
Affirmations - Berry Orchard

6 Truths (& Affirmations) from the Berry Orchard

Today, I’m excited to share with you my insights from my first-time-ever blueberry and blackberry picking extravaganza! Have you ever picked berries? Ahh, so many good life lessons and reminders to be found in the berry patch! Scroll down to read all about it ~

Affirmations - Berry Orchard

Last week Dean the Dream and I drove about 30 minutes to Germantown, MD to a family farm called Butler’s Orchard. I had read the sweet family story online before we went so I had good vibes about this place and it didn’t disappoint.

George and Shirley Butler originally purchased a 37-acre farm. Over many years and through three generations, it has now expanded to 300-acres with a little market, a cafe, a petting zoo and other activities, but mainly many fields growing fruit, vegetables, and herbs.

We jumped on one of the farm trolleys for a short ride to the blueberry and blackberry fields. I love all types of berries but I actually had never seen an actual blueberry or blackberry bush so it was fun just to get an up-close look at how they grow.

Here are some insights that came to mind as we were picking:

1) Don’t stop at the first bushes. Although it’s convenient, they’ve also had more pickers. By putting in a little extra effort at the beginning to walk further we found tons of low hanging fruit. At the beginning of a project put in the extra effort needed for the best long-term success (or, “worst first / greater later”).

Affirmation: I do what’s needed now for success later

2) I found that by looking a little closer, or moving a branch slightly I could find many clusters of ripe berries perfectly ready to be picked. When we’re willing to look a little closer we find treasures right in front of us.

Affirmation: I see and value the treasures in front of me

3) The berries that were ripe and ready for harvest easily fell off right into our hands. The ones that weren’t quite ready required a gentle tug. Let it be easy, when things are ready, they’ll fall into your hands.

Affirmation: I let it be easy, I am patient with the flow of life

4) There were several other families nearby, speaking different languages, and although we didn’t understand their words, we did understand their laughter and enthusiasm about the berries. Even if we don’t completely understand others we can still share in their energy of happiness.

Affirmation: I share in the energy of joy with others

5) We focused on finding the berries that were at their peak, knowing that the not-quite-ripe berries that we left on the vines will be gathered in the coming days and weeks by later pickers. Also being grateful that those who came before us took what was ready at that time, and left plenty for us. Everything is in divine timing, the Universe is abundant and there is enough for you and anyone else who wants to gather.

Affirmation: I trust the abundance and timing of the Universe

6) When we got home I washed all my blue/blackberries in a tub of water with Veggie Wash – I put some in the fridge for snacking, cooked one small jar of sugar free jam, then put the rest in baggies and into the freezer so we can enjoy them in weeks to come! Delayed gratification is a good thing, it’s reassuring to know we have some sweetness for later.

Affirmation: I’m thoughtfully preparing now for the future

7) And here’s a BONUS lesson about being open to extra blessings. As we were driving out of the orchards, there it was! A field of herbs – it was glorious! We parked the car, I jumped out, got a container from the girl working in that section, and breathed deeply as I walked into the rows of those sweet smelling herbs!

Dill, parsley, basil, and cilantro, yum, they all wanted to come home with us- I mean, the berries were amazing, but this was truly the “garnish” on top of a great day! I’ve been enjoying cilantro in my smoothies and fresh basil on my salads and avocado toast this week. Be open to additional, unexpected blessings. Allow and accept good surprises into your life.

Affirmation: I am open to receiving goodness in expected and unexpected ways.

All in all – it was a delightful evening at the farm and I’m looking forward to going again next month for the “Sunflower Spectacular” and in October for “Pumpkin Harvest Days”. (And yes I’ll share some photos if it’s as cool as it sounds).

I hope you enjoyed these lessons and affirmations, and that you have something FUN planned for this weekend ~

Truths - Berry Orchard
Berry Orchard Cilantro

Shine On,

P.S. Now I’m curious…Do you love cilantro like I do? It seems people either love it or think it tastes like soap (or a stinky armpit, eww!). According to the research, loving it or hating actually depends on your genes- wow! (I wonder if we can clear that, lol.)

I’m curious, which one are you – love it, or hate it?

Can Energy Healing Help with Money Problems?

Can Energy Healing Help with Money Problems?Yes, energy healing can help transform your finances. You hear the phrase “poverty mentality” a lot, and that’s because poverty really is a mental thing. Our own thoughts and those we carry in our ancestral lines can affect our money situation.

Besides using energy work to clear money blocks, you can also work on changing your thoughts. If you’re having trouble manifesting money, it’s really a state of mind. Shift your thoughts, and you can shift into greater abundance. Making the shift requires getting past thoughts like

  • Who am I to have money?
  • I’m afraid people won’t pay for what I have to offer.
  • It might not be okay with God for me to have a desire to make money
  • Maybe you were reared with the mindset of, “We can’t afford that.” “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

We take in so much in our childhood and our adulthood. For example, I lived in a neighborhood for several years where everyone spoke negatively about money. They said things like. “Oh, we can’t afford it.” Community conversations were always very negative about money. Most of us in the neighborhood were young marrieds with a couple of kids. At that time of our lives most of us in the neighborhood were struggling with money.

I was raised that you don’t really talk about money. When I moved into this neighborhood a few years after we first married, I thought, “Oh, everybody’s so open about how poor they are.” That seemed really weird to me. After a while you get used to it and you start talking the talk with them.

Then, our family grew and we needed a bigger house. We sold that house and moved to a different neighborhood. I was still in that mindset and talking like that. It took me about a year to realize, “Wow this negative talk about money makes people uncomfortable if that’s not their way of speaking.”

I had to figure out the hard way, “I have got to change the way I talk, the way I see it, the way I view it.” When we moved into a bigger house, I was excited every day when I got up because I thought, “I can’t believe I’m living in this house. This is too nice of a house for me.”

Just be aware of those thoughts. Why are you thinking these things? Why do you feel that you aren’t worthy of nice things?

I’m going to suggest some books. If you’ve already read them, re-read them. They’re old books that have been around for years.

  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Don’t let the title throw you off. If you’re thinking, “Oh, that’s not a spiritual thing to want to get rich.” It’s really quite a spiritual book.
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

These books go deeper than just money. They go into your thoughts, emotions, and how your energy lines up. A lot of it has to do with the Law of Vibration, which is one of the seven laws of the universe. When we live in accordance with these laws we can manifest what we desire. The Law of Vibration states that you attract to you people, circumstances and things that resonate with your own thoughts and feelings.

Think of it like a radio. As you adjust the dial you are in tune with a different frequency. If you keep your radio dial set on the “poverty station” with constant worry and fretting about money, you’re going to keep bringing poverty into your life. Adjusting your thoughts and words about money can take a lot of work and effort, but it doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as easy as changing the station on a radio.  It’s a matter of allowing it to be easy and becoming aware of your thoughts and words.

Remember, if you’re in a poverty mindset, you’re going to attract poverty. If you’re in an abundance mindset you’ll attract abundance. It’s like switching to a different station. Your frequency determines what you resonate with outside of yourself. What you resonate with is what you can draw to you. Start with just being aware of your thoughts. That’s the key.

Yes, energy healing can help with poverty mentality, but there is also a lot you can do on your own. Get those books, read them and pay attention to the little details about how your thoughts directly impact what is going on in your life.