
Woop - Goal Setting - Generations

Transform Your Goal-Setting Process (We WOOPed it up!)

Transform Your Goal-Setting Process (We WOOPed it up!)

A few weeks ago we celebrated my little mama’s big 9-0! birthday with a “small” gathering of her family (5 kids + spouses, 18 grandkids, 9 great-grandchildren, +2 more grand-babes on the way!) and… over 150 of mom’s closest friends. Yep, this woman knows a lot of people!

My youngest daughter River wanted a 3 generations photo, so here we are at mom’s birthday bash!

Woop - Goal Setting - Generations

As you can probably tell, we had a blast. In fact…we really WOOPED it up!

And, today I want to share with you a different kind of WOOP.

This WOOP can be a game-changer when moving from aspiration to action to accomplished. Let’s jump in:

In the book Rethinking Positive Thinking, author Gabriele Oettingen, world class researcher, tells us that it’s simply not enough to visualize our ideal life.

She’s spent her career studying the science of making your dreams come to life and says that although it’s very important to start with a vision of what we want to create, we then need to as she says: “rub it up against reality.”

Drawing from her expertise, she created WOOP, an easy to remember acronym, but more importantly, WOOP can significantly enhance your ability to achieve your goals by bridging the gap between your dreams and their manifestation.

If you’re not familiar with the WOOP here’s how it works:

W – Wish. Imagine your dream scenario, the goal that makes you giddy with excitement. Think big, my friend, but keep it within the realm of possibility.

O – Outcome. Close your eyes and envision the glorious moment when you achieve that goal. Picture yourself dancing in a victory parade, basking in the sweet taste of success. Feel the rush, the feeling of accomplishment, and the pure exhilaration that come with it. You’re a goal-getting superhero!

O – Obstacles. Oh no. These sneaky little weasels might try to rain on your parade. No worries, though. By thinking them through ahead of time, you can come up with ingenious strategies to overcome them.

P – Plans. Break down your grand adventure into manageable steps. Each step is a mini victory that takes you closer to your ultimate goal. It’s like building a puzzle, piece by piece, until you see the big picture coming together!

By combining positive visualization with a realistic assessment of potential challenges, WOOP helps you strike a balance between motivation and preparation.

So my friend, I hope you’ll give WOOP a try and see how it transforms your goal-setting process. Remember, clarity of purpose and a well-structured plan can work wonders in propelling you towards success.

Speaking of wooping it up for birthdays, it’s still my birth-month, so my 20% coupon code is good until May 31st.

If you’re in need of a 50-min or 25-min SimplyAlign session to start your summer off right, go here to book and be sure to apply this code for 20% off: BIRTHDAY20

(NOTE: if all the May time slots are taken, you can still use the coupon as long as you book before May 31st, even if your session is later).

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)


Procrastination. The struggle is real. Or is it?

Procrastination … it’s a topic that’s come up with many of my
personal clients lately.

And the struggle is real. Or is it?

The struggle is always in our own mind.

And… we’re the only ones who can change those thoughts.

But how?

First of all, clarify what is behind your “Task Aversiveness”:

  • Lack of confidence in your ability to succeed?
  • Expecting the process to be difficult or outcome unpleasant?
  • Maybe the goal or reward seems too far away to feel real.
  • Sometimes it comes down to difficulties in self regulation:
    being impulsive and distractible, (clicking on the  flashing ad for
    cute fall shoes… not that I would know anything about that… heh, heh).

Depending on the task or project your resistance may be any or all of these.

But good news!

By changing our thoughts ABOUT the task and our ability to complete it,
we empower ourselves to move through it, and can even enjoy it!

Below are 20 affirmations I’ve used to motivate myself (and clients)
to ditch procrastination and just “git ‘er done!” 

Print out the list, or simply pick a couple you think will help you, then
remember to repeat them to yourself next time you’re tempted to
veer off task at the wrong time. You’ve got this!

I easily discern what is the best project to be working on now
It’s easy for me to break my projects down into doable steps
I believe in my ability to do each of these small steps
I love the feeling of accomplishment I get as I complete each step
I am good at beginning a task
I am good at working through the middle of a task
I am great at following through and finishing a task
I am really good at noticing little bits of time and using them well
I am competent
I can do hard things
I love discovering my capabilities
Getting things done harmonizes with who I really am
I allow help from others and delegate parts that others can do
It’s safe for me to ask for help
I comfortably roll with interruptions and distractions
After a break I can easily jump back into my work
I love writing down my schedule, and  adding in space for play
I’m a natural action taker
I love being proactive and getting a head start on projects
Every day I am becoming more proficient at the art of follow through