

Celebrating Milestones and New Possibilities

Celebrating Milestones and New Possibilities

Last week was my birthday, and as is my new tradition here in DC, I celebrated by visiting the Smithsonian Zoo (those meerkats always crack me up!).


My birthday got me feeling nostalgic about my journey in this business over the years. Believe me, it hasn’t always been as easy as A-B-C, but along the way:

A – I’ve taught SimplyALIGN several times in Australia, Alabama, and Arizona (among many other places!). Each location has brought unique experiences and wonderful connections, enriching my journey in ways I never imagined.

B – I’ve had to get past Blocks, mental Barriers, and Burnout. These challenges have tested my resilience, but they’ve also made me stronger and more determined to help others on their paths.

C – But ultimately, I’ve gained Confidence, Compassion, and Courage. These core values support my work and everything I do, from energy healing to possibilities coaching.

The road hasn’t been perfect, but it’s been oh-so-worth it. Every step, every hurdle, and every breakthrough has shaped who I am today and how I can best serve my clients.

> Now I’d love to hear from you. <

When you reflect on your own journey, what are the top 3 lessons you’ve learned on your path of personal growth? For a bit of fun, pick a letter and tell me three lessons you’ve learned that begin with that letter (like my ABC’s above). Hit reply and share your insights—I’m all ears!

Much Love,


P.S. Stay tuned for some exciting updates and opportunities coming your way soon! (Teaser: my new Podcast, group coaching, new website, SA Training dates -phew, we’ve been joyfully busy over here!)

Intuition Quiz

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SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)
How to be miserable

Need a Fun Summer Read?

Are you on the hunt for a fun and insightful book to dive into this summer? Something with a great message but not too heavy? I’ve got just the pick for you…

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Detox smoothie

Time for a Detox! Ready to Feel Your Best?

Oh yeah baby, June is here and it’s that time again! Hubby and I are geared up for our bi-annual GSG 26-day detox, and we’d love for you to do it too if you want to feel great by the 4th of July! We’ve been doing this detox since 2018, and the positive changes in our health and energy levels have been undeniable!

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Success - Amaranth

Lemon Sauce: 3 Helpful Tips to Turn Snags into Success

Lemon Sauce: 3 Helpful Tips to Turn Snags into Success

Have you ever had an unexpected obstacle pop up just as you’re gaining momentum toward a goal? I know I have! And while it’s sooo frustrating, it doesn’t have to derail your progress.

Remember my GreenSmoothieGirl 26-day detox journey? Well, I’m on my 11th round (yes, really!) and something interesting happened.

Last year, while I was on this detox, I wanted to use Millet for one of the breakfast recipes. But, as luck would have it, I couldn’t find any at my local stores. That’s when I stumbled upon Amaranth – a grain I had never tried before and instantly fell in love with. Talk about a happy accident!

Fast forward to last week, there I was, back on the detox trail, ready to whip up a delightful orange-coconut milk sauce for my now-favorite Amaranth, and guess what? No oranges in sight, argh.

Did I let that dampen my culinary spirit? Nope! I got creative and substituted with a lemon instead. And here’s the thing – I ended up loving the lemon sauce even more than the orange sauce!

This got me thinking about how life’s little snags, much like my missing oranges, are often blessings in disguise. They can lead us to things we would have never tried if circumstances had worked out how we thought they should.

And even though my examples are minor inconveniences, the lesson holds true for big or small circumstances. Here are three tips to turn unexpected hiccups into opportunities:

  1. Get Curious: When plans go awry, instead of throwing in the towel, ask yourself, “How can this moment help me innovate?” It’s about turning a challenge into a chance for creativity.
  2. Find the Hidden Gift: Often, the best discoveries are hidden in the least expected places. What if the very obstacle you’re facing is hiding a potential breakthrough? I like to ask myself, “How is this situation awesome?”
  3. Uplevel Your Thinking: As Einstein wisely said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Each new challenge is an invitation to expand our thinking and explore new possibilities.

So, next time life decides to switch up your recipe, remember, it might just be leading you to your next best discovery.

Here’s to new flavors, new adventures, and embracing the unexpected!

Shine on,

Carolyn Cooper
Success - Amaranth

Intuition Quiz

Yay! Get ready to start your quiz!

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)
How to be miserable

Need a Fun Summer Read?

Are you on the hunt for a fun and insightful book to dive into this summer? Something with a great message but not too heavy? I’ve got just the pick for you…

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Detox smoothie

Time for a Detox! Ready to Feel Your Best?

Oh yeah baby, June is here and it’s that time again! Hubby and I are geared up for our bi-annual GSG 26-day detox, and we’d love for you to do it too if you want to feel great by the 4th of July! We’ve been doing this detox since 2018, and the positive changes in our health and energy levels have been undeniable!

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