
Time scarcity

Affirmation List to turn Time Scarcity to Time Abundance

Affirmation List to turn Time Scarcity to Time Abundance

I hope you’re well! Today, I have a treat for you – a downloadable list of empowering time affirmations! But first, I hope you don’t mind me sharing…

Dean and I just got back from a quick trip to Utah to surprise our ‘diplo-daughter’ when she flew in from India. She’s in the foreign service so has been working at the Embassy in Chennai, India and we haven’t seen her in 2 years! She thought we’d see each other when we’re in back in Utah in 2 weeks (which we will), but we decided it would be a great fun (and it was!) to be at the airport with flowers, balloons, and posters! She was completely surprised…and a bit jet-lagged. I’m really happy we chose to take that last minute trip and not miss out on that special time.

Time scarcity

And speaking of time, let’s get on to this week’s message:

Last week on a Zoom call with my SimplyAlign Practitioner Community, someone sent in a question about “time scarcity”. One of our practitioners said she has so much she wants to do and feels she is often behind.

She asked what I personally do to get so much done. Truth be told, others don’t see everything I WANT to get done, only what actually gets done. I too, often feel behind with all my ideas of what I’d like to get done. Like you, I’m balancing dreams with what realistically gets checked off my list.

So, here’s what I’ve picked up to give my days a bit of a stretch. These are tailored to my business/work life, but I’m sure you can tweak them for whatever you’re up to.

1. Evening Unload: Every night, before bed I take just a few minutes and quickly jot down all the thoughts swirling in my head (aka: brain dump). It’s like a mind cleanse. It helps me sleep better, and preps for a fresh start in the morning.

2. Top Three Focus: From that list, I choose three things for the next day. I usually end up doing more, but focusing on these three helps me stay on track and not feel overwhelmed with too many tasks.

3. Acknowledge Wins: At the end of the day, I reflect, give myself credit for things accomplished, and remind myself that I’ve done enough. I literally say to myself, “You’ve done enough for today”. There’s always more, but it’s important to celebrate progress.

4. Idea Priority Check: When new ideas or opportunities pop up, I rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. If it’s an 8, 9, or 10, it’s worth considering. If it’s not, I know how easily something new can steer me off course. Those 8s and 9s can distract me from my 10s -so being aware of that is super helpful! Clear 10s make it to my list.

5. Boost with Positivity: And here’s my secret sauce – SimplyAlign. It helps me shake off any thoughts of not having enough time, it releases limiting patterns, and keeps me grounded and confident in my goals.

For that call with my SimplyAlign Community, I put together a PDF of TIME AFFIRMATIONS that I’m sharing with you too! I’ve attached it here – take a peek and print it off if it’s helpful.

Wishing you more time for all that brings you joy ~

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

Brain Dump - Brain Calming Technique

My favorite Brain Calming Technique

Do you ever have those days where you feel you have a million thoughts swirling through your head? Yeah, me too. Most days if I’m honest.

There’s one simple trick that really helps me get on top of that overwhelm.

It’s called a Brain Dump.

Of course, this isn’t a new idea, and it may even be something you regularly do, or have tried before. Perhaps today I’m just here to REMIND you to how easy it is to find calm by simply taking what’s in your brain and transferring it to another place. By another place, I mean writing it out on paper, or your computer or an app on your phone.

Personally, I prefer pen and paper because just the act of writing things down can be therapeutic, and is known to help you retain information. However, digital is great if you prefer to keep records that way. What’s important is that you’re freeing up valuable space by moving the excess thoughts into a different storage medium. Ahh, now you’re on your way to CLARITY.

The brain dump process is very simple:

Set aside some quiet time.
Write down everything that’s in your head.
Keep going until you can’t think of anything else.
Write (or type) out all the random thoughts in no particular order or format.
Pause every once in awhile and take a few deep breaths…more thoughts will surface.
Don’t worry if you feel there’s more but you can’t grasp it, you can always come back later and add to it any trailing thoughts.
Now you can SEE all those thoughts and can organize them in a way that makes sense.
I like to get a new paper and categorize all my thoughts into these columns:
Do Soon / Can Wait / Delegate / Let This Go (you’ll come up with your own categories that work best for you).

You’ll find you feel more refreshed and can think more clearly after your brain dump session. Woo-hoo!

Here’s how a Brain Dump can help:

  • It clears your head, kind of like a computer cache.
  • It gives you a sense of control by seeing the info in front of your eyes.
  • It allows you to sort through the information far easier when you can see it written out.
  • It makes it possible to organize the brain chaos into a format that makes sense.
  • It opens up space so your brain can function better.
  • It creates more options and ideas.
  • It helps you to process things and to make plans.
  • It makes those thoughts more readily managed.
  • It makes it easier to gain focus and to be more productive in your work flow.
  • Your thoughts and ideas are now organized…not swirling.

How Often?

Some people do this on a weekly basis, but you may find you need it more or less often. For more peaceful sleep, I actually keep a notebook on my bedside table and write down any “need to do” thoughts before going to bed each night. Knowing those nagging thoughts have been dumped, and that I’ll see them on my list the morning gives me permission to relax and go to bed with a calm mind.

What’s in your head right now?
Maybe it’s time to take a little break for a Brain Dump!