8 Practical Things You Can Do Now To Increase Self Worth

This week, I’m excited to share a special guest post from Miriam Bross, an inspiring coach from Portugal who teaches about emotional intelligence. Miriam’s post resonated with me, and I think you’ll love what she has to say.

She’s sharing 8 simple, yet powerful, ways to cultivate a stronger sense of self-worth—practices she’s been using herself over the past few months. Enjoy!

I wanted to share a few practices I’ve been doing these past few months to increase my sense of self-worth.

1. Decide that you are worthy. If you don’t believe it yet, that’s ok. Beliefs are just thoughts we keep thinking and we can change that any time. Decide that you will change this belief.

2. Every time you have a good idea, say “I’m so smart!”, “This is brilliant! I always have such great ideas!”, and/or “I’m a genius!” Even if it feels a bit strange or over the top at first keep going. After a while the thoughts become automatic.

3. When you remember something you forgot, focus on the remembering. Instead of “How could I forget?!” Say or think “It’s so great I remembered!!”

4. Praise yourself every time you do something well. If you already keep a list of things that go well in your life and business every day, add one or several points to it of things that YOU did well that day!

5. Tell yourself that you love yourself at least once a day. If possible in front of a mirror, but if not at first, just in general.

6. Every time you see something amazingly beautiful or when nature puts on a show (like swallows flying in a formation worthy of a top gun movie) say or think: “This is for me. It’s all for me.” Take a few breaths and let it sink in.

7. If you notice that these sentences trigger worry or fear, that’s ok. This response is just a bad habit. Nothing more or less. No biggie. Distract yourself as quickly as possible by focusing on something completely different.

8. And most importantly, repeat, repeat, repeat because beliefs are just thoughts we keep thinking and we all deserve to belief in our worth.

Thanks goes to Miriam at: https://ei-forlife.com/ for letting me share her insights.

SimplyAlign cerTrac - WAITLIST - (Facebook Post)

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