my Possibilities Rising Group Coaching! We’re kicking off in a few weeks. Reserve your spot on the waitlist here – no strings attached by signing up here, it just puts you first in line for all the exciting details I’ll be sharing next week.

Coming Soon: Ready to master energy healing? Keep an eye out for SimplyALIGN cerTrac Training. Whether you’re looking to heal, help, or hustle, this training will equip you to make a meaningful impact on yourself, your family, or your clients.

Anytime You’re Ready!: Fancy a VIP day with me in Washington, DC? Let’s talk possibilities! Schedule a time to chat with me here and we’ll plan a day full of coaching, healing and a lot of fun just for you!

Intuition Quiz

Yay! Get ready to start your quiz!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)
How to be miserable

Need a Fun Summer Read?

Are you on the hunt for a fun and insightful book to dive into this summer? Something with a great message but not too heavy? I’ve got just the pick for you…

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Detox smoothie

Time for a Detox! Ready to Feel Your Best?

Oh yeah baby, June is here and it’s that time again! Hubby and I are geared up for our bi-annual GSG 26-day detox, and we’d love for you to do it too if you want to feel great by the 4th of July! We’ve been doing this detox since 2018, and the positive changes in our health and energy levels have been undeniable!

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