
Merry Christmas

Are You Finishing 2022 Rested or Finishing Strong?

Are You Finishing 2022 Rested or Finishing Strong?

We often hear about “finishing the year strong” – I don’t know about you, but this year I just want to finish the year feeling rested, clear and peaceful.

My goal is to step into the New Year RESTED.

Because rested IS strong, right?

Merry Christmas

The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is my favorite week of the year (Yep, I like it even more than my birth-week!). Maybe it’s your fave too? Because usually nothing is scheduled that week. It’s like getting a bonus week where I can rest, play, review my past year and plan for the next one.

One thing I do during that “bonus” week is – Go through the months in my past calendar.
I review each week and each activity.

I ask myself these three questions:

  • Did this activity energize me?
  • Did this activity drain me?
  • Did this activity help me align with my values & goals?

It’s super helpful to see where I spent time, and how that helped or hindered me, which is useful in planning for the upcoming year.

If you’ve never done this, I highly recommend it. Keep in mind, you need to set aside a few hours for it. And when you do this and then schedule for 2023, -to the extent you can- schedule in more of what energizes you and less of what drains you.

TIP: These three questions also make an excellent evening journal prompt. It helps you realize real quick where you’re spending time that isn’t making you feel good or moving you forward so you can adjust accordingly.

During December’s last week, in addition to reviewing, visioning, and planning I also just love the downtime. This poem by Edgar Guest makes me smile, I included it because I thought you might like it too.

(You may have heard of Edgar A Guest (1881-1959), he became known as ‘the people’s poet’ because his poems often had an inspirational and optimistic view of everyday life).

The happiest nights I ever know
Are those when I have no place to go,

And the missus says when the day is through:
“Tonight we haven’t a thing to do.”

Oh, the joy of it, and the peace untold
Or sitting ‘round in my slippers old,

With my pipe and book in my easy chair,
Knowing I needn’t go anywhere.

Needn’t hurry my evening meal
Nor force the smiles that I do not feel,

But can grab a book from a nearby shelf,
And drop all sham and be myself.

Oh, the charm of it and the comfort rare;
Nothing on earth with it can compare;

And I’m sorry for him who doesn’t know
The joy of having no place to go.

Edgar A. Guest

As you enjoy Christmas this weekend do your best to prioritize some rest for yourself. And block out time on your next week’s schedule for reviewing, dreaming, planning, and just “sitting ‘round in your slippers old”.

Much Love,

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

This has never happened to me before…

So this is how it feels, eh?

In all my life I have NEVER been ready for Christmas a full 10 days ahead!

I mean, this is highly unusual…and I love it!

Many of my gifts needed to be mailed, so I had a deadline to get them sent so they’ll arrive in time for Christmas.

You see, because Dean the dream and I moved across the country earlier this year, we are celebrating Christmas by ourselves for the first time ever. Even before we had babies, we were either with his family or my family, never all on our own.

But don’t feel bad for us, we’re really looking forward to it! This has been a year of new adventures, so it’s all good.

We have so many fun activities planned, including late night Christmas Eve Mass at the Washington National Cathedral (we had to enter a lottery to even get tickets and we manifested it!). This will be another new experience for us!

And of course on Christmas day we’re having a family Zoom call (we’ve been having regular family zooms long before Covid). So, with our activities, our family on zoom, etc. we’ll be alone, but not lonely.

I was just in California visiting my son Sinjin, his darling wife Rochelle (for those who knew her leukemia story last year, update: she’s doing well- thank you for the prayers!) and my two adorable granddaughters. Nothing beats a few days of playing with play-doh and slime, and having deep conversations with a 5 year old and a 3 year old.

On the way home from Cali I stopped in Utah for a week to see my two kids there. They’re doing great, we had a fun week, and I enjoyed that southern Utah warm weather!

And get this…on my travels, I even met my other son in the Phoenix airport on Thanksgiving day for just long enough for a hug and a photo. He was flying from SLC to San Diego, and I was flying from DC to Ontario, Calif. We knew we’d be in the airport about the same time and it just so happened our gates were close, that was awesome!

So, I’ve seen all my kids very recently except my “diplo-daughter” in India – that wasn’t on my route this time. But we talk often even with the wacky time zones.

Wow, I hope this email isn’t sounding like an overly long family holiday newsletter, lol. My point is…

It feels SO great to be prepared, to meet a deadline and be ready early!

I hope with the holidays you’re also feeling that way now…or very soon!

Have a wonderful week of shopping, baking, wrapping, giving and whatever else is on your list.

And also remember to add in a little RELAXING!

Much Love,