

Let’s talk about your subconscious…

Let’s talk about your subconscious…

You may not always be aware of it, but your subconscious mind is always working in the background. It’s sometimes called the unconscious mind, and it holds all of the stored information of everything you have ever experienced.

The subconscious mind keeps your body temperature at 98.6 degrees, regulates your breathing, and keeps your heart beat steady. It also keeps you thinking and acting in a manner consistent with what you have done and said in the past.

Because of that it influences how you react to things, negatively or positively. It’s the hidden but powerful part that affects things like why you may be fearful, resistant, disappointed in certain situations. And on a good note, why you are motivated, confident, successful, cheerful, hopeful in other situations.

Studies in the field of psychology on how the brain works indicate that the experiences we have shape the way we think and act, especially experiences in our early childhood. Although you don’t remember most of your life data, the unconscious data in your head influences 90 to 95% of your behavior.

A monk was walking down a quiet road when suddenly he heard the sound of a galloping horse.

He turned and saw a man riding a horse in the distance moving swiftly towards him.

When the man on the horse got closer, he slowed down just a bit and the monk asked,

“Where are you going?” To which the man replied, “I don’t know, ask the horse,” and rides away.

The horse in this story represents your subconscious mind running on past conditioning. And sometimes it seems we don’t know where that past programming will take us. If past experiences, conversations, perceptions are in your subconscious mind, running like like this horse, how do we change it when necessary?

Is there a way to update your “horse” with new, positive instructions?

Luckily yes! Because your subconscious doesn’t think or reason independently, it simply obeys the commands it receives from your conscious mind, your conscious thoughts and actions can reprogram it.

You can consciously choose to feed your subconscious with positive, empowering thoughts and here are some ways to do that:

1. Catch your inner critic in the act of saying something negative and ‘flip’ it to the opposite (but something believable)

2. If you want it fast and thorough, SimplyAlign can clean up and re-program thoughts lightening fast

3. Use AFFIRMATIONS to state what you want, who you want to be, and how you want to feel.

And…because I want to help with your affirmations I’m gifting you my ebook: 239 Affirmations to Lighten Your Life !

It’s a collection of my most used and loved affirmations that pack a punch (in a good way!). I hope you love it.

Go here: to download your copy.

Intuition Quiz

Yay! Get ready to start your quiz!

Simple Breathing Exercise

Simple Breathing Exercise

Hey…got a minute?
For today’s Energy Shot I invite you to try this simple breathing exercise
4-7-8 breathing.

And seriously, I timed myself and it only took me 55 seconds
to do the whole thing!

We all know the benefits of deep breathing…

for our body:
deep breathing calms anxiety
it releases stress
it slows the heartbeat
it lowers blood pressure
it helps keep the immune system strong

for our mind:
deep breathing connects mind and heart
it brings us back to center
it helps us feel grounded
it quiets our mind
it allows us to disengage from distracting thoughts
it brings clarity and calm

So I hope you’ll take a minute and try this out:

Sitting down with your back straight
place one hand on your belly
and the other on your chest

Your belly should push your hand out when you inhale
and your belly should go in as you exhale.
This is a healthy way to breathe as it is from the diaphragm,
the way a baby’s belly naturally expands as he/she inhales.

Place the tip of your tongue on your upper palate,
on the ridge right behind your two front teeth, and
try to keep it there throughout this exercise.

Next exhale with an open mouth to let all the air out.

Now you’re all set up and ready to begin.

The next part is easy, it goes like this:
inhale quietly through your nose for a count of four
hold the breath for a count of seven
and exhale strongly to the count of eight making a
whooshing sound, and pushing out as much air as
possible for the last 3-4 counts. Pursing your lips helps,
because remember you are still holding the tip of tongue
on roof of your mouth.

Repeat three more times for a total of four breath cycles.

Dr. Andrew Weil (renown holistic health expert)
who prescribes this for his clients says to do this at least
twice a day, but never more than four breath cycles at a time.

He says doing this consistently over time can
Lower heart rate and blood pressure
Improve digestion
Eliminate insomnia
Relieve anxiety
and calls it a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system”

It’s simple, quick & easy to do, and can make powerful changes.

Don’t you just love how our bodies respond to simple, natural
methods so effortlessly?


Fall Courses Coming Up!
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